Path To Liberation, Champion Vs Champion (Chap 52)

Synopsis: The Gaen Cup's final round has officially begun. So many strong fighters have gathered to decide once and for all who's the best. The first match features.....

On the day of the Final Round, in his house, Hou gets himself ready for the day. As he walks to the door, Hou's parents stops him.

Hou Ren's Father: Hou Ren.

Hou Ren: Yes?

Hou Ren's Mother: Good Luck in the final round.

Hou Ren: (Smile Sadly) Sure.

Hou Ren's Father: Is something wrong?

Hou Ren: Yeah...Dad...if I hadn't left that day...would things become different?

Hearing this, His parents were semi stunned but then his father smiles.

Hou Ren's Father: Well, in a way, things would either be the same or different. But in a way, I'd say things would become the same. 

Hou Ren's Mother: The truth is, even after we scold you for your past mistakes, we felt hurt. We shouldn't had treated you very harshly and instead, we should have understand and supported you more.

Hou Ren's Father: You've done so much and grown into a bright man. And we're so proud of you for what you have done. You're more than just our son. You're a champion.

Hearing this, Hou smiles and his tears are showing. He hugs his parents with a tearful smile on his face. His parents hug him back and Garga came out of his card and joined them.

Later with the bright blue sky displaying over the beautiful city of Los Angeles, California, An airship broadcasting the live of Gaen Cup's Final round is flying. Televisions worldwide are broadcasting the same thing. A countdown has begun with all spectators watching it.

Spectators: 10.....9...8...7....6.....5...4....3....2...1.

The Lights officially lit up at the World Buddy Stadium at Los Angeles. Ion & Takokichi appears as commentators once again.

Ion: To all Buddyfight fans and folks out there, I officially announce that the Gaen Cup Final Round is officially.....OPEN.

The crowd cheers very loud.

Ion: Here we are at Los Angeles World Buddy Stadium, which is where the last round will be held. Today, 8 players have gathered to decide which one is worthy of earning the title "Buddy-Visionary".

Takokichi: And that champion will earn the right to face Kyoya Gaen himself. We promise all of you that this will be a sight to see. 


The crowd cheers.

Ion: Alright before we begin, A few words from our sponsor.

Kyoya: Thank you, Ms Nanana. Today is an exciting day to see who will reign supreme. But only one here is to be declared the winner. To all competitors out there, good luck and may fortune smile upon you. 

Ion: He's So Wonderful. Thank you, Mr Gaen. Now let's bring the competitors out.

As the competitors are announced one by one, they along with their buddies started coming out from the entrance to the stage. The Crowd Cheers as they enter.

Ion: He sure flex his muscles but he never lies about his strength. His Buddy is Gigadroid Biggest. Say hello to...Devil Destroy Bigmachine!!!!

Bigmachine: Let's Pound these Ants.

Ion: He pierce through his foes like a drill itself. His Buddy is Tyrant Cerberus REB. Make way for...Rouga Aragami!!!!

Rouga: Well this is noisy.

Ion: The Ice Queen that froze everything in place. Her Buddy is Stellar Deity, Astraeus REB. Welcome, Sophia Sakhrov!!!!!

Sophia doesn't do anything but stare blankly as she walks.

Ion: The Former Head Of The Gaen Financical Group, followed by being an ex merchant of death. His Buddy is Fake Replica Weapon Gemclone REB. Greetings...J GENESIS.

J: This is a waste of time.

Ion: He who fight for the infamous Lost World. A Master video editor and an excellent director. His Buddy is Vanity Husk Destroyer REB. Arise...Ranma Kakogawa.

Ranma: (Feeling awkward and smile) Does she has to say it like that?

Ion: A dark knight who slaughters even a friend and foe. His buddy is Gargantua Crystal King. Look out for...Lost Ren!!!!

Lost Ren: Shut up please.

Ion: She may have started buddyfighting but she is trained by the best. Her Buddy is Moonlight Fleur Emma REB. Give it up for.....Shiloh Nelson.

Shiloh: (Blushed happily) Hey.....

