Turned into a Kitten

The star beasts have keen ears, and they can hear even the slightest sound if they choose, even if it's a bit closer.

Therefore, even though Ruan Shu was murmuring under the covers, both people in the room heard her.

Ruan Qingran couldn't help but show a faint smile in her eyes, and the corners of her beautiful lips curved slightly.

How could there be such a soft and fluffy little creature when angry, as if it had just had an argument with its own ears?

It looked a bit pitiful with a hint of a crying tone.

Ruan Xiao lifted the covers, and the little creature hiding in the quilt was completely exposed.

And she also found that her tail was out too!!!

Ruan Shu's eyes were red, and she could only focus on her ears, not her tail, as she only had two hands. QAQ

"Don't be afraid."

A large hand landed on her furry little head and rubbed it. Although the movement was a bit stiff, Ruan Shu sniffed and seemed to be less afraid.

Her ears were pressed down, soft, fluffy, and slightly trembling, just as adorable as she was.

Ruan Qingran's gaze was captivated by the fluffy tail that the little creature had exposed.

He was surprised to find that this animal's tail showed absolutely no hint of aggression.

Heh… this is really interesting. He was becoming more and more curious about the form his little cousin had taken as a beast.

"No need to hide."

Ruan Xiao's deep and steady voice seemed to have a comforting influence.

"I've said it before, it doesn't matter who you are, you are just my daughter."

Ruan Shu's watery eyes looked at him. "Even if Shu Shu is a mutant beast, Daddy won't abandon me, right?"


"But my psychic power is only F, and it would embarrass Daddy."

Ruan Xiao coldly chuckled. "If anyone dares to say anything, just let them come and find the Marshal!"

This statement was both domineering and confident.

Ruan Shu looked at him blankly, looking somewhat foolish.

But no one knew how touched she was at that moment, feeling warm inside.

So, this is what it feels like to be protected by family?

Her eyes welled up, and she suddenly burst into tears.

But this time, she was expressing all the grievances in her heart.

Then, the little creature leaped towards her father, and in the blink of an eye, turned into a palm-sized kitten.

The little puppet cat was all snow-white, with silver-gray on both sides of its ears. It had a pair of big blue eyes that were clear and bright, along with a small pink nose.

Ruan Xiao and Ruan Qingran were both stunned.

Upon seeing the fluffy little creature leaping towards him, Ruan Xiao instinctively caught her.

She was really small, only the size of his palm, and her fluffy white fur made her look ethereal.

Her four pink paws were weakly stepping on his palm, and her whole body curled up, nudging her head against his chest, emitting soft, tender meows.

For a moment, both of them were focused on the small fluffy creature.

Meanwhile, Ruan Shu was thinking, "How did I lose control and turn into a kitten?""!!


Help… help me. I turned into a kitten under such emotional stress QAQ

She didn't dare to look at her father's expression, so she could only bury her fluffy little face in his arms, visibly trembling.


Just as Ruan Shu was feeling anxious, laughter rang out.

The laughter was clear and pleasant, definitely not her father's.

Ruan Shu huddled even closer, her entire white fluffy body curling up, her tail trembling as it wrapped around her small white jiojio.

At first glance, she really looked no different from a soft and sticky rice ball.

"So small."

Ruan Qingran stared with interest at her little kitten, which had transformed. She couldn't resist poking its back with a slender finger.

The fluffy white fur on her back immediately formed a small depression, and the kitten's whole body shivered.

Ruan Qingran touched his chin, and a cold smile appeared in his eyes, adding a touch of gentleness, like moonlight, unexpectedly bringing some tenderness.

"What kind of star beast is this?" "I don't think I've ever seen one like it."

Ruan Xiao thought to himself that he had never seen one either.

"Are you hungry?"

The little creature hid her face and hesitated, but her ears trembled slightly at the mention of food. After struggling for a while, she timidly raised her head.

Her clear blue eyes met her father's gaze, finding no trace of disdain in his expression.

Ruan Shu finally let go of the heavy stone in her heart and let out a soft, tender meow.

To their ears, this sound was truly pleasant.

Ruan Shu placed her small white paws on her father's arm and nuzzled affectionately against him.

"Let's go, it's time to eat."

Ruan Xiao's voice was deep and emotionless as usual, but he fell silent as he looked at the small creature in his hand.

"Can you turn back?"

Ruan Shu: I'll try.

But after trying, her fluffy fur was all puffed up, resembling a dandelion, and she still couldn't change back.

Ruan Shu: ...

How could this be!

Let me try again.

As she struggled and panted, her puffed-up fur didn't return to normal, and she remained a beautiful, fluffy kitten.

Ruan Qingran couldn't contain his smile as he watched from the side.

How... how could there be such an adorable and entertaining little creature.

His happiness for the day was likely concentrated at this moment.

As Ruan Shu continued to try, Ruan Xiao rubbed her little head.

"Let it be; let's go eat first."

The little kitten drooped her head, her ears resembling airplane wings.

She felt so clumsy, unable to even do this little thing right.

"Uncle, should I take my little cousin out?" "Do you have to go to the military department at this time?"

Ruan Xiao stated, "I have temporarily delegated the matter to my deputy."

This implies that he isn't going today.

Ruan Qingran: ...

Tsk tsk… the workaholic actually took the day off. This was truly a rare sight.

It was a pity that he couldn't hold the little creature.

He didn't realize that his possessiveness was so strong.

The butler had already prepared breakfast downstairs. Upon seeing the exceptionally attractive uncle and niece coming down, he couldn't help but sigh.

In an era where almost everyone was attractive, the Ruan family's appearance still stood out as top-notch.

But what about the young lady?

The butler didn't see Ruan Shu and asked, "Master, should I bring Miss's breakfast to her?"

Ruan Xiao looked down at the quiet and obedient little creature nestled in his hand.


The butler followed his gaze and was taken aback. What? What is that?!