Chapter 25

Daniel, flanked by two soldiers, marched towards Exit 2. They gazed at the exit, where a swarm of zombies loomed. Daniel's heart skipped a beat at the sight, but he swiftly composed himself, knowing he had to act to save everyone in the base.

Turning to the soldiers trailing him, he asked, "Are you guys ready to take down some zombies?"

The two soldiers nodded simultaneously, their determination evident.

"Then let's do this," Daniel declared, his fingers deftly releasing the safety on his assault rifle. He unleashed a barrage of bullets at the undead horde, each shot finding its mark with deadly precision. Some bullets tore through bodies, while others found their mark with headshots, sending rotting brains flying.

As they advanced, the horde came into full view, their grotesque forms illuminated by the faint glow of moonlight. Daniel felt a shiver run down his spine at the sight, his skin prickling with a mix of fear and anticipation. But he pushed aside his apprehension, drawing upon the well of courage that lay within him.

Bullets whizzed through the air, finding their mark with deadly accuracy. Some struck the zombies in the chest, sending them stumbling backwards, while others found their way to their intended target, piercing through decaying flesh and bone with ease.

With each pull of the trigger, Daniel felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, his senses sharpening as he focused solely on the task at hand. He moved with purpose, his movements fluid and precise, each step bringing them closer to their objective.

One of the soldiers dashed ahead, gripping a smoke grenade tightly before hurling it toward the exit. As it landed with a thud, the noise acted like a magnet for the encroaching horde of zombies, drawing them in like moths to a flame. In a frenzy, they surged toward the grenade, their guttural moans filling the air as the smoke billowed out, cloaking Daniel and his comrades in a dense veil, obscuring their movements.

With unwavering resolve, Daniel and his two companions advanced toward the exit, their footsteps echoing against the cold, hard ground. They moved in a tight formation, guns blazing, each shot punctuating the darkness with a sharp crack. The night seemed to amplify the intensity of their struggle, every shadow concealing a potential threat.

Amidst the chaos, they pressed onward, a beacon of determination in the face of overwhelming odds. Their path littered with the fallen undead, they fought with a ferocity born of desperation, each shot a defiant challenge to the encroaching darkness.

As the smoke began to dissipate, a lone figure emerged from the haze, a surviving soldier sprinting toward them with fear etched upon his face. Spotting the newcomer, Daniel's voice rang out, cutting through the cacophony of battle. "Run this way, hurry!" he shouted, urging the soldier to join them before it was too late."

Daniel turned towards the two soldiers, their eyes locking in silent understanding. With a subtle nod from Daniel, they acknowledged his signal to cover him. Without a word spoken, they fell into position, ready to provide support.

Daniel dashed towards the approaching soldier, deftly reloading his gun as he moved. Bullets sprayed from his weapon, cutting through the air with deadly precision. Slowly, he advanced towards the oncoming threat, his every step measured and deliberate. Meanwhile, the two soldiers behind him unleashed a barrage of gunfire, their shots ringing out in the tense atmosphere.

As the soldier neared Daniel's position, he managed to squeeze out a quick "thanks" before darting towards the safety of the base. Undeterred, Daniel continued to unleash a storm of bullets at the encroaching zombies, steadily thinning their ranks. Despite a nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right, he pushed the thought aside, focusing on the task at hand.

Turning to one of the soldiers behind him, Daniel instructed, "Tell them it's safe to move. The noise of the gunshot might attract more of them, so we need to hurry." With a sense of urgency in his voice, he urged his comrades to act swiftly, knowing that their survival depended on it.

The soldier nodded and raised his walkie-talkie, announcing, "Sir, the coast is clear."

"Okay, we will begin the operation," Soldier 1 responded through the walkie-talkie.

Soldier 1 turned to Helen, the old man, and the civilians trailing behind and urged, "Let's go, hurry it up."

With his command, Helen, the old man, and the others dashed towards the exit, making a beeline for the truck parked further away. Meanwhile, Daniel and two seasoned soldiers formed a protective barrier, firing rounds to fend off the encroaching horde, drawing their attention away from the fleeing civilians.

As the civilians scrambled into the back of the truck, assisted by Helen and the old man, the soldiers quickly climbed aboard, ready to depart. One soldier, set to drive, rushed to the front seat, only to be ambushed by a zombie. With a chilling scream, the soldier fell victim to the undead assailant, saved only by a gunshot from behind.

Shaken but alive, the soldier clutched his wounded neck, fearing he might turn. "I think it got me... will I become one of them? I don't want to die," he whimpered.

"Quit your whining and get up! Drive us out of here!" the old man barked, his tone laced with urgency.

Helen, cradling a child, cast a worried glance at Daniel amidst the chaos. "Please be careful, Daniel," she implored before hurrying towards the truck.

"I'm running low on ammo... is everyone in the truck?" Daniel asked, his face etched with tension.

Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed behind Daniel, prompting him to whirl around. What he saw left him in disbelief – a colossal, towering figure, its grotesque form a mass of amalgamated zombies.

"We can't let it get closer! Fire everything you've got!" Daniel screamed, his voice tinged with urgency, as they unleashed a torrent of bullets. But their efforts seemed futile against the behemoth, only serving to enrage it further.

The monstrous zombie bellowed angrily, hurling cars towards Daniel and his companions. "Take cover!" one of the soldiers shouted, as they scrambled to evade the onslaught. With quick reflexes, Daniel shoved a comrade out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding disaster.

"It must have a weak point... aim for its head!" Daniel called out, determination etched on his face as they prepared to face the towering threat.