Ion: A champion among champions. Proudly known as the "Ace Of Games". His Buddy is Deity Gargantua "Zenith". Bow Down Before.....Teng Hou Ren.

Hou Ren: LET'S GO.

On the spectator side.....

Natalie: Good Luck Hou Ren. You too Shiloh.

Daryl: They sure look like all stars.

Masato: For Share. They got this.

With everyone gathered, Ion makes her announcement.

Ion: And with that, here's the tournament bracket.

A screen of the tournament bracket is revealed.

Ion: In the first match, It's Hou vs Rouga. The Second, Ranma vs J Genesis. The Third, Shiloh vs Sophia. And the last, it's Lost Ren vs Devil Destroy Bigmachine.

Ranma: (Surprised) I'm up against J Genesis?

Lost Ren: So I'm last.....

Hou Ren: This is going to be fun.

Ion: One Day One Match Everyone. Now let's get the first match underway. 

As the crowd cheer, Hou Ren and Rouga steps up onto the fighter's platforms.

Rouga: I always wanted to face you. 

Hou Ren: Likewise. The stronger the opponents, the better this match will be.

Rouga: You may be the leader of the Draknights, but the wolf will feast on even the Dragons.

Hou Ren: We'll see.

Rouga: This terrible blood rage will destroy all! Run Wild, Cerberus. Dark Luminize! Raging Tyrant Arc Two!

Hou Ren: A deity dragon brigade descends on the battlefield. Come On. Gather. Champions of Great Strength. Dark Luminize, Dradeity "Z".

Ion & Tako: And....BUDDYFIGHT.

Both: Raise the Flag.

Rouga: Danger World.

Hou Ren: Dragon...EIN.

All: WHAT?

Ion: Dragon EIN? 

Hou Ren: Can't I use my real deck for this fight?

Kyoya: I knew he would use that. 

Rouga: You sure know how to make a flashy move. (Sigh) Come At Me.

Ion: The first move goes to Hou himself.

Hou Ren: Draw. Charge & Draw. 

Ion: Hou starts of by drawing cards and buddycalled Garga to the right. He also equips Garblade Zenith and deals 2 damage to the opponent. Ending his turn there.

Rouga: Draw. Charge & Draw. I buddycall Tyrant Cerberus REB to the right. (Gain 1 life)

Cerberus howls as he enters.

Ion: There's his buddy.

Rouga: Cerberus's ability. Equip.....(Equips Item) Kijin Demon Slay. I call Tyrant Jinn to the left. 

Jinn: (Appears) May my master's wish be granted.

Rouga: Cast. Tyrant Recharge. I gain 2 gauge and draw 2 cards. Since Cerberus is on the field, I gain 2 life. Kijin Demon Slay's ability. I draw one card.

Ion: Amazing. Rouga just went back to full life.

Takokichi: Moreover, he also increased his hand.

Rouga: Cast. Burst of the Tyrant Beast. For this turn, All of my cards gain 1 extra critical. And they also gain double attack. Cerberus. Attack the fighter.

Cerberus: (Attacks) I'll turn you into scrap.

Hou Ren's Life: 11 -> 7

Rouga's Life: 10 -> 12

Cerberus: Double attack.

Hou Ren: Cast. Deity Dragod Shield. (Gain effects)

Ion: Hou blocks the attack and gained resources.

Rouga: Jinn, follow him.

Hou Ren's Life: 9 -> 6

Ion: Another 3 damage. And with Jinn's ability, Rouga's Life increases even more.

Rouga: Double attack.

Hou Ren's Life: 6 -> 3

Rouga: (Attacks) What's wrong? Cat got your tongue. Kijin Demon Slay.

Garga: Hou Ren!!!

Hou Ren: Cast. Black Dragon Shield. (Reduce damage) You really couldn't wait? G-EVO Z activate. Change. Gargantua Dvalin.

Garga: (G-EVO) Gargantua Dvalin.

Ion: There it is. G-EVO Z. And now that Hou's Life is below 6, his cards also gain 20000 defense for this turn.

Hou Ren: That's not all. Dvalin's effect. Replicate 1 & 2 to the center and left.

