Ruan Fengsi: Take a look at the smoking thistle.

"Brother, go help Dad; they're fighting again."

In the living room, Ruan Xiao and He Feng were fighting, so Ruan Shu was quickly taken upstairs for safety. The butler's actions were very skilled, as if this kind of thing had happened more than once.

Although the two were somewhat restrained in their fight, the furniture downstairs still suffered.

Ruan Shu anxiously pulled her brother's hand towards the lounge.

Dad and Uncle He were discussing compensation, and then they started arguing.

She was afraid that they would start fighting again, so she quickly pulled her brother to help Dad.

"Big brother, if Dad and Uncle He start fighting again, will you help Dad?"

Ruan Fengsi looked at her in surprise and said, "Shouldn't you ask me to intervene?"

Before, she was so scared when she saw them fighting.

Ruan Shu smiled shyly and said, "I'll try to intervene first, and if that doesn't work, I'll help Dad."

Ruan Fengsi: ...Wow, wow, so she wants me to choose sidesThere is no text provided. ###

He was now curious to see who this little troublemaker had taken a liking to.

As they approached the lounge door, they heard voices coming from inside.

"Without you exposing my embarrassing past, would I have been so impulsive?" Are you trying to trap me? Unless you let Shu Shu call me Dad!

Ruan Fengsi rolled up his sleeves and frowned, "Who's being so arrogant?"

Wanting Ruan Shu to be his daughter, what a joke!

Ruan Shu quickly held her brother and said, "Big brother, they haven't fought yet." "Don't go in."

Ruan Fengsi: "Alright, if they really start fighting, I can intervene and give them a few kicks."

Ruan Shu took her brother to the door and peeked inside to observe the situation.

He Feng talked loudly, giving the impression of a flock of ducks.

"You're immoral, only showing Shu Shu your shining moments, while showing her my embarrassing videos." "That affects her perception of me..."

Ruan Xiao sat in the chair and asked, "Do you even have an image?"

He Feng retorted, "What are you talking about?" I am an Imperial Marshal, and I have more fans than you. Why do I have no image, despite having so many shining moments in my life? "Would you like me to show you the videos?"

"I don't care." "You have to let Shu Shu call me Dad, or I won't leave."

Ruan Shu feels like she is being taken advantage of by someone who is very influential.

Ruan Fengsi walked in and said, "Uncle He, if I remember correctly, you have a daughter of your own." "Why then come to my house and claim another daughter?"

He Feng scratched his head and suggested, "How about we exchange daughters?"

Ruan Xiao & Ruan Fengsi: Get lost!

In the end, the father and son teamed up to drive He Feng out.

Ruan Fengsi warned his sister, "In the future, stay away from people like him. You're too naive and easily deceived, you know."

Ruan Shu: ...

She let out a sigh. She wasn't that naive; she wouldn't just call anyone "Dad."

The damaged furniture in the house was finally sorted out, and Ruan Xiao sent the bill directly to He Feng.

Ruan Xiao: You have two days to repay the money.

He Feng: I haven't even gotten Shu Shu's contact information yet!

He Feng, as an Imperial Marshal, is unable to adopt a goddaughter. You won't lose out on this; more fathers mean more options. Why are you so stubborn?

He Feng: Bro, can I call you "bro"?

When He Feng tried to send another message, he realized that his previous message had three exclamation marks, as if mocking him.

He Feng: ...

After Ruan Xiao blocked He Feng, he reflected on the way his subordinates looked at him during the video conference, filled with envy and hesitation.

He opened the Star Network and saw that his daughter's dressing video was still trending at number one.

Watching it again, the little rice dumpling in various outfits was still adorable.

He saved the video and then had it taken down.

The same was done with other videos and photos.

Netizens: ...What's going on?

Where's my baby? What happened in the blink of an eye? My small, soft, and beautiful baby!

Good thing I saved the video. It must have been taken down, but I won't say who did it. In the past, many of Marshal Ruan's photos and videos were taken down unless they were related to national affairs.

"[Waaah… Marshal, you can do whatever you want, just give us back our baby.]"

Oh my god, I was so mesmerized that I forgot to save the video. Can someone share it? It's a lifesaver!

Ruan Shu was unaware of her trending status. When it was time to go to bed at night, she finished showering and washing her hair. She turned into a wet, limp little cat, using her four short legs to sneak out of the room to find her father.

But halfway there, the cat was kidnapped.

She was grabbed by the back of her neck, her tail curled up, and her four little paws tucked in. She looked at Ruan Shu in confusion.

Who? Who took the cat?


Ruan Shu struggled and waved her paws, unable to turn her head as her neck was being held.

Who was it, so rude!

The cat was puffed up, its still-damp fur standing on end, resembling a hedgehog, and most importantly, it was smoking.


The laughter from above made Ruan Shu realize who it was.

Big brother seemed to be the only one who was mean to her in this house.


Ruan Shu softly called out, asking her big brother to let her go.

Ruan Fengsi not only refused to let go of the cat but also carried her to his room and confronted her with her reflection in the mirror.

"Take a look at the smoking thistle."

Ruan Shu looked at himself in the mirror with wide eyes, feeling puzzled.

Her still-damp, soft fur was standing up like a hedgehog.

Through the twisted cat fur, one could even see the tender pink skin underneath.

At that moment, her entire body was emitting white smoke, resembling a sauna.


The wet cat looked a bit unkempt, and Ruan Shu quickly covered her eyes with her paws, trying to deceive herself.

As long as she didn't see it, the ugly cat in the mirror wouldn't be her.

Ruan Fengsi laughed, clearly amused by Ruan Shu's appearance.

He grabbed a dry towel and wrapped up the little fur ball, starting to rub it.

After being rubbed back and forth, Ruan Shu's head was spinning, begging for it to stop.

When she finally emerged from the towel, she was stumbling like a drunk, and then fell onto the bed.

Ruan Fengsi looked at her and muttered, "I was being gentle."

Dizzy Ruan Shu saw a bridge with an old lady holding a bowl of soup on it.~

Many people felt that the age of the female protagonist in her past life was too advanced. When I set it, I didn't think about it too much. I will update it to twelve years old and notify everyone to prevent confusion for viewers who rewatch it.