Path To Liberation, The Last Waltz (Chap 31)

Synopsis: Two players fuelled with sheer determination & fury. Ranma being the light of compassion and Hou Ren being the darkness of heartlessness. Which side will win?

Everyone is incredibly shocked as they see the young leader's trump card. Transformed into a godlike warrior, Hou Ren has achieved nothing that people have ever seen.

Vile Ranma: What are you, man?

Hou Ren: What I'm supposed to be. Impressed?

Vile Ranma: But...Why?

Hou Ren: It's called "playing tryhard". I don't want to use this power but if it's the only way then it's the only way.

Vile Ranma: Intense.....

Hou Ren: I can only use this power when my life hits 0. I can pay the and my life becomes 1 instead. That being said...(Point at Vile Ranma) Time for the Last Waltz. You and me. One man standing. And One man falls.

Vile Ranma: In that case, Vanity Ace Destroyer's ability.

Destroyer: Dimension Door, Desist End.

Vile Ranma: At the beginning of each player's turn, I place the top 10 cards of my deck to its soul. Then I select 2 cards from the soul to my hand. One of my other hand cards to my gauge.

Gwen & Eden: His Soul Increased.

Blaze: He doesn't even have to rely on luck.

Lost Ren: So Unless Hou Ren completely destroys him, Ranma will Win.

Hou Ren: Does it matter? My ability activates. I discard two Dragods from my hand.

Hou Ren's Life: 1 -> 20


Vile Ranma: HE'S AT 20 LIFE?

Shiloh: Reviving with 1 life is shocking but 20 life too? That's Unbelievable.

Hou Ren made his sword disappear. All of a sudden, his wings appear. However, his wings are larger than before and he flies mid-air.

Hou Ren: Allow me to show you.....(Lit up energy from his palms) What true freedom looks like. (Attacks) This is what Draknights can do. When they're not being held back by the likes of you.

Hou Ren zooms in and flies around his opponents at high speed.

Shiloh: So fast.

Hou Ren: Shatter Now, Oh Shackles of False Worlds. (Fires Attack from his palms) AZIEVE OF LIBERATION.

The attack flows and destroys Iregeit and Destroyer. Luckily Destroyer revives through Soulguard.

Vile Ranma: DESTROYER.

On the board, Destroyer lost 5 soul cards. Vile Ranma feels shocked.

Hou Ren: Impressed? I can attack all cards 5 times.

Destroyer: What Immense Power.

Hou Ren fires his attack and Ranma suffers from the attack.

Vile Ranma's Life: 10 -> 5

Vile Ranma: Ah, no kidding.

Hou Ren: Garga.

Garga: As You Wish. (Attacks)

Garga destroys Destroyer twice.

Hou Ren: Garga. Change to Sonic Mode. Go.

Garga: (G-EVO) Sonic Mode.

Hou Ren draws 2 cards and gains 2 life.

Hou Ren: Attack Destroyer.

Vile Ranma: I cast. Dimension Absorb.

Hou Ren's Life: 22 -> 20

Vile Ranma's Life: 5 -> 7

Hou Ren: I'm not done. I cast Gargantua Switch Mode. G-EVO again. Change. Gargantua Liberator.

Garga: (G-EVO) Bound By Chains No More. I. AM. GARGANTUA LIBERATOR.

Everyone's shocked.

Gwen: It's that card...

Hou Ren: Yes. It's the same Garga that destroyed that infuriating vixen. Garga. Hesitate No More. Shatter what's holding you back and wipe out those who do me wrong.

Garga: As you wish. (Attacks)

Garga awakens his wings and flies. His weapons shine behind him and he fires them at will.

Vile Ranma: Cast. D coating. (Blocks the attack but loses one hand card)

Garga: Double attack.

Vile Ranma: Cast. Green Dragon Shield.

Hou Ren: Garga. Revert. (Pays cost) My Turn is done.

Daryl: I seriously can't believe it. 20 life and being a size 10? How is Hou Ren so strong?

Jack: But they both have no cards left. This is going to be tough.

Vile Ranma: Vanity Ace Destroyer's effect.

Destroyer: Dimension Door, Desist End.

Destroyer's soul increased.

Vile Ranma: Draw. Charge and Draw. Vanity Husk Destroyer REB to the left.

Another Destroyer is summoned.

Garga: Now there's two.

Vile Ranma: Destroyer on the left. Attack Garga.

Destroyer: I shall grant that wish. (Attacks) Dimension Door, Origin Slayer.