Garga's replicates are summoned.

Hou Ren: Also, Garblade's Zenith's ability. (Stabs the ground)

Rouga's Life: 18 -> 16

Rouga: Not bad. My turn is over.

Ion: Rouga launched 5 attacks, but Hou survives by the skin of his teeth. However, their life difference is really huge as Rouga increased his life to 16. 

Takokichi: It's all thanks to Burst of the Tyrant and his cards. Creating a combo. 

Ion: Can Hou turn the tables on him? Let's find out.

Hou Ren: Draw. Charge & Draw. Cast. Gar-Orcale Zenith. I gain 2 gauge, draw 2 cards and gain 2 life.

Ion: Incredible. Now Hou increased his life.

Hou Ren: Just because you're bigger than me doesn't mean you have the advantage. I cast. Gar-Lightning Destroy. I force the opponent to discard two cards from their hand.

Rouga: (Discards) Ugh.

Hou Ren: Cast Again. Gar-Lightning Destroy. 

Ion: Unbelievable. Hou just fired two Gar-Lightning Destroy and destroys his hand further. With that spell casted twice, Hou also gets to draw 2 more.

Hou Ren: Garga. Destroy Cerberus. 

Garga: As you wish. (Attacks)

Garga and Cerberus dueled but Garga defeats him easily.

Cerberus: I'm sorry, Rouga. (Destroyed)

Rouga: Cerberus!!!

Hou Ren: Destroy Jinn Next.

Garga destroys Jinn.

Ion: Whoa, all of Rouga's monsters are destroyed.

Daryl: That's quite clever. Hou knew that those monsters can increase Rouga's Life. So he took his chance to eliminate them.

Masato: For share, he's skilled.

Hou Ren: Replicate 1 & 2. Get him.

Rouga's Life: 16 -> 14 -> 12

Hou Ren: Dvalin's ability. The replicates vanish and you must discard two and take two damage.

The replicates returned to his hand and Garga throws his giant shurikens at Rouga. 

Rouga: (Hit) Errgh.

Shiloh: Rouga's On the Ropes.

Hou Ren: (Attacks) Here I come Rouga.

Rouga: I'm ready, Hou Ren. Come On.

Both Hou & Rouga exchange blows by clashing with their weapons. As both unleash their fury, neither is backing down. Eventually, Rouga left one spot open by accident and Hou pierces his sword through him.

Rouga's Life: 10 -> 8

Hou Ren: Revert. Garga. And attack the fighter. 

Garga: (Reverts) As you wish. (Attacks)

Rouga: I cast. Battle Aura Circle.

Hou Ren: I end my turn.

Ion: Wow. Hou Ren forced Rouga to discard a huge amount. Talk about a major disadvantage. But now it's Rouga's turn. Let's see how he responds.

Rouga: You're not bad. But. Draw. Charge & Draw. Once again Cerberus to the right. Tyrant Jinn to the left.

Lost Ren: Great, they're back at it again.

Hou Ren: I wouldn't be so sure. Cast. Corrupted Snare. (Eyes glow purple) 

All of Rouga's cards are immobilized. Rouga grunts.

Hou Ren: Not gonna fool me twice.

Rouga: Then Try this one for size. I cast. Survival Chance "Enhance". I draw 2 cards. Since my item is here, I draw one more.

Ion: Rouga increased his hand. But no matter what he does, he still can't attack.

Rouga: Cast. Rage Of The Tyrant. I pay up to 5 life and increase my item's critical equal to the same amount. In this case, 5.

Garga: Now Kijin Demon Slay has a critical of 9.

Rouga: Cast. Deep Qigong of the Hungry Wolf. (Gains 2 life) Not yet, I still gain 6 life.

Ion: What the? Rouga just increased his life to 11.

Rouga: And that's not all. Cast. Distraction of despot. (Pays 1 life & 3 gauge) The opponent discards all of their hand cards.

Hou Ren: What? (Discards his entire hand)

Shiloh: All of his hand cards are discarded !!!

Lost Ren: But he still can't attack.

Hou Ren: Just one thing I must confirm. You entering attack phase?

