Marshal Juan's Gossip

Juan Xiao could discern her thoughts just by looking at her. He raised his hand to gently pat her head, speaking with authority.

"No one dares to speak ill of us. Just remember that you are part of the Juan family." "Don't let anyone bully you."

Juan Shu grabbed her father's hand and nodded solemnly. She would work hard, even if she was considered useless. She couldn't let others speak ill of her father and brothers.

Juan Shu soon moved on from Xiaoyuan Yi's matter, but this incident eventually went viral online, entangling Marshal Juan in gossip that spread rapidly.

Many people had been paying attention to Juan Shu before, but now that they know her background, they feel sorry for her.

One must have a lot of guts to steal Marshal Juan's genes. Has she watched too many naive TV dramas?

Is she crazy about becoming the Marshal's wife? Numerous noble ladies have attempted to marry the Marshal but have all failed. What makes her think she has a chance?

"That child is so pitiful, being born as a tool and treated poorly."

Goodness, this is truly committing crimes openly. Nowadays, there are few people willing to have children. However, she stole the Marshal's genes to conceive a child and mistreated the child. What was she thinking?

It seems that the child's beast form is called 'Maimed Beast.' Does anyone know what that means? Also, her spiritual power is rated as F.

[OhText: ### There is no content in the text. ### the Juan family seems to have strong spiritual powers overall, but why does she only have an F?]

Maimed Beast? Could it be a physical defect in her body?

Am I focusing on the wrong point? From this perspective, she is indeed an illegitimate daughter. The Juan family has three sons. Will their life in the Marshal's house be good?

"No way, I refuse to believe that a legitimate child would like an illegitimate daughter."

[Wait, during the previous trending live stream, wasn't it mentioned that the eldest son of the Marshal's family had a good relationship with her?]

If their relationship wasn't good, how could she get close to his beast form and even groom it? Some people should refrain from speculating here; this is the Marshal's family's private matter.

Maybe you all are mistaken? Who said that the Marshal's eldest son must be?

Netizens discussed this issue fervently, but soon, these topics were deleted.

Similar new topics that surfaced quickly disappeared; apparently, someone was suppressing this matter.

No one talked about it, and this matter quickly passed.

After returning home, Juan Shu checked the Star Network at night and found that the situation had already been resolved. She didn't think too much about it; instead, she searched for some videos of her father online.

There was hardly any other entertainment news about her father, but some videos and photos were always available.

Such as her father's combat videos.

Most of the impressive combat videos are uploaded online to portray the country's heroes or to depict typical battle scenarios.

Even their actions during combat would be analyzed.

Her father belonged to this category.

Many military academy students enjoyed watching his combat videos.

This information was all conveyed to her by Third Brother.

Juan Shu couldn't wait to watch all the related videos about her father.

"Hmm... this person seems a bit familiar."

Juan Shu saw a national news segment featuring her father and Uncle He. The young man with black hair walking in the front looked very familiar.

As she continued reading, Juan Shu's eyes widened.

Is this Almo?!

Looking at the introduction above, "The Emperor of the Star Beasts Kingdom, accompanied by several Marshals and Counts, visits the Sea Clan King..."

Juan Shu: "What?"

Juan Shu: "!"!"!"

The Emperor?!

She was afraid of making a mistake, so she read it repeatedly.

Almo turned out to be the Emperor of this country!

Juan Shu pursed her lips and touched her face, feeling amazed.

But after the surprise, she seemed to have some realizations. No wonder Almo mentioned in his letter that he knew her father. How could they not know each other?

After the surprise, Juan Shu felt incredulous and did not harbor any other unnecessary emotions, assuming they would likely not have any future contact.

Yawning, Juan Shu checked the time; she couldn't stay up late as it hampers growth.

After that, she closed her personal terminal and went to bed.

Third Brother had only taken a two-day leave, so he quickly returned to school.

Accompanied by his younger brother, he stayed at his company for three days. Juan Shu was thinking about the felt ball she hadn't finished, so on the fourth day, she insisted on staying home alone.

"I'm almost five years old, and with Xiaomi here, I won't run amok at home." "Dad, brothers, don't worry, Shu-Shu is not a fragile doll."

Juan Fengsi asked, "What are you saying?" "Even a fragile doll can withstand beatings better than you."

Juan Shu: "..."

Big Brother, your words really hurt a bit.

In the end, with a pouting face, she pushed Big Brother into his car and sent him off.

The butler had many tasks to attend to, leaving only her and Xiaomi in the entire mansion.

She started to fiddle around with the tiger fur from Big Brother.

She was quite skilled in handicrafts. Initially, the felt ball didn't turn out well, but with practice, she was able to shape it as she desired.

But creating a felt ball resembling Big Brother's beast form would require some practice.

An hour later, Juan Shu felt a bit tired, so he stood up and lazily stretched.

Xiaomi brought her a cup of warm water.

"Thank you, Xiaomi."

"No need to thank me (ω)."

Juan Shu smiled sweetly as he looked at the felt ball, which was already showing the contours of a tiger's body.

She put it away first, then went for a walk to stretch before continuing her work.

Juan Shu had a mild case of OCD, so she tidied up everything on the table before watering her potted plants.

Strangely, despite the long time that had passed, they seemed to have stopped growing, as if time had stood still.

The potted plants that had just sprouted were inconspicuous. Juan Shu placed them in a corner, making it hard for anyone to notice.

She decided to move them back to her room.

Her room had been redecorated; the bed was larger and softer, and there was an additional study area. The desk and dressing table were custom-made to fit her height.

On the balcony of the French window hung a string of white wind chimes she had made, along with her plant stand.

On it sat a pot of flowers named 'Starry,' with tiny flowers blooming in clusters. They were silver-white with a hint of sky blue, shining like lights at night, creating a very beautiful sight.

Juan Shu had checked the price of these flowers, and they were quite expensive.

She didn't deliberately look it up; she came across it while browsing the Star Network.

A pot of starry flowers fetched an auction price of twenty million dollars.