Receiving Messages

Provoking the stellar beasts, not to mention the star thieves and insect beasts present, when they find their lair, they will exact revenge once again.

They are not only cruel, but when others provoke them at their doorstep, where else can they assert their face and dignity if they don't fight back?

As the wars in the universe come to an end, everything returns to peace.

The dark giant dragon transformed into a human form and landed on the starship. The first words spoken were inquiring about Ruan Xiao.

"Has Shu Shu encountered danger?" I cannot reach her communicator. Marshal Ruan, do you have any news of her?

This nonsensical statement puzzled the other marshals, but Ruan Xiao's expression suddenly became colder and more forbidding.

He hastily opened his personal terminal, but there was no response when he tried to contact Ruan Shu.

Ruan Xiao's expression darkened, and he exuded a terrifying aura.

Almo was not faring any better. When he sensed that Ruan Shu was in danger, his mood soured. He abandoned his starship in pursuit, using his innate abilities to navigate the cosmic void.

It took three interstellar jumps to get here.

"Let's go back," Almo said, turning to leave. However, at that moment, a video call came through.

Ruan Xiao answered the call, and on the screen appeared a young man with dark skin and white hair, holding a wounded, soft white rice ball.

The fragile little creature with slightly reddened blue eyes gazed eagerly at the screen. When she saw the familiar figure, her eyes lit up.

Almo's feet rooted to the spot, his body hesitated to turn away, and he even took a few steps closer to a certain marshal.

"Shu Shu!"

Ruan Xiao and Almo simultaneously exclaimed the young girl's nickname in excitement.

Upon seeing the person in the video, Ruan Shu was overcome with excitement. She called out for her father and Almo, her eyes brimming with tears.

Ruan Xiao consoled her, "Don't be afraid, Daddy will come find you now."

It was evident from his face that he was anxious. Even Ruan Linzhan was surprised, as he had never seen the young marshal in this state before.

"You are hurt."

Almo looked at the wounds on her body, his expression changing from joy to concern.

Ruan Shu's current appearance was far from pleasing.

Her once snowy white face was now dirty, with small wounds and disheveled hair. Not to mention the abrasions on her hands and feet from falling on glass pebbles.

She shook her head with red eyes and said, "I'm fine." I couldn't find Grandpa, Big Brother, or my sister, who saved me. "It doesn't hurt."

Ruan Xiao and Almo both looked at her with compassion.

"Prepare to return!"

"Ah Zhan, please help Shu Shu with her wounds."

Ruan Xiao, as if only just remembering Almo, spoke in his usual cold tone but with a touch of care.

"Shu Shu is afraid of pain." Avoid using harsh disinfectants on the wounds. Make sure to clean the area around the wounds thoroughly to prevent infection.

Almo added, "Use the best medicine." "Maybe you should have a professional doctor take a look."

Soldiers typically knew how to treat wounds, but due to their strong physiques, their methods were rough.

Almo was worried that he might hurt Shu Shu's wounds.

Ruan Xiao agreed with this concern.

Ruan Linzhan, who was not trusted, sighed, "..."

He glanced at the two with a smirk, a marshal and an emperor, appearing anxious about a little girl's wounds. Their solemn expressions were more terrifying than facing a world war. If they were so concerned, why didn't they do it themselves!

If only his upbringing had allowed it, Ruan Linzhan would have rolled his eyes.

Unable to bear the fussing of the two, Ruan Linzhan made an excuse and ended the communication.

The two on the other side looked eagerly as Shu Shu disappeared from the screen, their expressions changing instantly.

One regained his icy demeanor, while the other smiled ironically, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes. "The rebels, huh?"

He crushed a fragment of a meteorite that he was holding in his hand.

Murderous intent flashed in Ruan Xiao's eyes as well. The two figures, one cold and one dark, stood closely together, creating a tense atmosphere. It felt as if the entire starship's temperature control system was on the brink of malfunctioning.

Many people were shocked, especially Ruan Xiao's soldiers, who had never seen him display such expressions before.

Equally astonished were Ruan Linzhan's soldiers when they saw the fragile little creature who seemed to be hurt by the slightest touch, prompting both a marshal and their emperor to display signs of concern and anxiety. This little girl was extraordinary!

And to think, the marshals could somewhat understand the situation due to the girl's relationship with her father, but what about the Emperor?

"Jaws dropped."

A companion helped reattach the jaw and then looked bewildered, "I never thought the marshal could show such an expression."

"Who wouldn't?"

"What is the relationship between His Majesty and her?"

"Who knows?"

Ruan Linzhan glanced at them with a smirk and asked, "Why are you standing here?" Go help rescue survivors from the wreckage!

The group straightened up immediately, looking lively and alert.

"Commander, we have found a few surviving star thieves." How should we handle them?

"Lock them up for now." Xiao Liu, please call the medical officer.

Ruan Shu shook her head and said, "It's not necessary." "I'm not in pain, just spray some medicine on it."

With everyone busy, the medical officer must be even more occupied. She knew her injuries, though painful, were not severe enough to warrant a doctor's attention. She didn't want to trouble anyone because the medical officer needed to attend to those with more serious injuries.

"I can just spray the medicine myself."

Seeing her in pain, with tears falling down, Ruan Linzhan chuckled as he spoke. "My younger niece and His Majesty instructed me." If they find out I didn't take good care of you, I'll be in trouble.

He set her down and sat on a relatively clean step. "Go fetch the medical kit."


"Give me your hand."

Ruan Linzhan squatted in front of her, holding out his palm.

Ruan Shu glanced at him cautiously, then placed her small hand on top of his.

"Are you my eldest cousin?"

She asked softly.

As he tended to her wounds, which, even though he was being gentle, still caused her pain, she unconsciously flinched.

Her fair complexion, red eyes, and wounds on her face made her resemble a fragile porcelain doll that could break at any moment.

"Well, I didn't expect to come back and find that my younger cousin already had a daughter."

He lightened his touch, but it still hurt Ruan Shu. She bit her lip and refrained from crying out, but tears streamed down her cheeks.

"When did my little cousin get married again?"

Ruan Linzhan had a hunch that it wasn't that simple.

Ruan Shu curled her finger, lowered her head, and whispered softly.

"No, it's not like that."

Her birth was not glorious; it was even a mistake.

But Ruan Shu was not one to lie or hide her origins.