Chapter XII: Dissonance

Chapter XII: Dissonance

A trail of blood snaked its way down the rooftop, each crimson drop a mocking reminder of the life that hung in the balance. Anja lay at the center of a desperate flurry of activity, her friends clustered around her broken body, their hands slick with her blood as they fought to stem the relentless tide.

Reiner stood at the edge of the roof, his gaze fixed on the Titans gathering below, drawn by the scent of fresh prey. "We can't stay here for long," he said, his voice low and urgent. He glanced at Bertholdt, a silent communication passing between them.

Armin and Hannah huddled in, their faces pale and shocked. Mina's grey eyes stared into the distance, haunted, fixed on the distant figure of a bloodied corpse, mangled and disfigured.


"There's too much blood!" Sasha cried, her voice high and thin with panic. She pressed down on the gaping wound in Anja's back, her hands trembling violently.

Marco knelt beside her, his face ashen as he tore off his jacket sleeves, already soaked crimson. "We need to stop the bleeding! Someone make a fire!" he ordered, his voice cracking with desperation.

Annie cradled Anja's head in her lap, icy blue eyes wide and desperate as she brushed blood-matted hair from her friend's pale face. "Anja, stay with us," she pleaded, her usually stoic facade crumbling like shattered glass.

Anja's eyes fluttered, unfocused and glassy. Her breaths came in shallow, rattling gasps, each one a Herculean effort.

"Come on, Anja! Fight!" Sasha begged, tears cutting tracks through the grime on her face.

But Anja was slipping away, her skin growing colder by the second. Annie held her close, as if she could anchor her to life through sheer force of will.

And then, with a final, shuddering exhale, Anja went still.

Her chest ceased to rise, her pulse fading to nothing beneath their blood-slicked fingers.

The silence that followed was deafening, broken only by the hitching sobs of those left behind.

"She's... she's not..." Sasha whispered, her voice small and lost.

Connie pounded on Anja's chest, tears streaming down his face as he tried to force life back into her unresponsive body. "Breathe, damn it!" he cried, his voice raw with grief. "Breathe!"

"Make some space!" Marco commanded, a heated blade in his hand. With Annie's help, he pressed the searing metal to Anja's wound, the sickening sizzle of burning flesh mingling with the scent of blood.

Annie worked frantically, breathing into Anja's mouth, pumping her chest in a desperate attempt to restart her heart. "Wake up," she begged, her voice breaking. "Wake up, Anja! Please!"

But it was too late. Anja lay silent and still, the light gone from her eyes, her skin rapidly cooling. The truth settled over them like a suffocating shroud, heavy and inescapable.

"Annie," Reiner said, his voice leaden but laced with grim determination. "She's gone. We still have a mission to accomplish. There are more Titans coming."

Annie barely heard him, the world narrowed down to the lifeless body of her friend. A single tear slipped down her cheek, splashing onto Anja's ashen skin.

"We can't just leave her here!" Sasha cried, her voice rising in panic.

"We have no choice!" Jean shouted, his face twisted with grief and fear. "If we stay, we'll all end up dead!"

With trembling fingers, Annie unclasped the pendant from around Anja's neck, the metal still warm from her skin. She pressed it into Anja's limp hand, curling her fingers around it, she looked as if she were merely sleeping.

"I'm sorry,"

"I'm so sorry."

A final drop of blood welled from Anja's fingertip, trembling for a moment before falling to splash against the weathered pendant's surface.


Anja's fingers clutched the pendant tightly, the metal digging into her palm. She stared at her friends, their faces a mix of shock, disbelief, and horror, the truth of her impossible survival hanging in the air like a physical thing.

It all felt like one of her nightmares, and she was half-convinced she'd wake up at any moment. The world seemed to tilt around her, the line between reality and delusion blurring into an incomprehensible haze.

"I... don't..." Anja stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jean's eyes narrowed as he took in her battered and bloodied form. "You were dead," he said bluntly. "We all saw it. You weren't breathing. How the hell are you here right now?"

Anja leaned heavily against the wall, her breath coming in short, painful gasps. "I don't know," she admitted, her voice raw and hoarse. "I don't understand any of this…It can't be…"

Am I going insane?

