Immortal fairy came to save me

Chen Yang's mind churned, caught in a frantic debate with himself. Lost in indecision, he barely registered the figure materialize in front of him.

A searing pain erupted in his chest as a powerful blow from the man's palm sent him reeling backward. Weakened and gasping.

Chen Yang slumped against a nearby tree, his eyes widening in horror.

"Scheming and murdering the Wu clan?" the mysterious man sneered, his voice dripping with icy malice. He advanced menacingly, a single, decisive blow poised to end Chen Yang's life.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, a tremor that vibrated through the very air. Then, a booming voice cut through the air, shattering the tense silence. "Wu Ling! Where do you think you're going, running away mid-fight?"

Chen Yang, momentarily distracted by the tremor, caught a glimpse of a figure hurtling through the air, a blur of movement clad in crimson robes. It landed with a heavy thud, the impact sending a ripple through the dust-strewn ground.

Recognition flickered across Wu Ling's face, replaced by a snarl. He crossed his arms defensively, his entire posture hardening. "Wang Kai," he spat, the word laced with venom, "don't overstep your boundaries!"

The air crackled with tension. Wang Kai, a man built like a mountain with a steely gaze that could pierce through stone, stood unflinchingly. His presence alone seemed to command respect, even from the menacing Wu Ling.

Caught in the maelstrom of their power struggle, Chen Yang felt utterly insignificant.

The aftershock of their unleashed energies sent him flying through the air before a bone-jarring impact with the unforgiving ground knocked the wind out of him. Dazed and disoriented, he watched helplessly as the world blurred around him.

Desperately, Chen Yang fought to stay conscious. A wave of regret washed over him. "I should've been more careful," he rasped, his voice barely a whisper.

The river rushed towards him, its surface a swirling vortex threatening to consume him. As his eyelids fluttered shut, darkness claimed him.


The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the tranquil river a warm gold. A body drifted aimlessly on the gentle current.

On the riverbank, Mei and Lin were busy collecting herbs when Mei spotted something unusual among the reeds.

Gasping, her hand instinctively shot out to grab Lin's arm. Her voice barely a whisper, she pointed towards the still figure. "Lin, look! What is that?"

A mix of fear and curiosity etched on her face, Mei watched as Lin followed her gaze. Lin's breath hitched as she saw the silhouette of a human form lying by the water's edge. A wave of fear washed over her, but she forced herself to stay calm for her sister.

"Oh my goodness, Mei, I… I don't know," Lin replied, her voice trembling slightly as she squeezed Mei's hand. "Do you think… is it a dead body?"

Uncertainty hammered in Mei's chest, but she knew they couldn't ignore someone in need. With a determined nod, she took a firm step forward, her grip on Lin's hand reassuring.

"We have to check," Mei said, her voice steady as she led the way towards the figure.

They approached the prone form together, their footsteps soft on the ground. Lin's heart hammered with each step, but she focused on supporting Mei.

Reaching the riverbank, Mei knelt beside the still figure, searching for any signs of life.

"Lin, wait a moment," Mei cautioned. "Let me check first to see if he is alive."

Lin, momentarily forgetting herself, reacted impulsively. She swiftly kicked the body's leg.

"Lin!" Mei exclaimed, her voice sharp with surprise. "What did you do?!"

"I just wanted to see if it would react," Lin stammered, panic flickering in her eyes. "If it is alive, it should respond, right?"

"But kicking could hurt it! We need to be gentle with someone who might be injured."

"I-I'm sorry, Mei. I just panicked," Lin apologized, shamefaced.

"It's okay," Mei soothed. "But let's not do anything rash. Let me check for a pulse and breathing."

Mei carefully leaned in, placing her fingers on the person's neck to feel for a pulse. After a moment, she released a breath of relief.

"He have a pulse," she reported.

"Oh, thank goodness," Lin sighed.

"We need to get him help right away. Let's carry him back to the village," Mei decided.

"Agreed," Lin concurred. "I'll help you lift it."

Together, Mei and Lin carefully lifted the person and began their journey back to the village.


