
Ruan Xiao's neck suddenly came into contact with a slightly scalding liquid.

He paused, his hand holding the little one's shoulder, and suddenly resisted the urge to push her away. He gently supported her little head, a gesture of unprecedented tenderness.

Ruan Xiao looked down and realized that she was crying silently.

With her eyes closed, her small eyebrows furrowed in unease, her curled eyelashes trembled slightly, and glistening tears hung from them.

He was usually unable to stand the sight of someone crying, but at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a bit soft-hearted.

At that moment, Ruan Xiao realized with great clarity that his daughter, who shared his blood, was different from others.

He could be indifferent and ruthless towards others, but towards this soft little one in his arms, his heart seemed to have softened as well.

For Ruan Xiao, this was truly a miraculous and unique feeling.

At this moment, Ruan Shu's small arms still clung tightly to her father's neck, unwilling to let go.

Ruan Xiao maintained his embrace, and after a while...

All the emotions melted into an imperceptible sigh as the little one's pitiful appearance tugged at the heartstrings.

He carried the person upstairs in his arms and reached Ruan Shu's room, intending to gently lay down the little one who had already fallen asleep.

But she resisted, and he couldn't bring himself to let her go.

Ruan Xiao: "Wake up."

Not only did the little one not wake up, but she also snuggled further into his embrace, curling her entire body into his arms.

After a moment of hesitation, Ruan Xiao brought her to his own room.

Unlike the warm and cozy room arranged for Ruan Shu by the steward, his bedroom was large and exuded a cold, strict atmosphere with minimal decorations.

Ruan Xiao once again attempted to lay the little one down, but...

As soon as he exerted force, the little one began to cry pitifully.

Ruan Xiao: "..."

He had never seen a star beast cry so much; it was embarrassing for the star beast.

Although he considered it, he ultimately did not set the little one down; instead, he placed her directly on the bed.

As he did so, Ruan Xiao's deep blue eyes transformed into the vertical pupils of a wild beast.

Soon, the human body was replaced by a creature with a body covered in white fur and ice-blue patterns, resembling a tiger and a qilin.

The qilin-tiger, with seemingly soft and white fur, concealed sharp scales underneath, along with horns on its forehead and a tail resembling a long whip.

At this moment, it occupied the entire three-meter-long bed in the room, leaving only a small space in front of its chest.

Compared to the giant beast, the small, white rice ball curled up in front of its chest was inconspicuous.

She was even smaller than the qilin-tiger's palm!

The majestic qilin-tiger tilted its head and compared its paw to the little one's.

She was really so small.

It yawned, and with its deep blue eyes exuding a sense of stability and fierceness, it pulled the small rice ball into its embrace.

The massive tiger head surrounded the person, and it also closed its eyes to rest.

For this mission, in order to avoid contaminating the alien beast and causing greater damage, he utilized his mental power.

By now, his head was throbbing sharply, and the pain reliever was taking effect slowly. Beneath his seemingly ordinary expression, no one knew the extent of the pain he was enduring.


The father could hear the rhythmic breathing of his daughter in his arms, feel her tiny hands clutching the tiger fur on his chest, and sense her gentle face snuggling against his neck.

Ruan Xiao's tail stiffened for a moment, but soon relaxed.

The pain in his head made it difficult for him to sleep, so he reluctantly opened his eyes.

Looking down at the small rice ball sleeping peacefully against him, he couldn't help but feel a bit addicted to the sight.

Were children's faces always this plump? Her eyelashes were so long, and she even had a hint of a milky fragrance on her body.

Had she drunk too much milk?

Unconsciously, Ruan Xiao's attention was diverted. When he came back to his senses during a dull moment, he realized that his head was no longer throbbing as intensely.

He couldn't help but feel puzzled. Was the suppressant working so well?

He would ask about it when he returned tomorrow. At least, he could finally get a good night's sleep.

One night passed...

"Cough, cough..."

Before dawn, at five in the morning, Ruan Xiao was awakened by a series of coughs.

In the darkness, he opened his eyes, and his blue eyes seemed to emit a cold light, albeit with a sense of oppression.

"Cough, cough…"

The coughing sounded very young, emanating from his chest.

The qilin-tiger lowered its head and saw the small, curled-up rice ball leaning against its chest. Her usually snow-white face was flushed with an unusual redness.

He quickly sat up and nudged his daughter with his head, but all he heard was her distressed sobbing.

"Daddy, Daddy, Shu Shu feels really uncomfortable."

Ruan Shu kept her eyes tightly shut, and her breath was hot. She spoke with sobs, and tears glistened in the corners of her eyes.

The massive qilin-tiger was a bit anxious and paced around.

Upon hearing his daughter's distressed sobs, his heart tightened, and he felt an unprecedented sense of urgency.

After all, he was a marshal, and although he was momentarily at a loss, his intelligence quickly took over.

The large qilin-tiger transformed into a human body the moment it jumped off the bed.

Ruan Xiao quickly walked out, his handsome face displaying a somewhat grim and intimidating expression.


Although the steward appeared to be aging, his speed was not slow at all. He arrived in front of Ruan Xiao in just a few moments.


He was shocked because something must have happened to make the marshal's expression so grim.

"Find Ruan Qingran for me." Shu Shu has a fever.

The steward was taken aback by the news that Ruan Shu had a fever.

"Understood, I will inform the young master immediately!"

Ruan Xiao was still worried, so he made a call to have someone buy fever patches and medicine.

Afraid of alarming the child, he returned without realizing the intensity of his reactions and the fear in his expression.

It was the steward who realized the extent of the marshal's concern. He had never seen the marshal so worried about anyone, not even his own son!

While his emotions were complex, a smile appeared on his face.

This was good. He had been worried that the marshal wouldn't like the child.

The young lady seemed pitiful, and he hoped that the father and daughter could get along well.

Meanwhile, at the First Hospital of Star Beasts...

This was the most prestigious hospital for the entire star beast race, and the doctors who worked here were all top talents.

In the emergency department on the fifth floor, Ruan Qingran, who had just hung up the phone, chuckled softly.

"A cousin?"

This was quite interesting.

Although he had received a call from the steward, he could still hear the voice of his uncle nearby, instructing someone to purchase fever patches and cold medicine.

He had never heard his uncle's voice sound so urgent before.

Ruan Qingran was now curious about the sudden appearance of a little cousin.

This is quite interesting.

Although he received the call from the steward, he could still hear his uncle's voice nearby, instructing someone to purchase fever patches and cold medicine.

He had never heard his uncle's voice sound so urgent before.

Ruan Qingran was now curious about the sudden appearance of a little cousin.