Ruan Fengsi: I am truly grateful

Shuzhuo may be linked to curing spiritual contamination, but neither of them could rejoice at this moment, as this might not necessarily bode well for her.

Finding a method to treat spiritual contamination is indeed beneficial, but it concerns Shuzhuo.

If this were known, could Shuzhuo still live peacefully? She is still so young.

Therefore, Ruan Xiao decided to be selfish this time. Even if Shuzhuo could truly cure spiritual contamination, she wouldn't publicize it or let others know until their safety could be absolutely ensured.

Ruan Xiao said, "Take a blood sample from Shuzhuo for a thorough examination." Whether the blood test reveals anything or a comprehensive physical examination is conducted, no one else must know about this.

Ruan Qingran also understood the importance of this matter and solemnly nodded in agreement.

After leaving the medical room, they behaved as though nothing had happened.

Shuzhuo sat quietly outside, waiting. Upon seeing them come out, she hurried over.


Ruan Xiao lifted her up. "Since you haven't had a physical examination yet after returning, your cousin and I have discussed giving you a comprehensive one."

Shuzhuo nodded without suspicion. "Okay."

"We'll need to draw blood, but don't worry, it won't be much."

Shuzhuo spoke in her soft voice. "Dad, if you cover my eyes, I won't feel any pain."

So obedient.

This was Ruan Xiao's inner thought. His daughter was obedient and understanding; naturally, he would spare no effort to protect her.

During the blood draw, Shuzhuo raised her little arm and buried her entire head in her father's embrace.

Ruan Qingran worked swiftly and skillfully.

She only felt a slight sting, which soon subsided.

In the end, only a small, inconspicuous needle mark remained on her fair little arm.

Shuzhuo nestled in her father's embrace, obediently waiting for the next examination.

"Does it hurt?"

Shuzhuo shook her head. "The cousin's needle doesn't hurt at all."

Ruan Qingran smiled faintly and tousled her hair. "Why would I let you feel pain?" "Come, let me check your spiritual strength as requested."

Shuzhuo obediently complied, lying down in a cylindrical mechanical chamber and calmly closing her eyes.

Ruan Qingran first checked her spiritual contamination level.

But the report that came out made his eyes widen.

Ruan Xiao, standing beside him, naturally saw it too. They exchanged a glance. If all their previous conjectures were mere guesses, now they could almost confirm that reducing contamination levels was indeed related to Shuzhuo.

Shuzhuo's spiritual strength was indeed at an F-level, the weakest grade, but her contamination level was 0.

This was nearly an impossible task. Even newborns typically have a contamination level of a few decimal points.

"What could be the reason for this?"

Ruan Qingran murmured, starting to examine other aspects incessantly.

But nothing conclusive emerged for now.

They had no choice but to call Shuzhuo out first.

"Uncle, please take her away." I'll figure this out.

Ruan Xiao nodded without saying much.

"Brother, bye." Will you be here tomorrow? Shuzhuo will bring you mooncakes.

Ruan Qingran shook his head. "I'll be back at the hospital tomorrow."

The First Hospital had more sophisticated equipment, so he needed to take Shuzhuo's spiritual and blood samples back for thorough study.

Shuzhuo said, "Then I'll bring mooncakes to the hospital tomorrow."


Much time has passed today. Despite her reluctance, Shuzhuo was considerate enough to suggest leaving, even though she was aware of how busy her father and grandfather were.

"I'm going to deliver mooncakes to Third Brother." "Dad, take care of yourself."

She rubbed against her father's neck and left with her eldest brother.

Ruan Xiao and Ruan He sent them off in the car.

Shuzhuo sat inside the car, her little head poking out of the window, waving goodbye to them.

"Goodbye, Dad." Goodbye, Grandpa. Please come home early once you're finished.

Shuzhuo looked back reluctantly.

Ruan He wished he could accompany his lovely granddaughter home now, but he had finally found some clues about his eldest son's situation and had to investigate them promptly.

"Be good and wait at home."


The hovercar departed. Shuzhuo's small hand scraped against the window as she leaned her delicate chin on it, her eyes fixed on where her father and grandfather stood until they completely disappeared from her sight.

"I'll miss you so much, but I'll come again next time."

Shuzhuo sat up straight, her fingers pinching the plush cat doll's paws and belly.

"It would bother Dad and them." I've already spent a good deal of time with Dad today, and his work is already very busy. "I don't want to trouble him."

Ruan Fengsi had never seen anyone as soft-hearted and always considerate as her.

But that was Shuzhuo—her innate kindness and consideration for others always made her vulnerable and endearing.

"Butler Grandpa said the mooncakes are ready." Let's go deliver them to Third Brother, and we'll send some to Second Brother, Eldest Cousin, Yusheng Brother, Yuhuan Brother...

She carefully counted everyone, including Alm, then smiled warmly.

"This way, everyone gets to enjoy mooncakes and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together."

Whether crying or laughing, she exuded a quiet tranquility that healed others, providing a warm and soothing comfort.

This was something Ruan Fengsi had never felt from anyone else.

Indeed, his sister was a healing angel.

"Alright, whatever you say!"

"I'll even pick stars for you!" Besides, those mooncakes were all made by the kitchen's housekeeper robot.

When they returned to the First Military Academy to retrieve the mooncakes, the sky had already darkened.

At this moment, Ruan Ling'an was training for the upcoming competition, immersed in combat training that filled the entire school with excitement.

Upon receiving an unfamiliar call, he didn't hesitate to hang up.

Then his eldest brother called.

Ruan Ling'an glanced at it and decided to hang up.

He even went so far as to block the number, determined not to be disturbed during his training (fighting).

Ruan Shuzhuo and Ruan Fengsi, who were suspended and obstructed, gazed at each other for a moment.

Ruan Fengsi pulled Ruan Shuzhuo out of the car directly, his expression dark.

The guards at the gate were alert, raising their weapons when they saw him.

"Halt!" What are you doing?

One-eyed Ruan Fengsi was eyed suspiciously, mistaken for a kidnapper.

Are traffickers this audacious nowadays?!

"Little girl, what is your relationship with him?"

Ruan Shuzhuo replied blankly, "He's my brother."

After several inquiries, Ruan Fengsi realized how he was being perceived. His face darkened, appearing even more menacing and villainous.

It wasn't until they checked his identity that the embarrassed guard let them in.

Can't really blame him for that!

Ruan Fengsi asked, "Do I really look like a kidnapper?"

Ruan Shuzhuo glanced at him and softly replied, "Not really."

Ruan Fengsi said, "Exactly, it's all in the way he looks at people."

Then he heard the little girl mutter, "He kinda looks like a leader of star pirates."

Ruan Fengsi: "…"

Some star pirates engage in human trafficking.

He really is a bandit leader.

I am truly grateful!