We found her but...

The messages meant nothing to Strax. Everything he was doing wasn't for gain; on the contrary, none of this was for a damn System that had been holding him back. It was pure fury—the fury of a man whose wife had been kidnapped.

His rage made him act...

"Get up." He said to Darius, who was still on the ground, but Darius didn't move. "I said get up." Strax commanded and kicked Darius backward, his kick landing on the man's stomach.

"Urgh!" Darius groaned in pain. Because of Tiamat's Aura, Darius's body was completely weakened; in fact, he could barely move at this moment. The pressure the Dragon exerted on his body was overwhelming. "Damn coward," he cursed...

"Coward?" Strax questioned... [Dragon's Aura] he used, making the man curl up on the ground, his strength still stagnant, and he couldn't do anything. "You kidnap my wife, and I'm the coward?" Strax questioned. He had already killed two of his brothers; killing the third would not be a problem.