Chapter 13 Hell Girl is Tired.

As soon as Shinji Kanbara took off his headphones, he heard the conversation of several people. He asked curiously, "What game?"

  Several people talked about the game 'It's your turn'. one time.

  "I'll form a group in the next two days, and we'll play together then."

  Shinji Kambara didn't refuse, he nodded, "Okay, count me in."

  He had no interest in this kind of social game, but after all, it was part of the club's activities. Huan, he is a member of the Ghost Club after all, so naturally he cannot be absent.

  And he also saw that Kota and Hideki wanted to play this game, obviously for Uesaki Kai and Shinkawa Chie.

In this case, he might as well be a wingman for once.

  After the club activity time was over, they parted ways. Shinji Kambara was carrying his schoolbag. When he passed by a familiar alley, he glanced slightly and spotted Kento Kuike again.

  "The Kanbaru."

  Hearing the voice, Kento Kuchi turned his head and saw Shinji Kanbaru, with nervousness in his eyes.

  When Koyama Tsutomu, who was surrounded by three people, heard the sound, he couldn't help looking up and looking out of the alley with joy...

  However, Shinji Kanbaru just took a look and left directly.

  This indifferent scene made Xiaoshan Qin look stunned.

  The trio breathed a sigh of relief, and Kuchi Kento curled his lips, "It seems that Kanbaru guy is in a good mood today." After dealing with Shinji Kanbaru for a year, they have a clear idea of ​​this guy's character.

  When I'm in a bad mood, I see them bullying students and I run over to mind their own business. And even if they give in, it won't work. They have to fight.

  When I'm in a good mood, even if I see them bullying the freshmen, I don't bother to care.

  Thinking about this, Taketo Kuchi looked at Koyama Tsutomu with a ferocious smile, "What? Do you think this guy Kanbaru will come to help you? Let me tell you, he is more hateful than us, and he acts completely according to his mood. Even if this lunatic helps you. So what? If you make him unhappy, he might even beat you up."

Shinji Kanbara got on the train, and on the way he found many students in school uniforms talking about Hell Girls.

  In the past two days, the urban legend of Hell Shoujo has been completely regarded as a promotion for a new series or TV series. But it still sparked heated discussion among the student community.

  He was not surprised. After all, Japan has a popular horror culture, and there are rituals to worship ghosts everywhere. There is even a ghost summit every year, where groups from all over the country perform and present live performances and presentations based on local ghost stories, and the rankings are judged.

  These activities make Japan's ghost culture flourish in modern society.

  Urban legends appear every once in a while, the most famous of which is the seven incredible things on campus, almost all of which are untrue.

Therefore, Japanese people are very receptive to horror stories, but whether they believe it or not is a question.

  After all, every urban legend is a story, and everyone treats it as a supernatural story. Normal people will not take it seriously.

  It's just that... other urban legends are false, but Hell Girl is real, even though he has never seen it since she was created.

  Thinking about it, he picked up his mobile phone and logged into the 2ch forum and started browsing.

  In the past few days, the sub-pages behind Hell Girl have reached more than 300 pages, and more than 100 pages have come to an end.

  In just two or three days, he was able to get rid of more than a month's worth of "sight in the cracks". It was hard to compare, which made him sigh and go crazy.

However, compared to "Sight Between the Cracks", Hell Girl provides fewer legendary points and good and evil points.

  "Sight in the Crack" can provide more than 300 legendary points and more than 80 good and evil points for every person taken away.

  And what about Hell Girl?

  Each time a person is sent to hell, only more than a hundred legendary points and more than twenty good and evil points are provided.

  At first he was confused as to why it was so unequal, but after turning to the second page and reading the notes on the notepad, he suddenly understood.

  [Note 2: People affected by the urban legends you write will benefit you and gain certain legend points. ]

  [Note 3: People who die because of the urban legends you write will benefit you and gain certain good and evil points. ]

"Sight in the Crack" tortures those who like domestic violence.

  Kill one person and save one or more families. It indirectly affects the lives of many people, so naturally more legendary points are given.

  In the same way, people who like domestic violence are basically scum with twisted and repressed personalities, and they only have more good and evil points.

  As for school bullying, many students do not dare to tell their parents and suffer in silence.

  Therefore, many parents are kept in the dark and do not know these things. So even if Hell Girl brings bad guys to hell, it will only affect the people who were bullied before.

  As for good and evil, I'm afraid from Notepad's perspective, the bad things these bad guys do are still not as bad as those who like domestic violence.

of course there are exceptions.

  For example, the first person to see Hell Girl was named Aida Daichi. The legendary points he provided were similar to others, only a little over a hundred, but he provided more than a hundred and fifty good and evil points.

  In other words, the person who goes to hell is more cruel than those who enjoy domestic violence.

  However, he watched the story about Aida Daichi recorded in the notepad, and after understanding the situation, he felt very happy.

  If we say, what is recorded behind the caught sight is a depressing story. Then, what Hell Girl records is a refreshing story about revenge.

  Thinking about it, he clicked on [Do Hell Girls Really Exist? ]This post.

  At this time, the post has become extremely popular. Shinji Kanbara believes that even if it is not pinned, this post will not cool down.

Because...except for many people who expressed disbelief and thought it was a propaganda method for the new show. Many people have confirmed the authenticity of Hell Girls.

  And as long as more and more people prove it, no matter how much they don't believe it, they will probably still be suspicious in their hearts.

  He browsed the posts briefly and saw countless replies.

  "It's... it's true, it's true! Hell Girls really exist, my God! My hands are still shaking when I type this!"

  "Everyone knows it's a promotional plan for a new show or TV series, but you're still saying it's true here Yes, can you please stop teasing everyone's IQ?"

  "Hey, hey, don't joke, how could it be true."

  "I entered the hell communication at midnight, why didn't the hell girl come to me, don't lie.

"It's true, I can testify." "

  There's a limit to pranks, right? Then don't blame me for posting bad reviews after the animation comes out."

  "Are you sure there is this URL? Why can't I access the Hell Communication website? ."

  "Since you say it's true, can you provide evidence?"

  Countless replies made this post more and more popular, and more and more people viewed it.

  A few people said that they did see Hell Girl.

  Most people didn't believe it, saying that they also entered the website and entered their names, but no Hell Girl came to them.

Shinji Kanbara smiled slightly when he saw these replies.

  Those who entered their names but didn't see Hell Girl probably didn't have enough resentment in their hearts.

  According to his settings, only when the resentment in the heart reaches a certain level and the name of the resentful person is entered, the hell girl will appear.

  If you enter a name casually, or if you don't have enough resentment, you will naturally not see it. That means that you don't actually have a strong resentment towards that person in your heart and want to send that person to hell.

  As for those who can't even access the website, Shinji Kanbara expressed his helplessness.

  The area he chose was Tokyo. Then naturally, places in other regions cannot access this website.

This is also the main reason why many people do not believe in the urban legend of Hell Girls.

  And if you want an urban legend to affect the whole country, his legendary points are simply not enough. Therefore, only netizens in Tokyo can browse the Hell Communication website.

  But that's the thing about urban legends.

  Many urban legends are weird and only appear in specific places. This is because urban legends are regional.

  And the current Hell Girl, like the sight in the gap, is an urban legend in Tokyo.