first kiss

As Chen Yang clone was using all of his strength and focus to reach toward villagers soon as possible wishing nothing had happened to them .

The imitating aura and pressure vanish without a trace the next moment.

The force that made Chen Yang's body hard to move disappeared abruptly. He lost control of his body as his speed increased four to five times.

" Fuck , is someone playing trick with me , just who the hell is tha.... Fuck"

He cursed his fate and the imaginary thing that loves playing tricks on him. Suddenly, a black thing flying towards him caught his eye.

As the black thing larger and larger in his eye ,

In a blink of his eye the black thing suddenly transform into a red headed pig like person .

[He is none other than fifth brother of Wu.]

Like a car transform into transformer and frog transform into handsome prince.

It was great that he was turning into a pig. But, to go even further, he was laughing like a maniac. It was as if he had lost his virginity when he was half dead. Or, as if he had escaped from a wife who scolded and beat him. She didn't even let him sleep, so he was a virgin until he was half dead.

As the face came closer and closer toward him , he tried his best to control his body to dodge the man .


Chen Yang's clone and Wu's fifth brother collided. They tumbled and rolled across the ground, entangled in an awkward embrace.

Amid their unexpected meeting's chaos, their faces drew closer. Their lips accidentally brushed.

Time seemed to stand still in that moment of accidental intimacy. Their hearts pounded. They realized how absurd their situation was.

Chen Yang's clone recoiled in shock. His mind reeled from the unexpected contact. The fifth brother of Wu let out a surprised yelp. His laughter was abruptly silenced by the unexpected turn of events.

They looked at each other in mutual astonishment. They scrambled to untangle from each other's grasp. Their cheeks were red with embarrassment.

They pulled away. A tense silence filled the air. It was broken only by their labored breaths and the rustling of leaves.

"For heaven's sake, I'm a man who loves women, not... this!" Chen Yang's clone exclaimed. His voice was tinged with awkwardness as he tried to make sense of the bizarre situation. Or did the main body affect my luck? It's so unlucky in love that even I, his clone, have to endure such awkward encounters." he mused to himself. "Perhaps that's why he's still single after all these years."

Chen Yang clone choose to blame all the incident on his main body head .

" Even a handsome clone like me had my first kiss stole by a strange creature."

Inside the wine store,

Chen Yang was sitting on the counter. He was looking at a guest when a powerful sneeze erupted from him.

" haaa haaa..xuuu"

Catching him off guard and drawing the attention of those around him. The sneeze was so forceful. It caused customers, who were enjoying their wine, to pause and shoot him curious glances.

Embarrassed by the sudden outburst, Chen Yang hastily apologized to the guests. He said, "Must be some dust in the air causing my allergies to act up."" To get out of this awkward situation.

However, deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling. The sneeze was somehow a reaction to someone cursing him behind his back.

Chen Yang couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth to the old superstition that a sneeze was a sign that someone, somewhere, was talking about you.

Back at the scene.

Chen Yang clone was complaining about his luck. Suddenly, he noticed Wu's fifth brother. The brother was still staring at him with a strange intensity in his eyes and a creepy smile.

Chen Yang's clone felt a sudden shiver on his bone. He quickly distanced himself from the fifth Wu brother and said,

" man don't take things seriously , it was just accident, I am not that kind of man"

fifth Wu brother don't seem have heard Chen Yang and began to approached the Chen Yang , he asked, "Are you Chen Yang?"

Chen Yang's clone was taken aback by the fifth brother's question. He nodded in agreement without thinking.

In his chaotic mind an incredible thought appeared 'Does my main body had an affair with this pig ,hah! that's why he is isn't married.'

The fifth Wu brother began to laugh, "Hahaha, I finally got you."

Looking at his dramatic reaction Chen Yang clone decided to confirm his thought so he askedy.

"Hmm... did you have an affair with someone who looks just like me?" Chen Yang's clone pointed to his own face.

He looked at fifth Wu brother who is looking at him with looks like as if he is going to eat him alive .

The fifth brother of Wu continued to laugh loudly. He twisted his pig-like features with amusement. " Hahaha Chen Yang even when death is near , you still have a time to make fun of me "

" I will let you know the consequences of messing with me "

He released his aura. It was of the sixth foundation establishment stage. He aimed to freeze Chen Yang and show him despair.

As the clan had informed him that Chen Yang was in the early qi condensation stage.

Even if he improved quickly in the next three months, he would still be at the middle of qi condensation.

Despite being injured by the shadow of a black flame bird, he was still confident. He was sure, to capture or kill someone at the qi condensation easily.


But, contrary to his expectations, Chen Yang was fine. He was looking at him as if he were a monkey, demonstrating a dance.

In his rage, he took a brief moment to approach Chen Yang. He then launched a soaring eagle claw attack at his back.

As he imagined his attack causing a hole in Chen Yang's body, a hand effortlessly intercepted it.

Wu's fifth brother stumbled back. His eyes widened in disbelief.As his attack was intercepted so unexpectedly.

Chen Yang was still standing in front of him, his expression had became cold.

"You dare to attack me?" Chen Yang's voice was low and dangerous, and his eyes burned with rage. "What do you want with me, and why did you come here looking for trouble?"