
Ruan Shu emerged from the soft towel with a meow.

She wanted Xiao Mi to blow-dry her fur for her.

But Ruan Fengsi didn't understand or listen; instead, he brought a hair dryer to dry her fur.

As Ruan Shu obediently lay next to him, getting her fur dried, Ruan Fengsi's terminal received several messages. ###

They were all messages from a group of friends. He used to be a mercenary, which was his side job.

He had formed a team with a few adventurous friends in the circle, and now they all enjoyed going on adventures together. However, he only joined when he received tasks that interested him, as the main boss didn't have much free time.

One of the recent tasks they accepted, he didn't attend.

Upon seeing their messages, it appeared that they had just completed the task.

Ali: Captain, how are you? I heard you have a new little sister.

Fatty: What's so special about a cub, especially a naughty one? You all know I have a younger sister at home who is even more dominant and mischievous than a boy.

Flash: Captain, why did you rush back? I'm curious about what the captain's sister looks like. Is she more like a little tiger or a little lion?

Fatty: The genes in the captain's family are quite strong. Captain, are you still feeling okay now? Has your sister tried to bite off your hair?

Ali: Captain, if you haven't lost any hair, is your tail okay? As far as I know, feline cubs love to play with tails the most.

Rose: A group of ignorant straight guys, the cubs are cuter than all of you!

Flash: Rose, are you longing for a cub? Brothers will help you find a partner, and you can have one yourself, whether it's a boy or a girl; we uncles will definitely spoil them!

Rose: Pfft! Get out of the way, captain, and show us your sister.

Flash: Also, check to see if you are bald now.

These steadfast teammates often encountered life-and-death situations together during missions, which helped them build a deep bond. They dared to tease Ruan Fengsi like this because he could no longer reach them through the network lines.

Of course, if Ruan Fengsi were in front of them, they wouldn't dare to say such things. The combined combat power of the three of them would not be a match for the captain.

Ruan Fengsi glanced at the messages in the group, then looked at the little kitten obediently lying on the mat, grooming herself with her paws.

Hmph... a bunch of ignorant fools.

He sat by the hair dryer, with his muscular legs casually stretched out on the chair. Even in human form, he resembled a lazy big cat.

Despite his apparent laziness, this large cat appeared fierce, exuding a powerful aura of authority that he had acquired during his time as a mercenary.

Already possessing a formidable countenance, the scar on his eyebrow added a touch of fierceness, making people hesitant to approach and easily frightening children.

Ruan Shu, in the dryer, would occasionally stare at him, not out of fear, but thinking about how to get more fur from her big brother next time. She wanted to make a fur adhesive ball. The first time she made it, she needed a lot of fur. ###

Glancing furtively at her big brother, the little cat's brain was innocently calculating.


But little did she know, the young man had a keen perception, noticing every move the little one made.

As he observed the little tabby cat wagging her tail proudly, a warm smile lit up his eyes.

While the messages in the group were buzzing happily, Ruan Fengsi finally sent a message as well.

Ruan Fengsi: Are you all free?

Flash: Boss, you finally showed up! We thought you were busy taking care of the cub and had no time for us.

Ali: That's right, both the cub's mom and dad are great.

Fatty: You guys are just taking advantage of the boss. I timidly ask, "How is your fur, boss?"

Rose: Hehe...

Ruan Fengsi was in a good mood today. He did not get angry at these messages and automatically interpreted his teammates' actions as jealousy.

After all, they didn't have a cute little sister like him.

Ruan Fengsi: I'm fine.

No anger at all?

Several teammates at a remote base had expressions as if they had seen a ghost.

Rose: Boss, you seem to be in a good mood.

White Tiger: Is it that obvious?

Flash: It's obvious...

Ali: It's obvious...

Fatty: It's obvious...

Rose: ...

And they couldn't help but feel a hint of boasting hidden in the boss's words.

Rose: So, can the boss share a picture of our little sister?

Now they were even more curious about the boss's little sister.

Ruan Fengsi sneered at the idea of wanting a cute picture of his little sister. What nonsense were these people thinking!

The little sister has finished bathing, and her fur is dry. You guys can continue. I'll take her to be groomed.

After sending the message, he decisively closed the terminal, stood up, and switched on the hair dryer.

The temperature inside was neither hot nor cold. The cat's fur, now dried, looked like fluffy exploded cotton candy - fluffy and snow-white, appearing sweet and soft.

"Meow"~" "

Ruan Shu was gently picked up from the hairdryer, emitting a soft sound. She held his finger with her pink paw pads, her beautiful blue eyes looking somewhat pitiful.

She wanted her big brother to hold her.

Who could resist such a soft and cute furball, especially a tough guy.

Ruan Fengsi's heart melted at the soft sound of his little sister. Although his expression appeared fierce with his raised eyebrows, there was a subtle smile at the corners of his mouth.

Ruan Shu obediently lay in her big brother's warm palms, her curious eyes fixed on the thick calluses on his hands, her fluffy little tail swaying in the air.

She tilted her head, and her little paw pads tentatively pressed against the calluses near his thumb.

Ingrained feline habits; she even leaned down to lick.

Ruan Fengsi stiffened instantly; the soft touch on his hands felt so gentle yet so unmistakable.

Upon witnessing the small cat licking its scar, Ruan Fengsi, who already possessed a protective instinct towards his younger sister, felt even more compassionate.

"Don't worry, this minor injury means nothing to me."

Ruan Shu blushed a bit and covered her head with both paws, mewing and looking pitiful.

Why did she speak? It was all the cat's instinct, not her intention at all!