Hou Ren's Life: 20 -> 18

Garga loses a soul card and counterattacks Vanity Ace Destroyer.

Vile Ranma: Double attack.

Destroyer: Dimension Door, Origin Slayer.

Hou Ren's Life: 18 -> 16

Garga: (Being Hit) I'm sorry. Hou Ren. (Destroyed)

Hou Ren: GARGA !!!

Vile Ranma: Looks Like Your Luck is running out. You're Mine.

Hou Ren: (Thought) No....(Thought) YOU'RE MINE.

Hou Ren summons a godlike sword and destroys 2 of his life points. His sword charges up and has maximum capacity. Lightning surrounds him. He takes a swing and...

Hou Ren: Vanishing.....Slayer. (Charges the attack at Destroyer)

Vanity Ace Destroyer was hit by the ability.....

Destroyer: NOT AGAIN..... (Destroyed)

Vile Ranma: DESTROYER!!!!!!

Everyone was shocked that Destroyer was down for the count.


Hou Ren: During the opponent's turn, I can eliminate one of the opponent's cards regardless of effects. Your Buddy is an eyesore, so I might as well dispose of him.

Vile Ranma: Not Yet. I cast Dimension Revival. Until the opponent's next turn, I cannot lose the game.

Hou Ren: Que Carajo You kidding me?

Ranma's Side shows a sigh of relief.

Gwen: Thank goodness.

Light: I thought he be goners...

Vile Ranma: I still have my Item. (Attacks)

Hou Ren: When will you learn?

Hou Ren catches the sabers and crushes them instantly, which catches Ranma's attention in shock.

Vile Ranma: WHAT?

Hou Ren ruthlessly grabs Vile Ranma and throws him back very hard. Ranma lands on the ground very hard. It's extremely painful.

Vile Ranma: Ahhh.....(Knocked down)...Ough.....

Destroyer: RANMA.

Hou Ren: You as well. (Fires his lightning at Destroyer)

Destroyer: (Being Hit) Ranma.....I'm Sorry (Destroyed)

Vile Ranma: DESTROYER.

Everyone is shocked that all of Vile Ranma's cards are vanished.

Shiloh: All of his cards are GONE!!!

Lost Ren: So that was his plan. He plans to get rid of Ranma's Cards. That's why he used Liberator to force remove his hand and he can destroy further using Holy Slayer.

Suddenly, Hou Ren uses his powers and pulls Ranma to him. He grabs him high by the neck. Hou Ren's eyes are menacing. Ranma feels afraid and struggles as he is being choked.

Hou Ren: You know. Of All rivals I faced. Yours came closest. But I'm disappointed. You dare stand against me. You said you're going to save me. But by the looks of things, You want me to suffer, do you?

Vile Ranma: No...Why are you doing this, Hou Ren? Why Hou Ren? Why?

Hou Ren's eyes glared with disapproval.

Vile Ranma: I really don't want you to suffer. I just want to help you. We all do. Please...come back.

Hou Ren: Come back to you? Like I'll ever do that. (Slams Ranma to the ground)

Vile Ranma: (Feeling In Pain) AH.

Hou Ren: (Grabs him again) I made a promise to myself to never return to where I came from. I'm always a joke to those I know. I'm nothing but poison to you. Just Say It. SAY IT OUT LOUD.

Shiloh & Gwen: (Worried) No.....

Vile Ranma: That's not true.....You're never poison to me.....You're never poison to all of us.....You're a friend.

Hou Ren: LIES. I HAD ENOUGH OF ALL OF YOUR (Toss Vile Ranma Front) LIES.

Vile Ranma gets tossed once again while yelling and knocked down. Everyone is even more scared and worried about Hou Ren. Garga watches him from the dropzone and feels incredibly horrified.

Vile Ranma: (Gets back up) You know what? FINE. What is it that your new life has that we don't? What is it that (Points at Hou Ren's Team) THEY have that we don't?

Hou Ren: You want me To Spill It Out? It's LOVE.

Everyone was surprised when Hou Ren made that statement. Hou Ren sighs.

Hou Ren: Lost Ren.....Garga....and everyone else.....are more than just my team. They are my true Family. They stuck by me. They understood me. They even gave me a second chance after I pushed them away. And I'm forever grateful to them.

The Draknights are moved by Hou Ren's speech.

Hou Ren: The same thing for Shiloh & her brothers. Especially Shiloh herself.

