A Stirring Episode

9th Line: Is it not rather curious that everyone should be discussing not the charming appearance that Ruan Ling'an prefers?

10th Line: Accepting gifts from girls is indeed a rare occurrence, a first in history.

11th Line: What about the original poster (OP)? OP, please continue. What happened next? Do you know who that girl is? What grade is she in?

12th Line: I detest this tendency to leave conversations hanging halfway. If you have something to say, have the courage to say it to completion!

13th Line: Hurry up, OP. Otherwise, Ruan Ling'an might cease to exist if he sees this post.

Text: ### ... ###

After several more posts, the original poster (OP) finally appeared.

OP: I'm here, I'm here. Stop rushing me; I'm just observing the situation.

The girl is not from our school; she is from outside. But do you know what is most important? Initially, the girl wanted to leave, but!

Senior Ruan persuaded her to stay and even asked if she wanted to visit his school. The girl agreed. Here, I must say, she is truly adorable and beautiful. Her eyes shine brightly when she speaks, you know?

Senior Ruan is currently showing her around the school. However, she walks slowly while Senior Ruan walks quickly. Halfway through, he realized she wasn't there and turned back to find her trailing behind, looking somewhat forlorn.

Senior Ruan finally waited for her, and then, to everyone's surprise, he picked her up!

37th Line: Oh my, carrying her like a princess? I can't believe Ruan Ling'an can be so caring!

38th Line: OP, share their location. Where are they? I'll rush there immediately.

39th Line: I don't believe it unless you share a photo.

40th Line: I want to see which girl has such charm that Ruan Ling'an would pick her up!

41st Line: No spreading rumors. OP, swear that what you're saying is true, or you'll face consequences.

42nd Line: Share the location or share a photo. Without evidence, I won't believe it. You're probably just spreading rumors, OP.

OP: I swear everything I said is true, or I'll fail the test.

Text: ### There is no content provided. ###

60th Line: "Damn, what the original poster said is true." I saw it too!

Of course, those who went to find them felt somewhat murderous upon seeing Ruan Ling'an with the girl.

That damn scoundrel. He didn't lie, but he omitted a crucial detail.

Ruan Shu wrapped her arms around her big brother's neck, feeling somewhat awkward as more and more people gathered around.

She tightened her grip on him, no longer afraid. At the same time, Ruan Ling'an's roommate also discovered the post.


Rong Jun initially thought it was clickbait, as similar incidents had occurred before, where Ruan Ling'an was mentioned in the title but had no actual connection to the content. After reading the post, he realized it was indeed about his brother.

The original poster's words were so convincing that it was hard not to believe!

"Look at this post quickly."

Rong Jun immediately shared the news with the other two.

"Look, look, Ling-ge's gossip, or rather, celebrity news!"

The other two immediately became interested and, after reading it, exclaimed.

"Holy cow, no wonder he didn't reply to our messages." "He's with a girl."

Rong Jun was somewhat excited. "Really?" Ling-ge is really making progress!

An Lan suggested, "Let's call him and ask."

"No, let's not alert him." Let's inquire about his whereabouts and discreetly locate him to catch him red-handed.

Rong Jun grinned. "I want to see which woman could make my brother carry her like that."

He Qizhi shuddered at the thought. "I can't even imagine."

An Lan agreed. "The lunatic carrying a girl?" Inside the school?

It felt a bit strange.

Rong Jun said, "Here they are, near the supermarket." Let's go!

The three almost ran out of the dormitory. They couldn't miss such an exciting event.

So, they didn't see the post being updated again.

103rd Line: "Damn it, OP, be clearer or die!"

104th Line: We've all been fooled. The photo proves it.

105th Line: [Image]

The photo was taken from behind, showing a tall and slender young man holding a basket of cakes with one hand and carrying a young girl with rosy lips and white teeth in the other.

The girl in the light green dress was leaning slightly on the young man's shoulder, and the photo was timely, capturing the moment when Ruan Shu glanced back.

Half of her face was visible, revealing her clear and bright eyes, while her snow-white skin glowed in the halo.

106th Line: "Damn, this photo is amazing!"

107th Line: Damn, we've really been fooled by the dog-like OP!

108th Line: It seems he didn't lie; he just didn't explain clearly (dog head).

109th Line: Why involve dogs when cursing? Please don't blame the canine species for swearing!

110th Line: Such a beautiful and adorable girl. Even as a university student, I want someone like her. Can you believe it?

111th Line: So, what is their relationship?

112th Line: Feels familiar.

Most of Ruan Shu's previous trending topics were deleted by Ruan Xiao. The latest incident occurred when she inadvertently live-streamed grooming Ruan Feng's star beast form, but the footage was somewhat blurry, obscuring her face.

Moreover, students at the First Military Academy were busy with their studies and training, so they had little time to browse the Star Network. Therefore, most people who saw Ruan Shu didn't recognize her, or perhaps a few vaguely remembered her, but couldn't recall her at that moment.

However, the photo was indeed beautiful, and almost everyone who saw it while climbing the posts saved it unconsciously.

When Rong Jun and the others arrived at the supermarket, they immediately saw Ruan Ling'an checking out with a child in his arms.

Rong Jun exclaimed, "Damn, I've been fooled again."

He Qizhi added, "What a stir for nothing!"

An Lan pushed up his glasses. "To be precise, we were not deceived." The original poster simply did not provide essential information.

For example, the girl was actually just a few years old.

The supermarket was crowded, and Ruan Shu instinctively snuggled closer to her brother.

At this moment, she was practically glued to him, her small mouth pursed in a nervous manner.

She held the basket of pastries in her hands, while her brother had purchased several items and was now at the checkout.

She glanced at his hands, and her own hands tightened on the basket.

"Brother, your hands are full." "I'll hold this."

Although the basket was a bit heavy for her, she shouldn't have to hold it for long, right?