A System that bestows wealth

Leo looked around to see if he was actually seeing the cryptic message. He looked at his stomach and saw he had been stabbed. He tried to get up holding his stomach but his leg felt weak and tired. His vision was blurry as he walked towards the school clinic. Leo had just started in King High as a fresher but he was already suffering. " Help me." he said faintly walking towards the school clinic. Leo looked up each time to see if he was almost there but it looked like each time he looked up, the clinic was far away from him. He fell to the ground raising his left hand slowly. He fainted


Leo opened his eyes slowly and closed them back. They were heavy and he could barely lift them. He managed to open them and he saw a lady beside him. She was wearing a velvet gown and her eye was tied to the back. He looked at her nails which were polished and wondered how could a woman be this gorgeous. He rolled his head and looked at the walls that were painted white. "Am I dead? is this heaven?"

" You are not dead." A voice replied him and Leo turned back to stare at the face of the lady seated beside him. " Who are you?" Leo asked trying to get out of bed. " I wild stay seated if I were you." she replied

" Water?" She asked walking towards the table to get me some water. " Why did you help me?" I asked gulping the water down my throat

" Help you? Do you think I want to be here?" The girl said looking at me.

Judging from her rude voice, I knew she couldn't have helped me from the bottom of her heart. I looked at her and furrowed my brows. " So why did you do it?" I asked looking at her

" I am your class rep. I was instructed to .. No! I was forced to help you." She corrected herself making me stare at her cold face. She was having this motionless face that made me feel a cld shiver run down my spine. " I guess I am free now, since you are awake." She said getting up to her feet.

" Why am I in a hospital?" I quickly ask her and she looked at me

" Your wounds were beyond what the school clinic could fix. You just undergo a major surgery so I would advise you to lie down till the doctor says otherwise." I looked at her again and my lips parted

" What? do you always talk this much?" The girl flared up and I stopped talking. " One last question and I am out of here." She shouted at me. I gulped down the thick saliva at the back of my throat and looked at her. " Who is paying for my hospital bills?" I asked with a frightened face. " Why are you asking me that? don't you have families or relatives? try calling them to come through for you." She slammed the door right in my face.

I cuddled in my bed and wondered how I was going to offset my bills. The door opened slightly and Roseline walked in. I smiled seeing her and I knew everything was going to be alright. " I cam as fast as I could. Are you alright?" she asked seeing the bandage around my stomach.

I winced as I tried to get out of bed. " I am happy to see you friend." I said gently looking at Roseline. " Who did this?" she asked again and I could barely talk. I knew she was going to scold me. " Cassandra." I manage to say the name and looked at Roseline. She clenched her fist in anger and looked at me " I told you to abstain from all this ladies. They don't have any feelings and would definitely hurt you. Who brought you to this fancy hospital by the way? Do you have any means of paying the fee?" She asked staring at me

" Leonardo!" Roseline calls me that when she is annoyed. " What? it was not as if I had any choice. I fainted because I was loosing too much blood. i opened my eyes and I found myself here." I said trying to defend myself

The doctor walked in and was happy to see Leo talking. " Well, it looks like you are all hale and healthy but you would need to make sure you don't reopen your wounds. You had a major surgery and I would advise you not to do anything that would endanger yourself. Please pay up your bills before you leave the hospital." he said with a smile

Roseline looked at me and back at the doctor " How much is the medical bills? " she asked adjusting her spectacles

" uhmm.... since it was a major surgery then Mr Leo would have to pay the hospital a sum of $20,000." He replied

" What!. " Leo and Roseline shouted almost at the same time making the doctor looked at them

" $20,000?" Leo shouted with disbelief. He was only having $300 in his account.

" You had better calm your parents and let them know that you are here." The doctor said and walked out of Leo's room. Roseline looked at him " How do you plan on paying for this? it is glaring you don't have a choice but to pay the hospital bills."