At the village,

When Chen Yang opened his eyes, he found himself lying within a small and old wooden hut. To his sides were simple and plain furnitures. A rusted and spotted pot rested on the table as it emitted steam.

"Looks like I survived…"

Chen Yang let out a satisfied laugh.

"But it was really dangerous, and I might have been the first earthling to die on the third day of getting the golden finger."

He licked his cracked lips before sitting up and pouring himself some water.


At the same time, he took a deep breath of cold, fresh air. Pain coursed through his entire body agonizingly as he fell back down onto the bed helplessly.

At this point, he noticed that his entire body was wrapped up like a mummy. A strong and unpleasant odor of medication emanated from within the wraps.

F**k, which quack of a doctor did this to me?

Chen Yang was infuriated. What's a simple wound? All that's required was to spend rejuvenation portion and I will be fine .But you decided to wrap me up like a damned mummy. How am I supposed to live in  this state?


The door creaked open gently as a small figure walked through.

"Eh, you are awake?"

A sweet and melodious sound of a girl speaking passed through his ears.

His entire body froze when he looked up for a better look.

The petite girl in front of him was stunning. Her skin was fair and smooth, and an entire head of dark black hair rested lightly on her shoulders. Her big round eyes radiated innocence and clarity.

Seeing that Chen Yang was awake, the corners of her mouth moved to reveal beautiful angelic smile.

"So you've finally woken up. Yesterday, my sister and I went to the river to pick some herbs and discovered you unconscious floating in the river with your entire body covered in blood. So my sister and I carry you back. "

"You must be a foreigner, right? One should not play near a river because animals will come to drink the water there . It was very easy for those who were unfamiliar to fall prey to the beasts." Her beautiful eyes gleamed as she smiled once more, and her cheeks revealed a cute pair of dimples.

Chen Yang was still dazed by her beauty.

My god. How can this world produce a woman of such beauty! She had the countenance of a flower and the face of goddess. It was difficult for Chen Yang to contain his infatuation.

"Don't be afraid. This is white river Village. Wild beasts won't enter this place. Besides, there are many strong mans who would beat them savagely if they ever showed up." The little village girl looked at Chen Yang 's expression and thought that he was still afraid. He was watching her little hands imitate the beasts as she spoke. She was extremely adorable.

regained his senses. Staring at a beautiful girl was a simple act. However, how could he let go this oppurortunitity! To impress her

Hearing this, he sat upright and replied, "Afraid? I, Chen Yang, have never known fear. Truth be told, I am a hunter. That day when I was at the river side I ran into a thousand.. Err, several dozens of wild beasts trying to take me for their dinner. But I wasn't the least afraid. When I encountered them, I stood my ground and shouted at them."

"Everyone has to die sooner or later in spite of how severe or easy their deaths would be. But I, Chen Yang, will never surrender. Hence I began a battle for my life which lasted three days and three nights. Look at these battle scars, they were caused by a savage shark's ...."

"Ah? We've never heard of any shark on that river!"

"Aren't there any? Then it means that it probably came over from another river ! Aiya, don't bother yourself with the minor details. The important point is that I wasn't willing to die as a meal to them, and thus I jumped off the river . Who would expect that heavens was looking after me and sent an immortal fairy to look after me. Thank you."

"Ah… I… I'm not an immortal fairy. I'm Xu Lin." The little village girl froze momentarily as her face blushed red in shyness, tipping her head down.

"It's alright Xu Lin. From today on, you shall be my immortal fairy."  Chen Yang replied sincerely.

"You… How can you say… Ah…" Xu Lin sounded extremely anxious and flustered as she covered her adorable face before turning around to run off.

In this place, even if it's a tiny village, people were still very traditional and conservative.

In speaking this way, Chen Yang was as good as taking liberties with her and teasing her and not just complimenting her on her looks.

Xu Lin fled the hut, hiding outside and fanning her flushed cheeks with her little fingers.

Chen Yang laid back down on the bed and smiled in self-admiration .

" Only now did I realized ,I also have glib tongue and can make girls run in shyness ,I should've gotten system of glib tongue"