The building shook, dust raining down from the ceiling as a piercing scream rent the air. The Rogue Titan's roar echoed through the streets, locked in a brutal battle with its own kind.

"It's going to wreck this place," Reiner said, urgency sharpening his tone. "We have to move."

She shook her head, desperation clawing at her insides. Perhaps she had merely imagined its familiar eyes. But the others could see it too, fighting furiously outside. Perhaps she had deluded herself, seeing something that wasn't there.

The image flashed through her mind—the Rogue Titan's blazing green eyes, the way it fought to protect her. She couldn't shake the overwhelming certainty that had taken root in her heart. She couldn't just ignore the thought.

"Wait! You have to hear me out," she pleaded, her voice rising above the chaos. "That Titan out there, it's Eren."

Her words were met with a ripple of confusion and disbelief, the other cadets exchanging wary glances and murmurs of doubt.

Armin's face paled, his voice strained. "What are you talking about? Eren... Eren is gone, Anja. I saw it happen. A Titan swallowed him whole."

Anja shook her head vehemently, her eyes desperate. "No, listen to me! He saved me. Look at him, his eyes... He's fighting the others, helping us. It's Eren! I know how it sounds, but you have to believe me."

Jean's patience snapped, his voice cutting through the clamor. "Enough! We don't have time for this. You're imagining things. We can't waste a second here. That thing outside is our window to escape. We have to get to the supply room now, refill, and haul ass before they tear this place apart."

Most of the cadets murmured in agreement, their faces grim and determined as they began to move towards the door.

Anja's heart sank, "I know what I saw, Jean. That is Eren!"

Jean rounded on her, his eyes flashing with anger. "Listen to yourself, goddamnit! You're telling us that he is a Titan? The same Eren who Armin saw being eaten?"

His words struck a chord, and Anja fell silent, doubt creeping into her mind. How could she expect them to believe something so outlandish, especially when so many lives hung in the balance?

Jean's gaze swept over the group, his voice hard and unyielding. "Too many died to make it here. So, either help or get out of the way."

With that, he turned and strode towards the door, most of the cadets following in his wake.

Only a handful remained: Mikasa, Armin, Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt. Anja felt a flicker of hope at the sight of them, desperately clinging to the belief that they might understand.

Mikasa stepped forward, her dark eyes intense and focused. "That Abnormal saved me too. At the very least, it might just help us. And if there's even the slightest chance that it could be Eren..."

Her words trailed off, but it was enough to bolster Anja's resolve.

Armin looked torn, his gaze darting between Mikasa and Anja. "I... I don't know, Mikasa. I saw him die. But..." He glanced at Anja, his expression pained. "If you believe that... But Jean is right. We don't have much time. Without that gas, we're as good as dead."

Reiner frowned, his brow furrowed in thought. "Anja, this Rogue Titan... How do you know it's Eren? How can you be so certain?"

"I could tell by his eyes...I… I just know it's him, Reiner. I can feel it."

Jean scoffed from the doorway, his expression incredulous. "Reiner, don't encourage her fantasies. Come on, I need your help."

Reiner sighed, his expression softening with sympathy. "Anja, I know you've been through a lot, but what you're saying... it's just not possible. Pull yourself together."

He turned to follow Jean and the others, Bertholdt trailing silently in his wake.

Annie stood frozen, her icy blue eyes in disbelief as she stared at Anja. As if she were seeing a ghost. Her usually composed facade cracked, revealing a flicker of raw, unguarded emotion.

Annie hesitated to follow, her gaze flickering between Anja and the departing cadets. She took a step towards the door, but Anja's hand shot out, gripping her wrist weakly.

"Annie… You believe me, right?" Anja's voice was pleading, desperate for someone to understand.

"I--" Annie stammered, her words catching in her throat. She looked torn, caught between the impossible truth of Anja's survival and the urgency of the moment.

"Let's go, no use in standing around." Reiner's voice echoed from the distance, already by the door.

With a nod, Annie centered herself and followed after Reiner, Mikasa close behind. But not before casting one last, lingering look at Anja, a silent promise that this wasn't over.

Armin and Anja lagged behind, following the others at a slower pace.

Armin's hands trembled, his face pale and drawn. "I still can't believe you're here," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "When they told me you were gone, I... I froze again."

