Yonderhorn Deer Run Rampage

The smoke dissipated, revealing a scene of devastation.

A burned tree trunk stood like a blackened sentinel, and the ground was cracked like a spiderweb from the force of the explosion.

The Yonderhorn Deer was a horrifying sight. One of its front legs lay crumpled beneath its massive body, forcing it to kneel. Half its face was a raw, burned mess, the once majestic creature reduced to a grotesque parody.

The smell of singed fur and scorched earth filled the air, acrid and heavy.

Despite the pain, a flicker of primal fury ignited in the beast's remaining eye. It fixated on Xue, who stood frozen, a mix of curiosity and anticipation plastered on her face.

With a roar that sent shivers down their spines, the Yonderhorn Deer lurched forward, its remaining leg buckling slightly under the immense weight.

Seeing the Yonderhorn Deer charging towards her, even faster than before despite its mangled leg, Xue launched into a string of colorful curses.