Blooming business

White cloud city.

After paying for the wine, Old Wei stepped out of the wine shop, immediately taken aback by the bustling crowd gathered around the entrance.

Old Wei stood there, dumbfounded, as he watched the scene unfold. "Did something happen nearby, or has the owner done something to earn the hatred of this many people?" he wondered aloud, scratching his head in confusion.

The noise of their chatter filled the air, creating a lively and curious atmosphere. As he strained to listen, he began to pick up snippets of their conversations.

"Did you hear? Wei Jiang, the ancestor of the Wei clan, was seen entering this shop!"

"They say he's already at his half-step to the grave, but he still came all the way here for a drink? This wine shop must sell good wines."

"Maybe there's something miraculous in the wine. If Old Wei finds it worthy, it must be truly special!"

Old Wei's face flushed slightly with a mix of pride and irritation. He was not used to being the center of such attention.

'But if I find out who is spreading rumors about me being half-step in my grave, I will show them the experience of being in a half-step grave.'

Despite the overwhelming nature of the crowd, Old Wei maintained a dignified air. He raised a hand, signaling for silence, and the crowd gradually quieted down.

"My friends," he began, his voice carrying a tone of authority and respect, "the wines within this shop are indeed extraordinary. I have tasted many wines in my time, but none quite like those crafted by Shop Owner Chen. They are worth every single penny."

The crowd began to murmur again, this time with more interest than skepticism. "If even the ancestor of the Wei clan says it's worth it, maybe we should give it a shot," someone said, and the sentiment spread quickly.

A murmur of awe and excitement rippled through the crowd as they absorbed his words. Old Wei took advantage of the opportunity to leave, moving quickly but gracefully through the crowd.

As he walked away, he could still hear the enthusiastic chatter behind him, now filled with plans to visit the wine shop and taste the wines for themselves.

After Wei Jiang left, some cultivators in the crowd entered the shop to try the wine praised by the Wei clan's peak foundation establishment ancestor.

The inside of the store.

With the departure of Old Wei, Chen Yang started to clean the mess left behind by Xiao Long and Xiao Yi. Just as he was considering closing the store, he sensed the auras of people approaching it.

"Looks like I will have more customers today," Chen Yang sighed and sat down on a chair, waiting for the group of men to enter his store.

He did not have to wait long; after a little more than half a minute

A woman with a hunched back and a crooked nose shuffled into the shop. The hygiene in the cramped store was excellent, and the immaculate table surface demonstrated the shop owner's attention to detail. The ambiance was designed to be welcoming to customers.

The decoration alone indicated that this was a high-end store.

"Oh my, shop owner, what are you selling here? Your store's decor is stunning; it rivals the Emerald Lotus restaurant in the heart of the city!" The woman said while looking around the store.

Chen Yang was staring at the woman with no expression.

"You sound like you have visited places like the Emerald Lotus Restaurant!"Stop bragging, lady!" The elderly man snorted in disgust.

The woman was instantly aggravated by his words. She put her hands on her hips. She was staring at the old man with wide eyes, ready to engage him in a battle of wits.

"Excuse me, customers. If you're looking to order, the price tablet is right behind you. "If you want to fight, please do so outside." Chen Yang simply stated, interrupting the impending battle between the two neighbors.

The woman snorted coldly, only stopping when she realized it was someone else's store. She turned to look at the price tablet while still muttering under her breath, "I can tell that you're not a bad lad and I know that running a business isn't easy, so this old lady will help out a little. I'll order ..."

The woman abruptly ceased speaking and stared at the price tablet in disbelief, the corner of her mouth twitching violently!

The old man was perplexed by her actions, so he turned his gaze to the woman and saw her expression. When he followed her gaze, he almost vomited blood.

"Oh my god! Is there gold in the wine or what? Who sets these prices?"The old man was so shocked that his beard nearly fell out from his trembling.

The woman's plump body trembled as she spoke in a piercing tone, "Lad, this is Black-hearted! 30 spirit stones for a jar of wine? Outrageous! With this kind of price, who would dare to drink here?!"

The former adversaries, an elderly man and a woman, joined forces to oppose Chen Yang.

"I have my reasons for pricing my items as such. If you are not going to order anything, then please leave."

Although Chen Yang opened the wine shop for information, he retained his pride.

The woman looked at Chen Yang as if he was insane, shaking her head and saying, "I could buy an entire vineyard for that price!" The woman cried out. "Come on, let's get out of here before we go broke!"

She then walked away quickly.

The hunched-over old man shook his head and stomped away, muttering curses under his breath.

Meanwhile, he remained unresponsive and expressionless

Chen Yang was not surprised by their reactions as it was all within his expectations. The wine's high price meant he would lose a lot of customers because not everyone could afford the exorbitant prices.

The majority of the people who entered the store reacted similarly to the woman, grumbling as they left.

The crowd dissolved as quickly as it appeared.

The lively Arcane Whisper wine store had reverted to its former desolate state, and no one wanted to spend money there.