Shiloh: (Blushed and curious) Me?

Hou Ren: To me, I don't see her as my girlfriend. I see her as a kind-hearted Angel. She's the real symbol of love. She coped with me when things got tough. I want to know her more. I want to be with her for the rest of my life.

Shiloh: (Overjoyed to tears) You really Think of that of Me?

Hou Ren then heard what Shiloh asked and smiled. He then flies down to her side and softly taps on Shiloh's shoulders.

Hou Ren: Of course I do. (Kiss her forehead) I wouldn't confess my feelings otherwise. You join my team despite my reluctance. You even remember my birthday. You see the good in me regardless. Thank you.

Shiloh: (Blushing) I....don't know what to say.

Hou Ren: And Micah. Remember that Lightsaber duel we had? It was so fun and I had a blast. Judah, you even said I inspired you guys to start buddyfighting...You guys....are my everything.

Shiloh's Brothers: (Touched) Hou Ren...

Hou Ren: For the first time, My voice.....My being heard and I want to be by your side No Matter What. What do you say, You all with me?

Blaze: (Mesmerized at first but then smiled) Of Course.

Judah: Draknights Forever.

All Draknights: YEAH.

Shiloh is flowing with happy tears and hugs him more tightly than ever. Once again, she was moved by Hou Ren's words. As Hou Ren hugs Her Back, Garga looks at them with a smile. The Draknights stand proud with some secretly crying. The Gar Trio even cried in the dropzone after hearing Hou Ren's statement.

Hou Ren's Father: But Hou Ren. What about us? Your parents.

Hou Ren: (Enraged while gently Letting Go of Shiloh) Don't make me laugh. Where were you when I needed you most? I was called an Idiot By YOU. (Points at his father) MY FATHER. You even said "Who is this person and where is my Son" RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE. 

Hou Ren's father: I.....

Hou Ren: And my mother. You react strongly even if it's a small action. Point me this, point me that. Do you even care about what I want to say? I swear, I'm nothing but a burden to you.

Hou Ren's Mother: That's not true....I'm Sorry.....I read your letter. I didn't mean to push you away. I should have calmed down and listened to you.

Hou Ren's Father: Your Mother's right. I feel the same way. I felt so guilty for what I had done. I'm sorry. Come Home Son.

Hou Ren: Well it's already too late. GET LOST, SCUM.

Tasuku: Please Hou Ren.

Jack: You must forgive them.

Hou Ren: I said No. Now Get Out.

Daryl: Don't say that Man.....(Regretful) It's all my fault. I should have taken you seriously instead of calling you a joke. I should have stood up for you and I should have made you feel less alone.

Hou Ren: You said that like it's no big deal. Where's the Action? Do you know how heartbroken I really am? After you, Masato, Gwen and the rest of the school Betrayed Me? Of course you don't.

Light: No Hou. That's not true. Daryl and the rest actually missed you. They felt regretful ever since you left. They deeply want to make things right with you.

Hou Ren: Light. You don't have to vouch for them. Admit, you're only here because Tasuku asked you to.

Tasuku: That's true, but Light is right. We want to help you. Make you feel that you're not abandoned. You're never a burden to all of us. You're like a beautiful Swan that gives light to everyone.

Gwen: And remember what you said before you left the school? You're right when you said the world has lost it's view on equality. You made us realized that.

Eden: You said you're a hero and a traitor. You're none of those things. You're a friend. You're not the kind of guy to spread fear. You're someone who spreads joy.

Hou Ren: Shut up...Shut Up...SHUT UP. (Release a Huge Shockwave and knock them down) I Don't Want Your Poison. GET OUT OF MY SIGHT RIGHT NOW.

Shiloh & Garga: (Worried) Hou Ren...

Hou Ren's Dark Aura glows with the Dark Core. His Hatred Sparks and His Anger Outlashes. Lightning surrounds him.


Vile Ranma: We're not going anywhere...I don't have a choice. I will win this match and fix your twisted mind no matter what.

Hou Ren: But you have no cards left. Resistance is futile.

Vile Ranma: I still have hope. Final Phase.

Gwen: I don't get it. Ranma has nothing. So Why?


Hou Ren: What?

Lost Ren: Isn't that?

Vile Ranma: I discard the top 3 cards of my deck. If I have No Impacts on the field during my final phase, I can cast one among those 3 cards. Here Goes. First Card. (Reveals a spell) Darn. Second Card. (Reveals a Monster)

Daryl: It's a Monster this time.

