A Fight Breaks Out

After finishing breakfast, Ruan Shu was on edge, and Ruan Fengsi, seemingly friendly, spoke up.

"Are you not going to work?" Ruan Qingran smiled faintly, but there was no humor in her eyes.

"Didn't our cousin also not go?" Ruan Fengsi raised his chin slightly, exuding an air of arrogance. "Sorry, I am the boss of the entire company." Even if I am late, no one dares to say anything. But you are different; after all, you are just an employee. "So many patients are waiting for you."

Ruan Qingran responded, "Sorry, the hospital director gave me a day off."

Ruan Fengsi was speechless.

This person took a day off and came home for no reason!

As he cursed in his mind, he heard Ruan Qingran continue, "So today, I came to take Shu Shu out to play."

Ruan Fengsi looked at her expressionlessly, his tone mocking. "How rare it is that our esteemed doctor never used to take a day off." Now suddenly you want to take the child out. If you have the ability, consider having a child of your own!

Bringing a child into his house, what kind of ability is that!

At this moment, Ruan Fengsi, who refused to admit defeat, forcefully included Ruan Shu in his household.

And what he said was indeed true!

Ruan Shu was a little surprised. Wasn't her brother here to take her out to play?

Just as she was feeling happy, her attention was suddenly drawn to the other side, where she was confronted by a handsome and intense face.

"Are you happy?" Her intuition told her that she must shake her head at this moment. So, she followed her intuition and shook her head, her big eyes looking sincere.

Ruan Fengsi made a decisive decision. "Since you're not happy, come to the company with me."

Ruan Shu: ∑(Д)

Can it be like this?

Upon hearing him say this, Ruan Qingran's face turned cold. He already had a cold and distant personality, and at this moment, he seemed to be freezing over.

"Shu Shu is still young." Wouldn't it be boring for her to accompany you to the company?

Ruan Fengsi said, "I saw her adapting quite well yesterday."

"Is that so?" Have you asked for her opinion?

"Do you have a problem with your ears?" Didn't I just ask? She said she's not happy to go out and play with you!

Ruan Fengsi almost gritted his teeth as he said the last three words.

"And..." he forcefully grabbed Ruan Shu's small shoulder. "She is my sister, by blood!"

He emphasized the last two words, and Ruan Shu couldn't help but feel that his tone carried a hint of boasting and provocation.

It must be her imagination. Provocation is one thing, but how could he be boasting!

Ruan Qingran sneered. "So what?" "We share the same surname, and she is also my sister."

Ruan Shu felt dizzy. Were her brothers having an argument?

How should she mediate this?

"Big brothers, Qingran brothers..."

Ruan Fengsi said, "Since we can't decide, let's stick to the usual rules."

Ruan Qingran said calmly, "Okay."

With a bewildered expression, Ruan Shu was taken to a very large training room outside.

The butler assisted her, and Ruan Qingran changed into a white casual sports suit before entering the training room with Ruan Fengsi.

"Miss, let's sit and watch the show."

Ruan Shu: Watch... watch what...

Before she could ask, the two individuals who were facing each other suddenly started fighting.

Ruan Shu: !!!


How did they start fighting?

The butler held out his hand and offered her a cup of fruit juice.

"Don't worry, this kind of thing happens often." When you encounter something you can't solve, you may resort to using your fists to solve it. "Everyone does it."

Ruan Shu: …

Ruan Shu: ...

Were their family's methods of resolving conflicts so fierce, or was the entire Star Beast Empire like this?

Under Ruan Shu's worried gaze, both brothers ended up in the hospital.

The older brother had a broken leg, a broken rib, and was bleeding from his head. His fierce appearance made it seem as if a horror story had come to life.

The injuries on Qingran's face were obvious. He had three broken ribs, a cut on his mouth, and his arm was broken and dislocated, but he calmly snapped it back into place.

The older brother calmly reset his broken leg as if he were resetting someone else's bones, demonstrating great skill.

Among all the people present, Ruan Shu was the only one who genuinely felt sorry for them. She diligently tended to their injuries, her delicate face wrinkled as if she felt the pain of their wounds.

The two injured men looked at her, and Ruan Qingran smiled and asked, "Are you not hurt?"

Ruan Shu sniffled. "But it looks so painful."

Now Ruan Shu didn't have to choose whom to go with. She would go to the hospital with both of them.

She had never seen such a scene before. She looked at the two brothers lying in the same room, both with bandages. Her eyes were red like a rabbit's, but she didn't cry.

"Does it hurt, big brother?"

She sat in front of Qingran's bed, peeling an orange.

Qingran leaned back on the bed, wearing a patient's gown, and rubbed her head. "It doesn't hurt." "I'll be better soon."


A grunt came from the next bed, quite loudly.

Ruan Shu immediately turned to him and handed him half of the peeled orange.

"Big brother, you eat."

Ruan Fengsi's expression improved slightly, but when he saw her give the other half of the orange to Ruan Qingran, his face darkened again.

Even while lying in hospital beds, the two of them didn't stop. Their eyes met.

Ruan Shu sighed softly as he sat between the two beds, holding each of their hands.

"Brothers, you are both adults." "Don't argue or fight, and you are brothers."

Ruan Qingran said, "Don't worry, this is just our training."

Ruan Fengsi looked at the little girl who was eagerly watching him and refrained from mocking her.

"These injuries will heal today." "They will heal faster than your foot."

Ruan Shu: ...

In fact, he was exaggerating. After all, he had broken ribs, so how could he heal in a day?

But the physique of the Star Beast people was indeed very strong.

After being discharged from the hospital in the morning following admission, Ruan Fengsi returned to work. Although he claimed to be the boss and asserted that no one would dare scold him for not going to the company, he couldn't bear the incessant calls and messages from Xie Yun and his assistant.

Xie Yun: Ancestor, I beg you. Even though you were not here at the main stage, now that you're back, please come and take charge!

Xie Yun: My hair is falling out due to stress! Whose company is this? Do you remember?

Ruan Fengsi: I'm sick.