Ella didn't wait long, after they arrived at the castle to know why she and her whole family are here and now.

She took a shower still not talking to any of her husbands about it. They ate dinner in their room silently.

"Want to go downstairs?" She asked to everyone chagrin.

They left the room and came down. The royal family were still having their dinner, which made them wonder if, they'd rushed their food.

They greeted everyone and went out to the ban.

Ella knew where she went the boys will follow. She also know that they have been in a place for long. They needed an out, so she provided an out for everyone. Herself included.

"Love?" Salvador said, as he neared her in the ban.

"We'll know soon. Let them finish. Dad will get to us soon. Put your heart at rest." She said, resting her head on his shoulder.