Anja placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to push down the thoughts piercing her mind. "I'm just glad that everyone is okay, or... most of us. I was a fool to think it would be so simple. No amount of training could prepare us for this. I couldn't save anyone, just... got more people killed."

the savage frenzy of her attack on Nac, the wet, tearing sounds of flesh parting beneath her blade, the look of pure, unadulterated terror in his eyes as he breathed his last.


The word echoed in her mind, an ever-present accusation.​

Armin's voice pulled her back from the brink, his words measured and thoughtful. "None of us could have predicted this, Anja. We're all just trying to survive, to do what we can. You can't blame yourself for the actions of the Titans."

Anja sighed, flexing her fingers, the dried blood on her hands cracking. "Honestly, everything feels off... mixed up. Like a living nightmare, one of those fever dreams you can't escape."

Armin gently nudged her, concern etched on his face. "Are you feeling alright?"

Anja blinked, shaking off the dark thoughts. "I... I'll be fine."

They entered the room where the other cadets were gathered, the air thick with tension and the metallic scent of gunpowder. Crates of rifles were strewn about, the cadets working with grim determination to load and check the weapons.

"What you said about Eren, it… I won't lie, it doesn't make any sense to me, it sounds impossible…" Armin said quietly, his brow furrowed.

"Yesterday, I would have agreed with you," Anja replied, her voice hollow. "Nothing makes sense to me as of late."

The sound of footsteps on the stairs drew their attention. Sasha emerged, her face pinched with worry.

"I counted six of them down there," she reported, her voice shaking slightly. "They're small, 3-4 meters, all over the place..."

Jean cursed under his breath. "Shit… Maybe we could try drawing them into a corner, then someone makes a run for it and refills."

"But what if they follow us here?"

"They're just going to pick us apart one by one!"

"There's too many of them."

Armin was deep in thought, his gaze falling over the rifles, the cargo lift. Anja could tell by his gaze, a thought was falling into place.

"I've got an idea," he said, his voice low and urgent. "It's risky, but... it might just work."

Jean turned to him, his brow furrowed. "Let's hear it."

Armin took a deep breath, all eyes turning to him. "Six of us will take point in the ceiling, while the rest will act as bait. We lower the cargo lift, and with enough numbers, the Titans should focus solely on us."

He picked up a shell, examining it closely. "Buckshot should do the trick. We let them get in range, then shoot at their eyes, blinding them. That's the easy part."

"Then the six swoop down from the ceiling and slice their napes. We have to time it perfectly, and we'll only have one shot. If we screw up, we're dead."

He looked around at the others, his eyes grave. "That's why we need our best to do it, our most adept with blades. You'll be the difference between life and death for the rest of us."

"The only way we're getting that gas is if we clear the place," Armin continued, his voice firm despite the tremor in his hands. "We can't have any Titans roaming around..."

Reiner crossed his arms, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Seems like a sound plan."

Armin fidgeted, his nerves getting the better of him. "I'm willing to consider other options if anyone has them. This can't be our only option, right?"

Marco clapped him on the shoulder, his smile reassuring. "Hey, for our only option, it's well thought out. I say we might just pull this off."

Mikasa stepped forward, her gaze steady. "It's a good plan, Armin. You just need to be more confident. You're a better strategist than you give yourself credit for. I'm serious. That mind of yours has saved us more than once."

Armin blinked, surprise coloring his features. "I... when did I...?"

Anja chimed in, her voice firm despite the exhaustion weighing on her. "It's true, Armin. If you thought this out, I'm sure it's our best option. I'd... I'd like you to allow me to fight, be there as backup if needed. I can still swing a sword."

Annie's head snapped up, her eyes narrowing. "You're in no condition to fight. You'd only get in the way. You're still wounded."

Anja opened her mouth to protest, but Mikasa cut her off. "She's right. Let us handle it."

Anja fell silent, struggling to accept their decision. She turned to Armin, her voice low. "Then let me go down there with you. If anything, I'll just make for good bait."

Her friend hesitated for a moment. But finally, he nodded.


Minutes later, they were ready to put their plan into action. Everyone had dropped their gear and scabbards, lightening the load in case they had to make a run for it.

