This Person is a Cat Lover

Almore did not expect that just a flick of his tail would make the ball disappear.

For a moment, the two of them stared at each other.

Ruan Shu meowed, wondering if she should come up with another excuse.

Almore wagged his tail as the vine ball floated lightly, seeming unsuitable for his play.

So his gaze fell on Ruan Shu.

Ruan Shu looked at him blankly and innocently. Then, a dragon tail approached her, with gleaming eyes saying, "Come with me... experience the feeling of flying high in the sky."

Ruan Shu said, "..."

Not only did she fail to grab the dragon's tail, but she also turned around and ran with small, quick steps.

The black dragon took off, circled in the sky, and suddenly swooped low, grabbing a small fluffy ball on the ground.

Ruan Shu said, "Meow meow meow!"!

The butler who came out with afternoon tea saw this scene and shouted in anguish, "Miss!".!!!"

He even considered disrespectfully throwing the plate he was holding at the Lord.

Ruan Shu's heart pounded in fear, but after a while, she recovered her senses, only to find herself cradled in the dragon's claw.

The black dragon's claw was large, completely enveloping her small body.

Almore was also careful, creating a safe space for her to lay in his hand and look out at the scenery.

Ruan Shu's body could even move slightly under the pressure of his dragon claw.

She clung tightly to the dragon claw, fearing she would fall.

Ruan Shu looked up and saw that Almore's dragon form was a typical Western dragon, elegant in posture, with black scales shining like gems in the sunlight.

Undoubtedly, he was a very handsome Western dragon.

Sensing the cat's gaze, Almore lowered his head, his golden eyes meeting the cat's blue eyes.

The dragon's neck was long and slightly bent, leaning down to gently nuzzle the cat.

"Don't worry, there's no danger."

Almore's voice seemed to come from all directions, leaving Ruan Shu bewildered, "Meow meow meow?"

"Can you speak human language in this form?"

Almore nodded, taking her to soar through the sky, his flight becoming smoother.

Among Almore's dragon claws, Ruan Shu glimpsed the fluffy clouds.


This was a scenery she had never seen before. Momentarily forgetting her fear, she opened her eyes wide.

The clouds in the sky were fascinating.

Though her elder brother had taken her flying before, the altitude was limited, and they never reached the clouds.

"Meow meow..."

"Those clouds over there look like a dog."

"So high, what if I fall?"

She had to hold on tighter.

But this didn't stop her from admiring the sky, especially the white layer of clouds.

Almore then led her into the clouds.

The clouds appeared dense from afar, but up close, they were airy and slightly damp.

They flew in the sky for a long time until a dark shadow approached in the distance, surrounded by lightning.

The black dragon made an emergency stop in the air, flapped its wings, and turned around, saying, "Damn, here we go again!"

He knew that they had been flying for a long time that day without any mishaps; he thought they were lucky.

Ruan Shu, confused, was swiftly guided to plummet, and together the dragon and cat fell into a forest.

As they descended, the rain seemed to follow them, with Ruan Shu sensing a shadow looming above and Almore's wings providing shelter from the downpour.

"I'll go find a cave for shelter first."

Almore led her through the forest, while Ruan Shu watched him with concern. The rain was getting heavier, almost entirely soaking him, while she remained dry, except for her fur dampened by the clouds.

Their luck was still holding; they soon found a cave. Without hesitation, Almore led Ruan Shu inside.

The cave was dark inside. Almore tossed the branches he had gathered, and with a breath, a flame ignited in the cave, instantly illuminating the entire space.

In less than a minute from entering the cave to lighting the fire, his actions were indeed swift.

And then they found themselves face to face with a bear that already lived in the cave.

It wasn't a Celestial Beast, but a unique creature.

The bear was as massive as a small mountain, with brown conical protrusions on its head and back, resembling miniature mountains.

Realizing that its territory had been intruded upon so brazenly by a dragon, the bear roared in anger.

Ruan Shu shivered, covering her ears as the bear, leveraging its massive body, charged towards them.

At that moment, the only thought in the kitty's mind was, "It's over, can she fit between the bear's teeth?"

Almore, however, remained calm. As the bear lunged towards them, he flicked his tail like a whip, lashing the bear and sending it flying out of the cave with a resounding crash at the entrance.

Ruan Shu was stunned, as was the bear.

It stood up, roaring with a fierce look, ready to attack again.

With a single menacing glance, the black dragon's imposing aura swept over the bear, commanding it to "Go away!"

Instantly, the previously enraged bear, now perceiving a monster, turned and ran off.

Almore showed no remorse for usurping someone else's territory. He burned some trash and even complained that the cave was not clean enough.

"That bear was too messy."

Then, from somewhere, he pulled out a clean blanket, laid it on the ground, and placed the kitty on it.

Almore transformed into his human form and sat on the blanket. He playfully poked Ruan Shu's head with his fingers and asked, "Why were you scared of that bear?"

Ruan Shu: ...

It was you who scared me! No wonder her vine ball flew away and never returned; his tail was so fierce that it sent such a big bear flying.

Text: ### Almore cuddled the kitty, pinching her little paws and stroking her furry ears, his hands seemingly unable to stay still. ###

Feeling harassed, Ruan Shu pushed the offender away with her paw.

As soon as she touched his fingers, a sense of shamelessness took over. He held her hand and brought it close to his mouth, giving it a kiss.

Ruan Shu!!!"

There's a pervert here!

Almore chuckled softly, gently scratching her chin, savoring the soft touch of her fur.

"Why are you so small, like a soft fluffy ball."

He playfully pinched her armpits, lifted her up, buried his face in her soft belly, and took a deep breath.

Ruan Shu said, "Meow meow meow!"

Resisting with all her limbs, she tried to push him away. Her father never cuddled her like this; this guy is petting the cat!!!

Almore lightly chuckled as his fingers tenderly stroked her, while Ruan Shu resisted, still gazing at his face with a mix of fear and confusion.