Chapter 25: Existence outside the rules.

Long black hair with bangs.

  The upper body is short-sleeved black clothes, with a red scarf tied around the neck, the lower body is a black short skirt, and the feet are wearing black leather boots, looking like a junior high school student.

  However, wearing a deep black sailor suit did not give Yama Ai any youthful air.

  On the contrary, because of her sickly white complexion and blood-red eyes, in contrast to the black sailor uniform, the other party looked even more ominous and strange, making people intimidating.

  Staring at Enma Ai's bloody pupils made Kanbaru Shinji frown slightly.

He did have the idea of ​​meeting the other person before, but that was just to see what it would be like if Yama from the second dimension fell in love with the third dimension.

  Now it seems that the delicate faces described in the animation still look good in the three-dimensional world.

  But if he wants to meet Yan Moai, he definitely won't come to him on his own.

  He knew exactly what this meant.

  If Yama Ai comes to you, there are two reasons.

One is that you write the name of the person you hate in the hell mail, and then she will take you to a river bank full of flowers from the other side under the bloody sunset, and hand you the scarecrow under the giant trees surrounded by mountains on three sides.

  Then I'll tell you about Hell Girl's murder rules.

  And if you don't write your name in Hell Communications, she'll find you. That means you are going to hell.

  Thinking about it, Shinji Kanhara was silent, but not for long. He stared at Yama Ai and said calmly, "What is it?"

If the urban legend written in the notepad was used by others and could be used to kill the creator, that would be a scam.

  But if that was the case, he would have no choice but to admit it.

  Because he wrote the rules, he created Hell Girl, and the other party acted according to the rules he wrote, so he couldn't blame anyone.

  It can only be said that he did not take this into consideration when he wrote it, which was an oversight on his part.

  Enma Ai's height only reached Shinji Kanbara's chest. She looked up at Shinji Kanbara and said without any fluctuation in her tone, "Sir, someone wrote your name on the hell communication."

"Are you going to take me to hell? ?"

  After hearing this, Yama Ai shook her head slightly and stared at Shinji Kanbara. She said calmly, "My ability was given by you. Therefore, you are outside the rules."

  After hearing this, Shinji Kanbara His face relaxed, and his tense body relaxed.

  No one is afraid of death, and he is no exception.

  Now that Yan Moai said this, a stone in his heart fell down.

  "Who wants me to go to hell?" At this time, Shinji Kanbara's tone was cold. In his opinion, if anyone wants him dead, it must be the bad guys in the school.

"Xiao Shan Qin."

  Xiao Shan Qin? Who is this?

  Shinji Kanbara searched his memory and found that the name was completely unfamiliar and he didn't recognize it at all. In Yingqiu High School, there is no delinquency with this name.

  Soon, Shinji Kanbara didn't see any movement from Yama Ai. He only felt that his vision was blurry. Looking further, he had arrived at a place illuminated by a bloody sunset.

  He stood there and saw in the distance a student wearing the uniform of Yingqiu High School's first grade, standing under the giant tree, and the person opposite was Yama Ai.

  But Yama Ai is now beside him, and it seems that this scene is what happened just now.

  He stared at Xiao Shanqin's face, his brows still not widening, because he didn't know him at all.

After more than a minute, the conversation between 'Yama Ai' and 'Xiaoshan Qin' ended.

  Kanbaru Shinji and Enma Ai returned to the study room again. At this time, he no longer thought about who this person named Xiao Shanqin was.

  He raised his eyes to look at Yama Ai.

  "The ability I gave you is very clear. As long as you write the name of the resentful person on the hell communication, then the red thread will be torn off, and the resentful person will definitely go to hell."

"If I don't go to hell, you and Xiaoshan Qin Isn't it true that the signed contract cannot be completed?"

  After hearing this, Yan Moai still had a calm expression, as if nothing could make her mood swing.

  But Shinji Kanbaru knows that if the other person is alone, he still has preferences.

  I like origami balloons, sewing, etc. I also practice the recorder. I like to hold cherries in my mouth and spit them out immediately. When he was in a bad mood, he would poke holes in the window paper.

  "You are outside the rules." Yama Ai repeated this sentence again carefully. Her tone was calm and quiet, her voice was strange, and there was a kind of magic. "But the contract has been signed. So should the contract be invalidated" It will be your decision to let Xiao Shanqin go to hell."

In other words, when Xiao Shanqin wrote his name in the hell communication, life and death were already in his hands.

  He was outside the rules and so could invalidate the contract. If you continue to fulfill the contract, you will definitely go to hell alone.

  And the choice of going to hell is also in his hands.

  But...he expected this.

  In the anime, Enma's ability to love is given by the three-eyed spider. If someone writes the name of the three-eyed spider in the hell communication.

  Could it be that Yama Ai can also send the three-eyed spider to hell?

  Isn't this a joke?

"Let him go to hell."

  Shinji Kanbara said it lightly, because this was a decision that did not require thinking.

  Thinking from Tsutomu Koyama's perspective, he wrote down Shinji Kanbara's name, met the Hell Girl, and pulled off the red thread. As a result, Shinji Kanbara did not go to hell.

  This will make Xiaoshan Qin stunned. If the other party twitches his head and runs to tell the Metropolitan Police about this situation, wouldn't he expose himself?

  Thinking about it, Shinji Kanbara looked at Enma Ai, "While you are sending Koyama Tsutomu to hell, can I go over and have a look?"


  As soon as he finished speaking, the scene in front of Shinji Kanbara changed. From the warm study room to a cold and humid place, the sound of gurgling water came to my ears.

At this moment, he was standing on the bank of the river, with a dark path at his feet. All around were purple-gray mist, mixed with moist water vapor, covering the dark and gloomy sky.

  He turned his head and looked behind him with curiosity. Unfortunately, it was foggy and his visibility was extremely low. You can only vaguely see a river with no end in sight.

  To be honest, Xiao Ai's working environment is a bit bad.

  At this time, Enma Ai was wearing a black kimono with flowers of the other side embroidered on it, looking flirtatious and strange.

She stood on a small boat, holding a slender wooden oar in her hand, gently paddling the water. Looking ahead, there is a dilapidated building similar to the torii of a shrine.

  When Xiao Shanqin opened his eyes, he saw this strange scene, listened to the sound of sliding water, and sat up suddenly, looking around in horror.

  He watched in horror as the lanterns painted with ukiyo-e paintings on both sides of the boat lit up faintly, floating on the water and moving with the boat.

  In just a blink of an eye, he saw the hell girl rowing slowly. Her blood-red eyes made him remember it deeply.

"Hell girl?" Xiaoshan Qin was stunned. His body was shaking, but he found that he couldn't move. "No, no, shouldn't you send Shinji Kambara to hell? Why...why am I here now? I have obviously torn off the red thread. !"

  Even if he didn't know the situation clearly, Xiaoshan Qin knew something was wrong.

  "Xiaoshan Qin."

  At this moment, a voice came from the river bank.

  Compared to Koyama Tsutomu's fear, Kanbaru Shinji looked much more relaxed and comfortable as he walked along the slow boat.

  He looked at the other person with cold eyes.

  "We don't know each other, so why should I write my name in the hell communication?"