Anja tested the weight of a rifle she was given. A single-shot piece. She checked the chamber, noting the layer of dust coating the barrel. As she brushed it off, her fingers traced over the insignia of the Military Police, the green unicorn standing out against the weathered metal. She slung the rifle over her shoulder, her attention drawn by Connie and Sasha's hushed argument nearby.

"But why can't I go?" Sasha asked, her face set in a stubborn pout.

Connie grinned, puffing out his chest. "There are just six Titans, Sasha, and I made the 8th place, right?"

Sasha frowned, confusion flickering in her eyes. "But I thought I was going."

Connie shook his head, his expression turning serious. "You might be better than me with ODM gear, but I beat you when it comes to pairing blades. Besides, you're our best sharpshooter. If anyone's got to be shooting, I'd rather it be you."

Anja chimed in, the rifle a reassuring weight against her back. "He does have a point there."

Connie's face lit up. "Sure feels good to have you back."

Sasha's reaction was more subdued, a flicker of unease passing over her features. "I'm sorry we left you. I tried to tell them... How didn't we realize you were alive?"

Anja forced a smile, confusion still churning in her gut. "Hey, don't worry about it. I'm still in one piece, aren't I? Taking me was a risk you couldn't take."

Jean's voice cut through the chatter, urgent and impatient. "Connie, let's go!"

Connie flashed the girls a grin, his eyes sparkling. "Well, I'm up. See you on the other side."

The chosen six—Reiner, Annie, Mikasa, Connie, Bertholdt, and Jean—made their way down to the supply room, their blades at the ready. The rest of the cadets piled into the lift, nervous energy thrumming through the air.

Marco called out, his voice strained. "Three minutes, everyone!"

As Anja moved to enter the lift, Marco placed a hand on her shoulder, concern etched on his face. "Are you sure about this, Anja?"

She managed a weak smile, hefting her rifle with a confidence she didn't feel. "Hey, I might not be able to do much fighting now, but I can pull a trigger."

Marco nodded, stepping back to allow her to take her place at the edge of the lift alongside Mina and Sasha.

Mina trembled beside her. Her face ashen, her eyes wide with terror. Anja reached out instinctively, wanting to offer comfort, but Mina flinched away, her breath catching in her throat.

"Don't... I... I'm fine," Mina stammered, her gaze darting away.

But the look in her eyes told a different story. It was the same look she had given Anja before, only amplified tenfold. Fear, bordering on outright panic.

Perhaps it was just another sign of the hell they were all trapped in.

The lift creaked and groaned as it began to descend, only lit by the faint glow of a lamp above them, the darkness of the supply room yawning below them. Anja's heart pounded in her ears, her palms slick with sweat as she gripped her rifle.

"Whatever happens, you need to remain calm." Marco called out, his voice steady despite the tension. "We only have one shot, and we have to make it count."

Anja nodded, her senses straining to pick up any signs of the Titans below. But the only sound was the ominous creaking of the lift, the darkness seeming to press in on them from all sides.

Beside her, Mina was hyperventilating, her breaths coming in sharp, panicked gasps. Anja glanced at her, concern and fear mingling in her gut.

And then, just as the lift jerked to a halt, they saw it. A Titan, dimly illuminated in the gloom, its massive head turning slowly towards them. Its eyes glinted with a dull, hungry light as it lumbered forward, its movements slow and clumsy in the confined space.

"Steady!" Marco warned, his voice low and urgent. "Don't shoot yet."

The Titan drew closer, its footsteps making the lift tremble and sway. Anja's eyes darted around, trying to spot the other Titans in the darkness.

She could see them now, hulking shapes moving through the shadows, their silhouettes barely distinguishable from the crates and equipment scattered around the room.

Six of them still, she counted silently. Good.

Anja's gaze fell on her sword, the one that had gotten stuck in the Titan she had narrowly escaped. It lay on the floor below, illuminated by thin shafts of light filtering through the hole the pursuing Titan had left.

The Titans kept advancing from all sides, their movements heavy but inexorable. The cadets held their breath, fingers tightening on their triggers as the monsters inched closer and closer.

A bead of sweat trickled down Anja's forehead, her heart hammering against her ribs. She stared down the barrel of her rifle, the Titan's head centered in her sights.

Its features were still half-obscured by the darkness, but she could make out the gleam of its teeth, the mindless hunger in its eyes.

