His daughter must have what other children have.

This is a necessary measure to preserve the inheritance of high-level bloodlines.

The higher the level of bloodline, the more likely individuals are to be geniuses, and the strength of a race will always revolve around these geniuses.

Later, he had three sons with his late wife. It was precisely because of these three children and the death of his wife that he no longer needed to directly handle the stored sperm at the hospital.

Who knew that there was a problem within the hospital. Xiao Yuanyi, a senior nurse at the hospital, had a close relationship with the deputy dean, which granted her access to a significant amount of internal information.

Their race is naturally more adept at charming people. During that time, she was in a romantic relationship with a doctor who was in charge of safeguarding the gene bank at the hospital.

Under the guise of curiosity, she playfully pestered her boyfriend in various ways, even going as far as threatening not to marry him if he didn't agree. This ultimately pressured the doctor to take the risk and agree to secretly show her the Marshal's sperm.

This person was indeed a genius, able to calmly steal it under such strict control.

To have such ability and yet be controlled so tightly by a woman, Ruan Xiaocha even had the impulse to personally beat him up when he found out.

After stealing a glance, Xiao Yuanyi ran away immediately.

The doctor, deceived and regretful, but more afraid of being discovered and facing military court punishment, used someone else's sperm to try to pass off as the Marshal's.

But he also knew that if Xiao Yuanyi truly raised a child, it would undoubtedly lead to a grim outcome in the future. Unable to locate Xiao Yuanyi, he resigned and went into hiding.

Xiao Yuanyi was also ruthless. Afraid that her doctor boyfriend would expose her, she went into hiding and cut off all contact with everyone she knew, running to a remote location. She was fortunate enough to conceive a child.

But she only cared about her own plans, future wealth, and status. After Ruan Shu was born, she didn't have any feelings for the child; she simply treated her as a tool. As long as she was alive, it was enough. She didn't care about any other material possessions.

Ruan Shu stopped drinking milk powder at a little over a year old and essentially relied on nutritional supplements for sustenance.

When Ruan Xiaocha discovered all this, he truly desired to tear that woman apart. He was most disgusted by this kind of person.

Upon learning that the escaped doctor had been captured, he decided to personally preside over the trial of these two individuals at the military court!

Other children had it, so his daughter must have it too.

His daughter had suffered a lot, and now Ruan Xiaocha would do everything in his power to provide her with everything good.

It's just milk and fruit. If she wants to eat, she can eat as much as she wants!

In Ruan Shu's disbelieving eyes, she saw her father calmly take the bottle from the butler's hand.

"Am I feeding you?"

Ruan Xiaocha lowered his eyes, holding the bottle carefully as he approached the little kitten.

Such a small one should indeed be fed.

Ruan Shu took a step back. No, even though her body was only four years old, her heart was already much older.

And she had already stopped drinking milk at four years old!

Feeling embarrassed to drink milk from a bottle.

The butler suddenly said, "Miss's beast form is too small." Could it be because she didn't receive enough milk powder and fruit when she was young?

The little kitten, hiding in her father's clothes and on the verge of shrinking inside, shook her fluffy ears and froze.

She slightly tilted her head, perking up her ears, and listening attentively.

The butler and Ruan Xiaocha pretended not to notice her slight movement, but in reality, they were both nearly startled by this adorable little kitten.

The butler resisted the urge to snatch the young lady from the Marshal's arms and continued, "I heard that many star beasts had poor development in their childhood because they didn't receive sufficient nutrition from milk powder."

Ruan Xiaocha knew that the butler was trying to get Ruan Shu to drink the fruit juice in the bottle, but he didn't intervene.

The little kitten nestled in his clothes. Although most of her body was covered by clothes, the small bulge and her drooping airplane-like ears made it clear that the little kitten was very distressed at the moment.

The little kitten's two small white paws stepped on each other, and finally, as if she had made some psychological preparation, she still trembled as she walked out.

Could drinking that fruit juice really make her grow taller?

"Miss, the fruit juice is rich in nutrients and very helpful for a child's growth."

The butler was not lying. The fruit juice was actually from a mutated plant. After testing, it was found that many elements inside were very beneficial for a child's development.

But mutated plants were very aggressive, and obtaining their fruit was not easy. Therefore, the price of fruit juice in the market has always been very expensive, and ordinary families would only be able to afford it for their children twice a month.

Ruan Shu had never heard of this fruit juice before, let alone tasted it.

At this moment, the little kitten's face was full of conflicting emotions.

She wanted to grow up, but her star beast form was really too small.

But she also felt a bit embarrassed to drink from the bottle.

In the end, Ruan Xiaocha fed the little kitten with a bottle in one hand and cradled the kitten, which was not much bigger than his palm, in the other.

"Many children older than you still bring bottles to school."

Ruan Shu sniffed the fragrant aroma of the fruit juice and opened her small mouth to take a sip.

She became addicted to it and even turned over her little belly, holding the bottle with all four paws and drinking it non-stop.

So fragrant...

Seeing the snow-white ragdoll kitten drinking with her little tail trembling, her white belly rising and falling, was so adorable that it made people want to hold her and pinch her.

And a certain old man also became addicted to feeding the kitten. A smile of a "loving father" appeared on his face, of which he wasn't even aware.

Cute things have the power to heal the heart; just looking at them can make people feel tender.

After drinking the fruit juice, the little kitten's mouth was stained with a circle of milky white, and she burped in her father's hand.

Ruan Shu quickly covered her mouth with her small white paws.

Ruan Xiaocha just smiled slightly and pinched her soft little ears.

Full and content, lying in her father's arms, Ruan Shu couldn't help but fall asleep.

At that moment, she was still naive and had not yet realized that she had been deceived by the butler.

She didn't need to drink the fruit juice from the bottle at all!

In a daze, she just wanted to sleep, relying on her father for comfort and warmth.

At this moment, Ruan Xiaocha was having a video conference. As the little one slept peacefully, the fluffy kitten was curled up into a soft and fluffy ball of fur.

He was a little reluctant to let go, so he simply held a video conference with his daughter in his arms.