
Xiaomi clicked a few times and captured the image of the young master, saving it discreetly as instructed by the butler. The little master's silly smile was so adorable that even the robot found it charming!

Ruan Shu continued to sit for a while, running her fingers through her hair before climbing out of the basket to start her online painting class for the day.

She loved painting, but in her past life, she never had the time or money to learn. Now, she had plenty of time and could enroll in free online courses!

Ruan Shu's beautiful eyes curved into crescents as she sat obediently and quietly, her gaze fixed on the painting lesson demonstrated by Xiaomi. With her arms on the table, knees together, and back straight, her posture was impeccable. Even a robot like Xiaomi couldn't help but be charmed by her little master.

While studying, she doodled in a blank sketchbook.

After two hours of studying, Xiaomi urged her to take a break. Ruan Shu put down her pen and went for a walk in the garden with Xiaomi.

Feeling comfortable, Ruan Shu looked around nervously, hoping not to be discovered.

She nervously clutched her fluffy white tail and gestured to Xiaomi to keep their secret.

Xiaomi's display screen glitched for a moment before showing a smiling face.

Ruan Shu breathed a sigh of relief, her face lighting up with a happy smile as she began to groom her tail.

Her original form was that of a ragdoll cat, a small creature no bigger than her father's palm. As a long-haired cat, when her fur puffed up, she resembled a fluffy dandelion.

In her current human form, only her tail and ears were visible, making her tail appear quite large.

Ruan Shu pinched her tail, creating small indentations with her fingers. Then, she fluffed up her tail.

Sitting on the stool, Ruan Shu looked at her slightly messy hair and asked Xiaomi to bring her a comb.

Xiaomi readily agreed and brought the comb within minutes. Ruan Shu happily combed her tail, making it look even fluffier and smoother. It was so comfortable that she couldn't resist rubbing her face against it.

Although it was a bit of a hassle, Ruan Shu didn't mind being in her cat form at all.

Unbeknownst to her, Ruan Xiao had installed cameras in the house. Due to his position and the presence of important documents, the entire mansion was under 24/7 surveillance.

Although he rarely checked the footage, he suddenly felt the urge to see what Ruan Shu was doing at home while he was having lunch in his office.

To his surprise, he saw his daughter with her soft, fluffy white tail.

As a member of the Star Beast Clan, having a tail and ears was normal. However, he had never seen such a harmless and adorable fluffy tail before.

Star beast tails were typically used as weapons, but her tail appeared harmless and vulnerable.

Ruan Xiao couldn't help but zoom in on the footage, watching Ruan Shu groom her tail.

The snow-white fur looked smooth and harmless, evoking a sense of vulnerability.

Ruan Xiao "..."

This type of tail couldn't be used as a weapon, but it was undeniably adorable.

He had never associated the word "cute" with star beasts before, as their original forms were never small. But now, for the first time, he used this word to describe his daughter.

He remembered how she had cried and called herself a "broken beast" and a ragdoll cat.

He had tried to find information about Ragdoll cats but couldn't find anything. However, now, seeing her fluffy tail, he suddenly wanted to know more about what a Ragdoll cat was.

At that moment, his assistant entered the room.

"Marshal, these are the post-war summary reports from the border battlefield."

He was about to leave after placing the documents, but the Marshal stopped him.

"Shen Zhi, do you know what a Ragdoll cat is?"

The assistant looked puzzled. "A Ragdoll cat?" "What kind of animal is that?"

Ruan Xiao gestured for him to leave.

It seemed that even his assistant didn't know about it. He had searched through the Star Beast database but hadn't found any information about a ragdoll cat.

Ruan Xiao, with his deep blue eyes, tapped his fingers on the table.

Star beast children typically awaken their star beast form shortly after birth, inheriting the species of either their father or mother. Their family consisted entirely of felines, but not all of them were necessarily Kirin Tigers, as some traits could skip a generation.

Ruan Shu claimed to be a Ragdoll cat, while the woman's star beast form was a graceful fox, also inheriting feline genes.

But he had never heard of a Ragdoll cat before.

Reflecting on the day his daughter had cried and referred to herself as a "broken beast," he pondered whether there was any truth to it.

At that moment, Ruan Shu was unaware that her little vest had slipped halfway off, and she had tucked her tail away after grooming it.

As the day passed, Ruan Shu eagerly waited for her father to return, sitting at the door with a small stool.

The butler, concerned about the temperature fluctuation between day and night, suggested waiting indoors. Ruan Shu insisted that she was not cold and wanted to wait for her father.

The butler looked at the weather outside and suggested, "Miss, let's wait inside. It's cold out here."

Ruan Shu quickly lifted her coat. "I'm not cold." I want to wait for Daddy.

The butler sighed and followed her inside.