Beside her, Mina was trembling violently, her breaths coming in short, sharp gasps. Anja risked a glance in her direction, the world seeming to slow as she took in the pure, undiluted terror etched on the other girl's face.

But Mina wasn't looking at the Titans. Her wide, panicked eyes were fixed on Anja.

In that stretched, agonizing moment, as their gazes locked, Anja saw something in Mina's eyes that chilled her to the bone. Horror.

And then, in a moment of blind panic, Mina's finger convulsed on the trigger.

The rifle bucked in her hands, the muzzle flash illuminating her wide, terrified eyes for a split second before plunging them back into darkness.

The other cadets, startled by the sudden gunfire, began to shoot as well. The air filled with the deafening crack of rifles, the acrid scent of gunpowder mingling with the coppery tang of blood.

Some of the Titans were hit, steam and ichor spraying as the bullets found their marks. But others, only partially blinded, lunged forward, their grasping hands reaching for the lift.

Anja's ears rang from the concussive blasts, Mina's shot having gone off right beside her head. She struggled to focus, her own finger hovering over the trigger.

The lift shuddered and tilted as a Titan grabbed hold of it, the metal screeching in protest. Anja lost her balance, stumbling into Sasha as the lift lurched sideways.

Jean cursed somewhere in the chaos, his voice raw with desperation. Anja caught a glimpse of him, his blades flashing out in a wild strike that glanced harmlessly off a Titan's shoulder.

Sasha, pale with terror, aimed her rifle at the Titan rattling the lift and fired. The shot hit true, steam billowing from the monster's ruined eye socket.

But it was too late. The Titan's grip had already weakened the lift's supports. With a tortured groan of metal, one of the chains snapped, sending the lift tilting at a precarious angle.

The cadets tumbled and fell, crying out in fear and pain as they were thrown over the railings. Some struggled in vain to hold on, only to be snatched by opportunistic Titans, their screams cut short by the crunch of bones and the wet tearing of flesh.

Anja hit the ground. Her head spun, her senses overwhelmed by the cacophony of screams, roars, and the deafening crack of gunfire.

Steam billowed from fallen Titans, mixing with the acrid tang of gunpowder and the coppery scent of blood. In the strobing muzzle flashes and dim light filtering through the hole above, Anja caught glimpses of the nightmarish scene unfolding around her.

Titans, their faces half-obscured by shadow and gore, grasped at the scattered cadets with grasping, blood-stained hands. Screams echoed in the cavernous room, punctuated by the sickening crunch of bones and the wet tearing of flesh.

Beside her, Sasha lay sprawled on the blood-slicked floor, Mina huddled nearby, her eyes wide and haunted.

As Anja staggered upright, helping Sasha to her feet as she went. Mina's gaze snapped to her. For a moment, their eyes locked, Mina scrambled away, a choked whimper escaping her throat as she fled into the chaos, leaving Anja staring after her in numb incomprehension.

A surge of desperate energy flooded through Anja, the pain of her injuries fading to a distant throb as adrenaline sang in her veins. She need a weapon, anything she could use, her rifle was nowhere to be found, lost in the chaos.

And then she remembered - her sword. She had seen it when she came down the lift.

Anja lunged in the direction she'd last seen it, scrabbling over fallen debris and the twitching limbs of the wounded.

There! Half-buried under a fallen Titan, the blade caught the light, beckoning to her.

As her fingers closed around the hilt, a scream of terror tore through the air. She whirled around, her heart in her throat, searching for the source of that awful sound.

Across the room, she saw Armin. He was struggling to rise, his movements sluggish and uncoordinated, his face a mask of pain and fear. A Titan loomed over him, its bulbous eyes fixed on the helpless boy, its grasping fingers reaching out to snatch him up.

She launched herself forward, desperate to reach him. But she was too far, the distance an impossible gulf. Just as despair threatened to overwhelm her, a blur of movement intersected her path.

Mikasa, her blades flashing crimson in the half-light, launched herself at the Titan with a speed and grace that defied belief. Her swords carved through the monster's nape like a hot knife through butter, sending it crashing to the ground in a plume of steam.

Relief flooded through Anja as Mikasa landed lightly beside Armin, pulling the shaking boy to his feet--

"No! Please!"


