I obediently refrain from disturbing my brother's work.

At this time, others also gathered around, calling out to Dr. Ruan and introducing themselves to little Ruan Shu with smiles on their faces.

"Little sister, my name is Lin Yu." You can call me Sister Lin Yu.

"Dr. Ruan, what is your sister's name?" She's so pretty. Are we going to have another baby on this floor in the future?

"Little sister, my name is..."

Ruan Qingran had been in the hospital for a long time. Due to his cold and aloof nature, most conversations with him revolved around work, and everyone consciously maintained their distance from him.

But now, for the first time, he experienced the feeling of being surrounded by enthusiastic conversation.

"Why are you all gathering here?" Not working?

A competent middle-aged woman with short hair walked into the hospital wearing a doctor's white coat.


"Director, you're here."

Ruan Qingran also nodded to the newcomer. "Director."

Ruan Shu grabbed her brother's clothes, her clear and bright blue eyes looking a bit bewildered at the newcomer.

"Call her aunt."

At her brother's reminder, Ruan Shu nervously called her aunt, her voice slightly shaky due to nervousness.

But this did not affect anyone present.

The middle-aged woman had a serious expression, suggesting that she was a strict and serious individual.

She was momentarily surprised to see the little girl that Ruan Qingran was holding.

"Xiaoran, who is this?"

Ruan Qingran was familiar with the child's personality and noted his diligent and serious approach to work, as well as his outstanding talent in medicine—qualities that he admired.

Today, he unexpectedly brought a child to work, which was out of character for him.

Ruan Qingran explained, his voice calm and soothing, "This is my little cousin. Her father is not at home, and I didn't feel comfortable leaving her alone, so I brought her with me."

The director looked at the child he was holding, her brow furrowed.

Ruan Shu was allowed to stay and quickly became a favorite among all the doctors on this floor.

She was very obedient and quiet, sitting in her brother's office without causing any disturbance. She diligently peeled grapes and then took them to Dr. Ruan to eat!

The fruit was in her brother's office. The grapes were black, large, and round, with juicy flesh. Ruan Shu liked them after eating just one.

But she didn't eat them alone. Seeing her brother busy with work, she sat quietly on a small stool, peeled the grapes one by one, and then placed the peeled fruit in a small dish before bringing it to her brother's side.

Quietly placing the small dish of grapes on her brother's desk where he could easily reach it, she then smiled softly and returned to her seat.

And this scene was "unintentionally" seen by the other doctors passing by Ruan Qingran's office through the glass wall.

Suddenly, they all showed jealous expressions.

Especially Gu Feixing, who was leaning against the glass wall, his face distorted without his realization.

He regretted that the small, adorable rice ball did not give him the grapes!

Ruan Shu, her cheeks puffed out from eating grapes, happened to turn her head and see Gu Feixing's distorted face.

Ruan Shu: "!"!"!"

She was so scared that the grape she was eating slipped into her throat.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Ruan Qingran suddenly stood up from his work, and as soon as he pushed his chair, he felt something fly past him. Ruan Qingran suddenly stood up from his work, and as soon as he pushed his chair, he felt something fly past him. ###

The snow-white, soft little face turned red, and a layer of mist appeared in her beautiful blue eyes as physiological tears welled up from being scared just now.

"It's okay, it's okay, be good."

Gu Feixing: Finally got to hold the little sister!!!

So soft, so small, and still fragrant!

How could there be such a cute little child? I want to snatch her.jpg

Before he could hold her tightly, she suddenly disappeared from his arms!

He turned his head and met Ruan Qingran's gaze.

"Heh heh, Ruan ge, our little sister almost choked just now..."

Ruan Qingran's voice was calm. "If you hadn't been making a scary face over there, she wouldn't have been scared."

In the end, Gu Feixing was dejectedly kicked out of Ruan Qingran's office.

"I think you have too little to do."

Gu Feixing said, "We're half-siblings, and he just wanted to hold his little sister." What's wrong with that?"!

Just as he was kicked out of the office, Gu Feixing ran into a stern and serious director.

"You are indeed too idle, Gu Feixing." "You will be responsible for the next heart surgery."

Gu Feixing said, "Troubles never come singly, it rains when it leaks!"

"Ignore them."

Ruan Qingran rubbed his little cousin's head and comforted her. "If you feel bored, you can go play in the flower house outside, where there are fewer people."

He knew very well that this child didn't enjoy crowded places.

Ruan Shu nodded obediently and leaned her head against his hand.

"Okay, Shu Shu understands."

Ruan Qingran had a lot of surgeries to perform that day, so he instructed Ruan Shu to play on her own before he left.

Although her brother had left, Ruan Shu was not alone.

A well-built older sister had just finished her work and came to find her with some snacks.

The older sister, with long golden wavy hair and a mature charm, was also a colleague of her brother.

"Little Shu Shu, do you want to eat cake?"

She took out a small cake from behind and waved it in front of her.

The cake was not only fragrant but also visually appealing, and Ruan Shu couldn't help but salivate.

"Amy's sister."

Ruan Shu obediently called out to her, and then her little face was cradled in Amy's hands.

She even pinched it, and the soft and tender skin felt so good that she didn't want to let go.

The pitiful look on Ruan's face as she was being held.

The little girl didn't know how to refuse, and her face turned red from being pinched before Amy reluctantly let go.

"Sorry, your adorable face is just too captivating." Does it hurt? Let my sister blow on it for you.