
Most mutant plants, like their dragon counterparts, are resistant to change. Even if the fruit they bear is ripe to the point of rotting, they would not easily allow others to take it away.

Therefore, they would not carelessly drop such good-looking variant fruits on the ground.

So, are these items intentionally dropped by the variant plants?

But how is that possible?

Ruan Shu wrinkled her nose and mumbled, "Smells good."

Many different types of plant fruits are edible and rich in nutrients; some can even be used to make potions.

The main ingredient for the potion that can barely suppress psychic power outbursts is one of the various plant fruits.

There are also other drugs, primarily sourced from various plants.

So, cultivated plants are highly significant to them, but wild variants are too aggressive, yet more precious, leading to the rise of a profession—mercenaries.

These individuals who come together for various purposes will embark on missions to explore the wilderness in search of the unique plants needed by their employers and to hunt down exotic beasts.


Regardless of how these fruits ended up here, Almo confirmed that the blackberry fruits were fine and handed them to her.

Ruan Shu held the blackberries like a small trail and followed behind Almo.

Perhaps due to being frightened just now, Ruan Shu now depended on him.

The blackberries were delicious and juicy, seedless, and satisfying with every bite.

Looking at the little companion beside him, Almo smiled and deftly sliced the game he had caught before starting to grill it.

Then, he took out some seasonings from the storage compartment.

Although Ruan Shu obediently sat beside him, she also stared at his hands several times, looking surprised each time he conjured something out of thin air.

But she didn't speak or ask.

Almo directly took off the ring with a black gem embedded on his finger and handed it to her.

"The ring space contains treasures such as pearls and gemstones that I've collected." Play with it, but you need to use psychic power to access it.

Ruan Shu looked at the ring in her hand, appearing somewhat lost. It looked extremely expensive. Why is he giving it to her?

"Play with it as you like, take anything you like from inside." "You can't have the ring now, but I'll look for a new one to give you when I get back."

Ruan Shu quickly waved her hands and shook her head vigorously. "No, I don't want it."

Holding the ring, Ruan Shu looked at him with confusion, then timidly asked the question she had been wanting to ask.

"Why are you so kind to me?"

It's not that she doesn't appreciate it, but it feels like a dream.

She lacks love, and whenever someone shows her a little kindness, she wants to repay them with all her might.

She readily accepts the kindness of her father and brothers due to their blood relations, reminding herself to treat them well.

But Almo…

Ruan Shu pursed her lips. He is His Majesty, yet he is so kind to her, making her feel surreal.

So, she is conflicted inside.

Due to this conflict, Ruan Shu's delicate face appeared slightly wrinkled.

But the small creases on her forehead and nose did not diminish her cuteness.

Almo placed his hand on the little one's head and pressed it gently.

"I am considering keeping a mascot; having such a soft and adorable companion with me is quite rewarding."

Ruan Shu's face immediately turned red as she slightly tilted her head to the side. "I-I'm not a mascot!"""

With a smile in his eyes, Almo diligently controlled the cooking while conversing with her.

"I've told you before, I'm very unlucky."

Ruan Shu obediently watched the aroma of the grilled meat wafting out, nodding slightly.

"Do you know how I got injured and hospitalized during our first meeting?"

Ruan Shu shook her head in disbelief.

"Ah..." I had a stroke of bad luck while going out; the hovercar exploded. Fortunately, I'm tough and didn't get hurt, but I still had things to do. I was delayed boarding a starship from the starport to Planet XX. But on the way, the starship encountered some issues and had to land nearby. Upon landing, we encountered the infamous Ghost Shadow Pirates and engaged in battle with them. "In the end, I emerged victorious and unharmed."

There was a hint of pride in his tone.

Ruan Shu said, "..."

So, was he unlucky, or were those pirates unlucky?

Almo took out an exquisite porcelain plate encrusted with sparkling diamonds around the edges.

Ruan Shu: Well, this is very Almo; she wasn't surprised at all.

The grilled meat, charred and smeared with blackberry juice, wafted a tantalizing fragrance. Ruan Shu's crystal-clear eyes gazed at it, but that didn't stop her from perking up her ears and listening to Almo.

Almo fed the greedy little cat before himself, holding a plate and fork in hand.

"Unfortunately, on the way back, luck wasn't on my side, and a few small asteroids veered off course and came hurtling toward our starship. I had to personally move those asteroids away, but accidentally got hit by one."

Ruan Shu widened her eyes in shock, with a mouthful of meat.


Was he hit by an asteroid?!

Almo couldn't help but pinch her chubby face; having such a cute mascot was great.

Unfortunately, it belonged to another family.

Upon thinking about this, Almo's mood soured.

"Are you alright now?"

It was an asteroid. While asteroids may seem insignificant compared to planets, they are capable of damaging a starship!

"I'm fine; just some internal injuries, healed in three days," he said nonchalantly.

Ruan Shu swallowed nervously, stunned from head to toe.

Internal injuries?

Did he heal in three days?

How strong is this person's body?!

Dragon clan, terrifying indeed!

"Still eating?"

Ruan Shu lowered her head, realizing she had unknowingly finished everything on the plate.

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Although Almo had put in the effort to catch the game and grill the meat, in the end, she had devoured it all on her own.

"I-I'm done eating," Ruan Shu said hesitantly, fiddling with her fingers.

Almo chuckled, and as Ruan Shu blushed, he quickly took over.

"Eat yours, I'll tend to the fire."

Ruan Shu could only sit on the side, holding the fruit, behaving like a useless yet pretty mascot.

While eating the grilled meat, Almo occasionally fed her some.

In the end, Ruan Shu felt a bit full. She discreetly patted her stomach and eagerly gazed outside.

She wondered when the rain would stop.

Suddenly, Almo spoke, "Little mascot, do you know why it's raining?"

Ruan Shu instinctively shook her head, realizing a few seconds later what he had called her.

Ruan Shu retorted softly, "I-I'm not a mascot."

Her voice was gentle and not intimidating at all; who would be afraid of her.