I scratched my head but nothing was popping in. I didn't have any family or relatives I was going to run to for help. " Can you help me out? " I looked at Roseline

" Really, Leo. you think I wouldn't if I had the money. " Roseline said back at him

But then Leo remembered the cryptic message that had appeared before him at the point of dying. Do I need to be at the point of dead before I can see it?" He said outloud making Roseline look at him

" Point of what? death?" who are you talking too? " Roseline asked staring at him

The system message reappeared and Leo shouted happily " I can see it! can you see it Rose? " He asked looking back at her

" Did you hit your head too?" She asked looking back at Leo who was looking at the cryptic message. " I think I had better get the doctor." She said running out to call the doctor








Leo laughed so hard that he held his stomach. He had never believed he could kiss Roseline. The door flings open and Roseline walked in. " I called the doctor and he would be here anytime soon." She looked at Leo who was staring that the clock and it looked like each minutes and seconds got faster. " I have nothing to lose." Leo said gently getting up to his feet.

Roseline's heart beat fast as Leo walked towards her " What are you doing?" she asked with her heart racing

Leo didn't say a word but planted a kiss on her lips. Roseline close her eyes as their lips met.

The doctor opened the door and saw what was going on. " I guess his brain is walking perfectly fine." He said to himself and close the door.

Leo, looked at Roseline who was still in shock and didn't know what was going on. " Why? why did you kiss me?" Roseline asked not sure what the kiss was about

" I am sorry. I just didt have a choice. What would you do if you are asked to kiss your best friend and become a millionaire?" Leo asked walking back to his bed.

" Is that even possible? What are you talking about?" Roseline as walking closer to him " So, you kissed me just to win some money? Did you play with my feelings?" She asked getting angry.

" I am.... sorry. I didn't me to.." But before he could finish his words Roseline walked out on him.

" Jeez! Fuck the system!" Leo shouted in anger but then he heard a sound that made him froze for some minutes. " Is that a message? Is this really real?" He said with a shaky hand as he picked up his phone.

Leo looked at his message and saw he had been credited with a substantial amount of money. " Holly Molly! this is true. " he said with disbelief.

Another message appear before you.


Leo smiled to himself. He had always had a lot of wills that need to be fulfilled anyways and this was just the begining of them being fulfilled. He got out of bed and went to pay his medical bills. Leo knew he had to go straight and apologize to Roseline but he wasn't going to go like some pauper. " I need to change my look for a bit." He said walking to the nearest barbing salon

He was cleanly shaved tat he looked like he was the lost son of some billionaire. just that he wasn't a billionaire but a millionaire.

Leo asked to his house and didn't see Roseline at home. " Where did she go to? Is she still angry with me? all this thought were going inside Leo's head. He decided to seat at the entrance and waited for her but Roseline didn't come home.

Leo was getting worried and he met calling her line. This time it was ringing but she didn't pick it up. He decided to leave her a voice mail hoping she would reply to it. Leo got dressed very early the next morning and walked out of his room. He looked at Roseline's room and saw it was still locked. He wore a dad face as he rode his bike down to school. On his way he saw a fancy car and he thought of buying his own too. afterall, he was having the money and it was suppose to be spent between 5days.

Leo drove his bike in and was met with a gaze of everyone in the school. " Why are they looking at me?" his thought was going wild. " I was the one that was bullied and almost got killed. Why must I be treated like some outcast?" Leo said parking his bike

A car came behind him crashing into his bike. Leo looked back to see who it was but couldn't. He car was tinted black and he sound coming from it was loud enough to block his ear drum. Leo dipped his ear pod into his ears and waited for the maniac to come down from the car.

Leo looked at the laced black boot as the leg landed on the floor and to his surprise, it was no other than Fred.

Leo looked at him feeling angered " Cant you see that I had parked here first? Are you blind?" He shouted at him

" What are you going to do pauper? find another space to park your bike. " He said with a smirk and Cassandra walked out wearing a black jacket on her blue round neck. She was having a to match outfit with Fred. Both of them looked at Leo and laughed " You are not only poor but it looked like your brain ain't functioning properly anymore since I left you."

Leo was about to move his bike but then he decided not too. He looked at Fred " Do you think there is anything special about you? I bet you are just some spoilt brat who feels like he can have everything his way." Leo shouted

" I didn't ask to be born rich, you are just a poor brat with a badluck all over him. " Fred said laughing and many of the student watching laughed too. Leo knew he had to gain their attention somehow. He looked around and saw a big stone. He went and picked it up waking back towards Fred who thought he was going to stone him but to his surprise a loud bash was heard and the glass broke down and shattered.

" What did you do! you bastard!" Fred shouted looking at Leo