I Thought I Was Going to Die

Ruan Shu's petite body leaned against him, her tender young face buried in his neck without moving for a while.

After about ten seconds, the little girl's choked, soft voice finally sounded.

"I'm so scared, and it still hurts."

The vulnerability and distress that she did not dare to reveal, even in front of strangers or her newly acquainted cousin, were now exposed.

Warm tears fell on his neck, and Ruan Shu sniffed, raising her little arm to hug his neck, her body trembling slightly.

"I thought I was going to die."

Al'er nuzzled her head, his voice a little hoarse. "No, I'll protect you."

He held Ruan Shu's wrist and looked at the bandages wrapped around her hand with a deep, cold expression.

"But I failed to protect you."

The Holy Light Bracelet was not only a spatial accessory but also a protective item. The different colored gemstones were not ordinary gemstones, but energy crystals.

Ruan Shu's eyes also reddened as she looked at the bracelet, which resembled a little rabbit. "It has been protecting me well."

She answered very seriously with her slightly transparent face.

"When I was running, many heavy objects fell down, and I'm so small that if I had been hit, I would have died." "It's this that protected me."

The small vine on her wrist patted it a bit defiantly.

It, it, don't forget it!

Ruan Shu's eyes curved into crescents. "The small vine also worked diligently to protect me."

Al'er glanced at the mutant vine asserting its existence and surprisingly did not disdain it.

"Where's Dad?"

After crying out her distress, Ruan Shu quickly recovered. She remembered that during the video call, Dad was with Al'er.

"He's behind."

He had used spatial teleportation to arrive, and for once didn't get lost, but still didn't find them immediately. He only found them after asking the surrounding soldiers.

Ruan Shu wanted to ask why he didn't come with him when a black hovering car stopped not far from them. Two people rushed towards her like the wind.


Then the old master pushed the esteemed emperor aside and hugged his precious granddaughter.

"It's good that you're alright, it's good that you're alright."

He was never so afraid when he single-handedly challenged hundreds of bugs, but this time he was truly terrified. His granddaughter's body was so fragile. If something really happened, what would he do?

"How is it possible that you're so injured?"

Ruan Fei saw the bandages on her pale little face, and his heart ached terribly.

"Does it hurt?"

Ruan Shu nodded; it hurts.

"This hand," and here the nurse sprayed me with anesthetic spray. "It doesn't hurt, but other places hurt a bit."

"Why didn't you spray the anesthetic anymore?"

Ruan Shu said, "I would have been numb."

Her hands and feet still had no sensation.

After the narrow escape and reunion, Ruan Shu was completely protected, like a fragile porcelain doll. After greeting her cousin, she was sent back home.

Al'er had already informed his medical officer to wait at the Ruan residence.

Ruan Shu was exhausted. After the medical officer examined her and applied medicine, she lay on the bed, wanting nothing more than to sleep. However, she couldn't shake her concern for Miss, the secretary.

Ruan Fei provided her with accurate information. "Don't worry, she's fine; she was taken to the first hospital."

Ruan Shu pursed her lips into a small smile before drifting into a deep sleep.

She slept very obediently, perhaps because she was still in pain; her little brow was furrowed.

"I sprayed some anesthetic spray on the areas with larger and deeper wounds so she can have a good sleep." However, after the anesthesia wears off, she will still feel pain.

After the treatment, everyone left Ruan Shu's room very quietly.

"What happened?" Why did space raiders and bug beasts invade the main star!

As soon as they left Ruan Shu's room, Ruan He's face darkened.

After all, the main star not only had an extremely strong energy shield protecting it, but the space around the main star also had patrol ships.

Al'er's expression was also grim. "It's the rebels." There are spies and traitors in the Political Bureau and the military. I also received news about the rebels, which was supposed to be a decoy, but there is indeed a rebel base there. They didn't hesitate to expose a base as a decoy for this plan.

Ruan Fei asked, "But why were there bug beasts?"

Al'er said, "The rebels have a newly born bug king." "Perhaps it is because the bug king is about to die that they had to hastily plan this war." Otherwise, with the bug king under their control, they could have devised a more comprehensive battle strategy instead of this self-destructive attack, which was resolved in less than a day.

The individuals who arrived this time were only a small faction of the rebels. Their intention was to exploit the dying bug king to cause harm to their primary target. They are a group of fanatics.

But don't forget, they are also a bunch of lunatics.

"Traitors, unforgivable!"

Ruan He hated traitors the most.

"Who is it?"

"Councilor Daniel."

Ruan Fei exclaimed, "I knew that hypocrite was no good!"

His wife is a rebel spy because she possesses evidence of Daniel's corruption and poisoning of his rival councilors. Daniel himself has also been drugged. This time, he used his identity to gain access to the control center and deactivate the energy defense system outside the main star. Although the system was discovered and reactivated in less than a minute, the rebels still succeeded in bringing a warship with bug beasts into the main star.

"This is what has been found out so far, and there are likely more spies besides Daniel's wife."

Ruan Xiao rushed back from space, so he returned home much slower, only exuding a cold aura.

"Where's Shushu?"

Ruan said, "She's asleep. Don't disturb her."

Ruan Xiao pursed his lips. "I'll go take a look."

His cold, sharp blue eyes were resolute.

Ruan He snorted coldly but didn't stop him.

Al'er also wanted to sneak in, but was quickly pulled out by the nimble Ruan He.

"The emperor has worked hard to get here; let's go have a cup of tea."

Ruan Fei also helped drag him away. "The emperor has worked hard."

Al'er "..."

In Ruan Shu's room, a cold-faced man knelt on one knee beside the bed, gently holding his daughter's hand and looking at the bandages, a hint of tenderness flashing in his icy blue eyes.

He gently touched his daughter's delicate and soft face, as if to confirm her presence.

"I'm sorry."

After a long while, he hoarsely murmured the three words.

He had promised to always protect her, but this time he had broken his word.

The small, white figure lying quietly on the bed seemed to sense something. Her small face rubbed slightly against his palm, the furrowed brow relaxing a little as she murmured, "Dad."

Ruan Xiao stroked her hair, his expression much softer.

But thinking of the culprits who had hurt his daughter, the killing intent in Ruan Xiao's eyes flared up uncontrollably.

He stayed for a while and then left.

After the battle, as a marshal, there were many tasks he needed to attend to, but the one he was most eager to accomplish was a thorough investigation of both the bug tribe's lair and the rebels' hideout.