Anja whirled towards the sound, her eyes straining to pierce the billowing haze of steam and smoke. There, half-obscured by the swirling miasma, she saw her. The other girl was on her knees, her arms raised in a futile attempt to shield herself.

Looming over her, its grotesque features twisted in a mockery of a grin, was a Titan. Gore dripped from its gaping jaws, splattering the ground at Sasha's feet. As Anja watched in horrified slow motion, it reached for the cowering girl with blood-stained fingers.

With a wordless roar of fury, she charged towards the Titan, her blade held low and ready. She leaped forward, using her momentum to carry her up and over its grasping arm.

Her sword flashed out, biting deep into the Titan's calf. It stumbled, off-balance, steam billowing from the wound.

Anja didn't let up. She pressed her advantage, hacking at the back of the Titan's knee, sending it crashing to the ground.

It twisted as it fell, its fingers still locked around Sasha's leg. The girl screamed, struggling to free herself as the Titan dragged her towards its slavering jaws.

As Anja's sword flashed again, slicing through the Titan's jaw in a spray of blood and splintered bone, she could feel the red haze of fury threatening to engulf her once more. The ruined flesh hung loose, the Titan's ability to bite and chew destroyed, but still it clawed at Sasha with mindless hunger.

She struggled to keep her bloodlust in check, to focus on saving her friend rather than giving in to that primal urge. She raised her sword for another strike, desperate to sever the Titan's grip on Sasha, but before she could bring her blade down, agony exploded through her body.

Anja raised her sword for another strike, desperate to sever the Titan's grip on her friend. But before she could bring her blade down, agony exploded through her body.

A searing, white-hot pain radiated from her back as cruel fingers dug into the barely-healed flesh of her wounds. Anja screamed, her sword falling from nerveless fingers as the Titan behind her lifted her like a ragdoll.

Through the haze of pain, Anja saw Annie rushing towards her, blades flashing in the gloom. The blonde girl launched herself at the Titan holding Anja, her face a mask of desperate determination.

Annie's blades carved through the Titan's fingers, severing them at the knuckle. The monster roared in agony, Anja fell, free from its grasp. She hit the ground, scrambling for her fallen sword as Annie engaged the Titan.

But Annie had left herself open, unable to react as the Titan's other hand came around in a brutal swipe. The blow caught Annie in the midsection, sending her flying.

Time seemed to slow as Anja watched Annie hit the pillar, her body crumpling to the ground with a sickening thud.

A scream tore from Anja's throat, crimson fog descended over her vision.

The world went red.

She moved without thought or hesitation, her body no longer her own. She was pure instinct, pure devastating intent.

In a heartbeat, she was on the Titan. Her blade moved in a blur, all technique forgotten in the face of her overwhelming need to destroy.

She took its arm first, the limb parting from its body in a spray of steaming blood. Then its leg, the sword biting through flesh and bone as if they were no more than paper.

The blade snapped, the jagged shard remaining in Anja's grip. But she didn't falter.

With a snarl of inhuman fury, she lunged for the Titan's face. Her fingers sank into its eye socket, tearing, gouging.

The Titan howled, thrashing beneath her, but Anja held fast. She ripped its eye free with a brutal twist, blood and viscous fluid splattering her face.

And still she didn't stop.

Anja raised the broken shard of her blade, the edge jagged and vicious. With a scream that bordered on madness, she brought it down on the Titan's nape.

Stabbing over and over, until it fell, its neck a ruined mass of shredded flesh.

Anja stumbled to her feet, her chest heaving, her eyes wide and unseeing. Blood dripped from her hands, her face, staining her a macabre crimson.

The world had narrowed to a single, pulsing point of rage and hunger. There was no thought, no reason, only the need to rend and tear and kill.

More. Need more.

One still moves, small, battered.


Weak. Kill.

I lunged, blade seeking flesh, hungry for blood.

Rolling, thrashing, throat bared.

Blade kissing skin, one slice and…

Blue eyes. Wide. Terrified.


Recognition pierced through the crimson madness, like a bolt of lightning.


The name fell from Anja's lips, more a question than a statement. She blinked, the haze beginning to recede from the edges of her vision. The world seemed to tilt and shift around her, reality reasserting itself piece by jagged piece.

