"But what if I can proffer a solution to your predicament? Will you tell me then?" The words hung in the atmosphere for as long as possible to make the hallway deafening silent.

"Does that matter now?" The guard outside finally said.

The guard inside was almost tired of waiting but then it seems to him that waiting is actually his second habit.

"It does! Well, that depend on whether you want to go home or not!" The guard inside replied with a smile.

"Do you even have a name?" The guard outside suddenly asked as if he had forgotten.

"No, I don't have a name. Do you have a name?" The guard inside asked with shrug.

For some reasons he knows that he is in no condition to ask any questions, but still. One need hope even when hope is nowhere to be found.

"Of course, I do have a name." The guard outside replied.

After a silent two minute or two with no forth coming alteration of his name, the guard inside gave up.