Light: Darn It.

Hou Ren: Pathetic. I'll say it once more, Resistance is Futile. I win.

Vile Ranma: Even still.....Third time is always the charm.

Destroyer appeared from the dropzone to help his buddy out.

Destroyer: You're not alone. I'm here, my friend.

Ranma: Together...

Destroyer: You And I

Ranma & Destroyer: Let's bring him back to Light.

They both flip the Last Card Together and it Shows Ranma's Final Impact.


Garga: Oh No.....

Daryl: Come On Ranma.

Vile Ranma: I Pay 3 Gauge And CAST.........

Destroyer once again emerges in skull form in his dropzone. His other forms also show up in spirit. Passing their powers onto him. Witnessing this, Hou Ren feels in surprise.

Vile Ranma: This impact deals infinite damage after being summoned by a Vile Road's effect. I will carry all of Our feelings and show you, OUR LOVE!!!

Destroyer & Vile Ranma: IMPACT. ETERNAL....ZERO...ENDGAME.

Destroyer launches a powerful attack. As the impact was about to hit, all Hou Ren could do was watch in calm surprise. When the impact hits him, He yells as he feels the energy from the impact.

At last, Hou Ren's flag is destroyed. Suddenly, Hou Ren (no longer transformed) was lying down in some sort of rainbow subspace. He's feeling unexpected.

Hou Ren: I....lost....I...I couldn't have.

???: Hou Ren.

Garga appears in his mini form beside him.

Hou Ren: Garga.....(sit back up) I'm sorry.....I failed you...I failed you all.

Garga: No don't say that. You didn't fail any of us.

Hou Ren: But still. I lost. I mean...Why....(Tears flowing down) Why...did this have to happen? (Facepalm) I don't understand...

Garga: My buddy...

???: Hou Ren.

Ranma suddenly walks in beside them.

Hou Ren: Ranma?

Ranma: Hou Ren, I know you believe all of us despise you. But no. You are never anything bad to us. 

Hou Ren: What do you mean?

Suddenly, tons of Hou Ren's happiest memories appear around them. This made him surprised.

Vile Ranma: You can see it can you? You're happiest memories. Even though you look so naïve, you feel so happy. You made so many friends. Accomplished so much.

Hou Ren: But those are false happiness. Like, if I had realized what the world is like, then none of this would have happened. Besides, I made so many mistakes. I'm a cursed child.

???: That's not true.

Now Shiloh appears beside them.

Hou Ren: Shiloh? How did you get here?

Shiloh: Honestly, I don't know. But hear me out. You're not cursed. You're someone...extraordinary.

Hou Ren: But...

Shiloh: (Tap his shoulders gently) Listen, your friends are here now. I know it's hard to trust them but you should give them a chance.

Hou Ren: But if I do that.....then that would mean.....leaving you.

Shiloh: (Cries) It's Okay...(Hug Him) I don't care about that. You're still a good man. You're just....often misunderstood and ignored. That's why you're like this.

Hou Ren: I...

Shiloh: I love you, Hou Ren. I will always be with you, even far apart. (Kiss his cheek)

Hou Ren: Shiloh....(awkwardly hug her back)

Ranma: Hou made a huge impact in all of our lives. Like You kept pursuing to save me when I was consumed by hate. You see the good in me no matter what. You were never a joke to us all.

Garga: Ranma's right. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten stronger and learned the ways of Victory and Defeat. You showed Compassion no matter what. I'm proud to call myself your buddy and your friend.

Hou Ren: You guys.....(Wipe off tears while smiling) Up until now, I never thought this whole time...I made a good difference in life. I'm sorry for everything... Ranma. You win this one.

Everyone Smiled. And with that, it fades back to sanctuary. Everyone is watching as Garga carries an unconscious Hou Ren on his arm. His disaster force fades away. Everyone feels worried.

Gwen: Is he going to be okay?

Garga: It's one of the consequences of using too much Dark power. He just needs some rest for a while.

Gwen: Thank Goodness.....(In Tears) It's finally over...

Hou Ren's parents feel incredibly glad. Everyone cheers for Ranma. The Draknights look a bit upset but also happy at the same time. Gwen and Shiloh check on Hou Ren and then Shiloh kisses Hou Ren's forehead while Gwen softly places a blanket over him. At last, it's finally over. The Battle Between The Two Aces.

Shiloh: Rest well.... Sweetie.

Story Ends.