Crazy Rogues

"Did she just smirk at her brother? Are those two actually not trustworthy like Mom said? Or am I the one misinterpreting it?" Aurora couldn't swallow the chunk of meat in her mouth. 

"What is wrong? Is it not appealing to your taste buds?" Lily asked. 

"Erm, no, that ..!" Aurora protested. 

"Or you are afraid we would hurt you?" Lily blurted. 

"Erm, not really. I just ... I mean, I saw you smirked and my mind gave me funny ideas! I'm sorry, we do not have a good impression of rogues! We lost our father and home, because of a rogue." Aurora said, still not swallowing the meat. 

"Don't be sorry, I understand. If I were in your shoes, I would also be very skeptical. I don't blame your mother for being skeptical. It is a healthy skepticism. Well, I smirked knowingly at my brother because we bet that you guys would come back and even eat with us. He bet against it, because of how stern your mother looked." Lily explained.