Is that Almor's star beast form?

"I seem to have bad luck." Whenever someone gives me gifts, various accidents occur. The Wing Clan gave me the Wing God Flower, but it died within a day of being in my possession. The Wing Clan even thought I deliberately killed it and almost made enemies with me. The Sea Clan gave me their lucky charm, the Rainbow Fish, which was with me all the way. As soon as it arrived at my place, it started flipping over and foaming at the mouth.

Ruan Shu sat obediently, calmly listening to the storytelling. Even though the unlucky protagonist was talking about himself, his relaxed tone made it sound like he was telling someone else's joke.

Ruan Shu became more and more surprised as she listened, and then looked at him with compassion.

In summary, whenever there is an important banquet in the palace and other races come to give gifts, if they present something alive, it won't survive more than three days with him.

Some of them he never even touched.

It was quite absurd.

Almor himself was very indifferent and shrugged, "Later, they stopped giving me anything alive, as they knew I liked gemstones." So every time they gave gifts, it was always the same thing. "Now the thing I lack the least is gemstones."

He took Ruan Shu's hand, with a smile in his eyes, and nonchalantly placed the blue sapphire in her palm.

"So you should keep this; after all, there's nothing else I can give you."

Ruan Shu looked at the gem in her hand and swallowed nervously. This was too much...

"Of course, I also want to ask you for a favor."

Almor interlocked his fingers under his chin, his handsome face adorned with a faint smile, exuding elegance and nobility.

Ruan Shu sat up straight and looked at him. "Go on."

Almor took out two more gems and pointed to the snowflake hairpin on his head.

"I really like the gift you gave me." "Can you make two more with gemstones on them?"

He gave Ruan Shu a red and a golden gem.

Ruan Shu was naturally happy that he liked the gift she gave him. She nodded, "Alright!"

After this conversation, Ruan Shu had completely relaxed and even enjoyed afternoon tea with him. Almor drank tea, of course, while she enjoyed a warm cup of milk tea.

Then they ate a few pastries because they were too delicious.

"So, this estate here belongs to your family."

Ruan Shu's voice was soft as she pressed her stomach, feeling like she couldn't eat anymore.

"I've never seen you here before."

Almor said, "Because I rarely come here, but maybe in the future."

With a smile in his eyes, he added, "You're welcome to come and visit anytime in the future."

Ruan Shu showed a sweet smile and said, "Alright."

As the rain gradually stopped, it was getting late.

Ruan Shu politely bid farewell to Almor.

"I'm going home now; my father should be back too."

"I'll walk you home."

He bent down and picked her up, causing Ruan Shu to blush a little and reluctantly say, "I can walk by myself."

Almor replied seriously, "There are many pearls on the ground, easy to slip on."

Ruan Shu looked at the various gemstones on the ground, mixed with pearls, and realized how easy it was to accidentally step on them.

She could only thank Almor with a soft voice.

"Do you like those pastries?" "I had them packed to give to you." "I don't really like sweet things, so they were specially made for you."

Ruan Shu hesitated, "Are you sure it's okay?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." "No one else is going to eat them here, and it makes me happy that you like them."

He had them packed in a beautiful box, somewhat assertively.

Ruan Shu didn't refuse; instead, she thought about crafting a beautiful hairpin for him when she got home.

Before Almor could personally escort Ruan Shu home, Ruan Xiao arrived.

He was still wearing his military uniform, standing straight and exuding a powerful and cold aura, obviously having just rushed back from the military headquarters.

"Your Majesty."

Ruan Xiao's voice was deep as he clenched his fist and placed it over his heart, nodding slightly in respect.


Ruan Shu saw the man approaching with sparkling eyes and wanted to get down from Almor's arms, so she looked at him eagerly.

Upon witnessing this scene, Ruan Xiao's gaze darkened slightly.

Text: ### Almor felt a tinge of regret in his heart as he wished to personally escort the little girl home, but Marshal arrived so promptly. ###

"Marshal Ruan arrived just in time, saving me the trouble of escorting her."

The young man smiled innocently, appearing harmless.

He handed the small, soft figure to Ruan Xiao.

Ruan Xiao took her, and Ruan Shu immediately hugged his neck, displaying more intimacy and dependence.

"Almor, Dad, and I will head home first." "Bye bye."

Almor waved to her, passing the packaged pastries to Ruan Xiao.

As he watched the father and daughter leave, he couldn't help but let out a lazy yawn, and the smile on his face faded.

"Why does time pass so quickly?"

He rubbed his chin, contemplating the small star beast form.

"Can't I really keep it?"

The Knight Commander sighed.

"Your Majesty, you have asked this question many times."

He was constantly thinking about bringing Ruan Marshal's daughter to the palace.

On the other side, Ruan Xiao asked his daughter how she ended up at the Majesty's place.

Ruan Shu tapped her finger, confessing that she played ball today. She accidentally kicked the ball here and got scared when she crawled into the hole to pick it up.

"That monster was really huge." I... "I thought it was going to eat me."

Ruan Xiao paused and asked her what the 'monster' looked like.

Ruan Shu leaned against her father and carefully thought, "It had black scales all over its body, taller and bigger than the star beast you transformed into at home." It stood upright, with a tail resembling a snake's, and very large black wings. I only saw its eyes; they were big and golden, but then I passed out.

Ruan Xiao sighed.

From what his daughter said, he already had a good idea of who was behind this.

Ruan Shu had some doubts, but she didn't dare to ask Almor, so she looked at her father with hesitation.

"Dad, is that... Almor's star beast form?"

Ruan Xiao's mouth twitched, but in order to protect His Majesty's reputation and his daughter, he chose the latter without hesitation.


Ruan Shu: ...

Although she had her suspicions, the confirmation still made her feel a bit awkward.

Feeling a bit embarrassed and angry, she had fainted out of fear. ###

Ruan Shu couldn't help but cover her slightly blushing face with her hand.

Ruan Xiao ruffled her hair and said, "The one who should be embarrassed is His Majesty."

Witnessing a person over a hundred years old frightening a young child was truly shameful.

Ruan Shu let go of her hand and tugged at her father's clothes, "I fainted." "Did I embarrass you, Dad?"

Ruan Xiao decisively said, "No, it's His Majesty's fault."