The blade slipped from her nerveless fingers, clattering to the floor. Her breath came in short, sharp gasps.

She stumbled backwards, her legs threatening to give out beneath her. The adrenaline was fading now, the pain of her injuries and the exhaustion of the battle catching up to her all at once.

Annie lay where she had fallen, her expression a mix of shock and dawning horror. She pushed herself up on one elbow, reaching for Anja with a trembling hand.

But Anja recoiled as if burned, shaking her head frantically. "I almost..." The words caught in her throat, the reality of the carnage around her hitting her like a physical blow.

The red haze had lifted entirely now, leaving Anja raw and exposed in the aftermath of her rampage. She looked around, really looked, for the first time since the battle had begun.

Steam rose from the corpses of the fallen Titans, mixing with the smoke and dust to create a choking cloud. The floor was covered with blood, both human and Titan, the coppery scent of it overwhelming in the enclosed space.

The screams, they hadn't stopped, even though the fighting was over. Cries of pain, of grief, of desperation, echoing off the walls and ceiling.

Anja tore her gaze away from Annie, her heart twisting in her chest as she took in the devastation. Marco knelt beside a wounded cadet, his face grim as he tried to staunch the flow of blood from a gaping wound. Others lay unmoving, their eyes staring sightlessly at the ceiling, their bodies broken and torn.

"Seal the entrance!" Marco ordered, his voice strained but commanding. "And help the wounded. We'll get the gas once we have this place closed off."

The surviving cadets moved to obey, some rushing to pile debris along doors, others hurrying to tend to the injured. Anja pushed herself to her feet, swaying slightly as the adrenaline began to fade, the pain of her injuries reasserting itself. She scanned the room, her eyes searching for her friends amidst the chaos.

Mikasa was kneeling beside Armin. Reiner helped a limping Jean to his feet. A small kernel of relief unfurled in her chest.

Then her gaze found Annie again. She stood frozen, her eyes wide with something that looked like dawning horror. Anja followed her stare, her heart stuttering in her chest as she took in the scene before them.

Sasha knelt in a spreading pool of blood, cradling Connie's broken form against her chest. At first, Anja couldn't process what she was seeing. His face was alarmingly pale, eyes glassy and unfocused. His right arm was gone, torn away at the shoulder, a ragged mess of flesh and bone, a big chunk of flesh missing from his side.

Sasha rocked back and forth, keening softly as she pressed her hands to the gaping wound in Connie's abdomen. Thick ropes of blood seeped between her fingers, staining her skin a deep, glistening crimson.

Anja looked to Annie, desperation etched on her face, maybe there was something they could do. But the blonde girl could only shake her head, her gaze low.

And then Connie stirred, a soft, pained groan escaping his bloodied lips. Sasha gasped, hope warring with disbelief in her eyes.

"Connie? Connie, stay with me, please..."

The boy's eyes fluttered open, hazy and unfocused. He looked up at Sasha, a ghost of his usual grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, Sasha," he rasped, his voice thin and thready. "Guess I... I really messed up this time, huh?"

Sasha shook her head violently, her ponytail whipping back and forth as tears streamed down her cheeks. "No, no, you did great. You were amazing. Just... just hold on, okay? We'll get you help, we'll..."

But his life was seeping away with every rattling exhale, draining from the horrific wound in a steady crimson tide. Still, he summoned what little strength he had left and reached up, his trembling fingertips brushing Sasha's tear-stained cheek.

A wet, rattling chuckle escaped his lips, the sound turning into a cough that flecked his chin with blood. But still, he smiled, his eyes never leaving Sasha's face. "I just… I'm glad I met you… I…"

Sasha let out an anguished wail, clutching at him desperately. "No, no, no, please" she sobbed, her voice breaking. "Please, don't leave me..."

But there was no response, Connie's eyes slipped shut, his hand falling away to land in the ever-widening pool of his own blood. A final, wheezing exhalation escaped his lips, and then he was still, the ghost of that roguish grin frozen forever on his young face.

Sasha screamed, a sound of raw agony. She collapsed over Connie's body, her grief pouring out of her in great, heaving sobs that wracked her entire frame.

The battle was over. But the cost, the terrible, devastating cost, was only beginning to be reckoned.