Ruan Ling'an

Ruan Ling'an brushed off the dirt from his body, appearing disheveled but unfazed.

"I will defeat them sooner or later!"

It might sound a bit juvenile, but the steward was accustomed to it.

After all, the Third Young Master had always treated this phrase as a mantra.

As he showered, the blood mixed with dirt from his wounds dirtied the bathroom.

Despite the hot water seeping into his wounds, he remained unfazed.

It must be said that Ruan Ling'an was truly ruthless.

He was ruthless towards others, and equally ruthless towards himself.

After changing into fresh clothes and heading downstairs, the wounds continued to bleed, with the fresh blood flowing more freely now that the clotted blood had been washed away.

The steward walked over with the medicine and expertly bandaged his wounds.

During the meal, Ruan Xiao and Ruan Feng kept a close eye on him.

Ruan Shu sipped her fruit juice slowly, glancing at him occasionally.

"When you're feeling better, go to the legion."

Ruan Xiao spoke, enjoying a good fight, right? Then he could go and have his fill there.

Ruan Ling'an felt a bit apprehensive. What was going on? It felt like his father was singling him out.

But how could a rebellious person like him back down? "I will go!"

Ruan Ling'an was destined to replace his father as a powerful marshal. How could he be afraid to retreat?

Ruan Feng gave him a look as if he were looking at a fool. "Just wait to get beaten up."

"The court is preparing to open tomorrow," Ruan Xiao said, his expression unreadable, but visibly softer when his gaze met Ruan Shu's.

"Shu, do you want to go?" Ruan Shu hugged her cup and then nodded. "I want to go."

She knew what her father meant. She had never regarded that woman as her mother.

Even if she had shown her a bit of kindness, Ruan Shu might have softened slightly.

Of course, this softness only extended to helping her plead for mercy and ensuring she lived a bit better in prison.

But the legal responsibility she faced could not be waived. Ruan Shu was softhearted but also a law-abiding good child!

Perhaps Xiaoyuan Yi had never expected that Ruan Shu was born with memories.

Since birth, she had been hungry several times, but only her instinctive crying had prompted her to buy formula, although it was not given to her properly.

Sometimes the formula was too hot, causing discomfort for the fragile baby's body. However, she did not want to go hungry, so she mostly drank it while crying.

Sometimes the formula was too cold, causing discomfort after consumption.

To Xiaoyuan Yi, she was not raising a child but a 'pet' she did not like but believed could fetch a high price.

After transforming into her star beast form for the first time, she was surprised and angry, which did not meet her expectations. She vented all her anger on her by hitting, pinching, and even starving her for two days without giving her anything to eat.

Later, probably feeling reluctant, she decided to give it another try and continued to raise her, but her attitude towards her worsened.

Since then, she had always consumed low-quality nutritional supplements.

Xiaoyuan Yi was also quite clever, possibly afraid of leaving scars on her that would be difficult to explain if the Ruan family took her back. After each temper outburst and beating, she would apply healing medicine to her wounds, which resulted in some scars but not too many.

Ruan Shu never told her father and brother about this.

What she didn't know was that Ruan Xiao had personally pried open Xiaoyuan Yi's mouth and learned about the harm she had suffered in the past.

That's why he had come out of the interrogation room so angry and had nearly beaten Xiaoyuan Yi to death.

Because it involves the marshal, the issue is now within the jurisdiction of the military court for a decision.

Ruan Xiao had already prepared all the evidence, including the confession previously made by Xiaoyuan Yi.

When the trial began, to Ruan Ling'an's surprise, Ruan Feng and Ruan Shi Xsi had also come along. Ruan Xiao and Ruan Feng merely glanced at him without saying anything.

As they got into the car, Ruan Ling'an couldn't help but suspect that something was wrong with his eyes when he looked at the decorations inside his father's hovercar.

"What are these?" He pointed at the toys, colorful cushions, and small blankets in the car, wearing an expression of disbelief as if his father had mistakenly taken the wrong car.

Upon observing the design of the floating car and the license plate, it was unmistakably his father's car!

Ruan Shu was carried into the car and sat on the soft cushions, holding a toy cat and looking at it.

"Brother?" Ruan Ling'an said, "I'll go sit in my older brother's car."

The situation inside the car made him wonder if there was something wrong with his father's mind. How could he have such childish things in the car?

Even if he had to add something, it should have been something cool and colorful!

Ruan Xiao didn't stop him; he simply drove away with his daughter.

When Ruan Ling'an reached his older brother's car, he was surprised to see familiar items inside.

"Did you lose your mind, Ruan Feng?" "Why are there such childish things here?"

Ruan Feng gave him a sideways glance and a menacing look. "Love it or leave it, or get out!"

Ruan Ling'an muttered, wanting to remove those things. Was it suitable for a grown man to be surrounded by childish items like this?

"Do you dare to touch one and try?" Ruan Ling'an said defiantly. "Are you trying to start a fight?"

Ruan Feng responded, "If you don't want to sit, then leave!"

Ruan Ling'an chuckled coldly, as if he would never want to get involved.

One minute later…

"I really doubt if you and Dad have lost your minds." Maybe you should go see our cousin. How could you choose such bold colors when everything else is so subtle? If it weren't for my driving ban, which was imposed after being caught speeding by the Star Police, why would I willingly ride in your car? My car is much cooler than yours.

Ruan Ling'an kept talking as he picked up the plush cat doll from the cushion. The soft and fluffy touch was surprisingly pleasant.

But what about the pink flower-shaped cushion, the furry blanket, and the shell that tinkled in the car?

Didn't his brother always like black?

Of course, he already knew for whom these things were.

Ruan Feng didn't tolerate his annoying behavior. "If you don't want to see, then close your eyes, and put that cat down!"

Ruan Ling'an had a flash of inspiration and raised the cat toy in his hand. "A plush cat?"

Ruan Feng glanced at him sideways without saying a word.

So, that was it!

"So, our little sister's star beast form looks like this... so small?" It seems too useless. Does she not have any scales at all? No wonder Dad asked me to protect her. Just this? "A single punch could knock her out."

Ruan Ling'an thought the plush toy resembled a miniature version of Ruan Shu's star beast form and couldn't stop talking about it incessantly.