Rouga: Since you want it badly, Why not.

Hou Ren: G-EVO Z Activate. Change. Gargantua Excel Mage. 

Garga: (G-EVOs) Gargantua Excel Mage.

Ion: Oh. Garga just G-EVO. But why though?

Hou Ren: From the dropzone, I cast Gar-Oracle Z. Once again. I gain 2 gauge, draw 2 cards & gain 2 life.

Ion: Now Hou's at full life too. Thanks to Excel Mage and Gar-Oracle Z. (Draws two cards and reacts in calm shock)

Rouga: That's it? Final Phase.

Hou & Garga are surprised.

Rouga: Cast. Final Battle Skill, Terra Demon Slay. 

Rouga's Axe glows with his spirt behind him.

Hou Ren: A new impact???

Rouga: With this, This Impact deals damage equal to the total critical of my cards. It cannot be reduced and nullified and the opponent cannot revive either. 

Daryl: Oh No. If that Impact lands, Hou will lose.

Masato: Uh Oh.

Rouga: (Attacks) This is my....TRUE POWER.

Rouga lands his mega axe onto the opponent and deals damage. It creates large waves of smoke and everyone is in shock. As Rouga lands the axe however, Golden Light came out of it and it somehow makes the axe struggle.

Rouga: What?

As the smoke clears, Hou, who is unfazed and shadowed, is holding the axe with his bare hands and pushes the axe back to Rouga.

Rouga: What?

Ion: How Did He Survive? 

Hou Ren: One thing you should know. I never fall down easily. (Reveals his spell) Immortal Draknight.

Rouga remembers the moment Hou draws the card and reacts in surprise.

Rouga: (Thought in shock) So that's how... (Thought) You really are the Ace of Games I give you that.

Hou Ren smiles in response.

Ion: What Luck. Hou survived by the skin of his teeth. He really is A Champion among champions.

Garga: That's My Buddy For you. Strong as ever.

Everyone else just went a sigh of relief.

Masato: That Hou never ceases to give up does he?

Cross: Nope.

Agito: He's a man among men.

Shiloh feels glad while Lost Ren feels impressed and calm.

Kyoya: But even with that spell, he has one turn left. It's all down to this. Show me what you're capable of.

Hou Ren breathes and lets out a sigh.

Hou Ren: Activate Disaster Force.

Hou's Hair grows long as Dark power surrounds him. The stage is rumbling and everyone starts to wobble and feel surprise. Rouga & Lost Ren however, remains stable and calm as they witnessed him drawing power. Kyoya also feels the same. Hou's vibe however becomes somewhat dark.

Hou Ren: Earlier when you landed the attack, I can feel your impacts power. Like real power. You used your disaster force, didn't you?

Rouga: So you noticed. 

Hou Ren: Alright. Suit yourself. Then I might as well not hold back. Draw. Charge & Draw. Kaizer Dog "Abyss" to the left.

Kaizer Dog: (Appears) You howl, I answer dog.

Hou Ren: When placed, I gain 2 gauge and for this turn, his attacks cannot be nullified when attacking alone. Set spell, Diabolos Band. Garga. Crush Cerberus for me.

Garga: As you wish. (Destroys Cerberus)

Rouga grunts.

Hou Ren: Not done yet. Showtime. (Returns 5 cards from his dropzone to the deck)

Hou Ren & Garga: Excel Mage Blaster. (Deals Damage)

Rouga: AHHHHH....

Ion: Unbelievable, Rouga receives 5 damage. And with Excel Mage, Hou gains 5 life.

Hou Ren: (Hits Rouga) Garblade Zenith.

Rouga's Life: 5 -> 3

Kaizer Dog: Allow Me. (Slash Rouga)

Rouga's Life: 3 -> 1

Ion: Rouga's Like A Candle in the Wind.

Hou Ren: Revert Garga. Also Stand Kaizer & Myself.

Garga reverts and Kaizer Dog & Zenith Stands.

Hou Ren: (Attacks) Say your prayers.

Rouga: Cast. Battle Aura Spirit. (Glows Aura and blocks the attack) For this turn, I gain 30000 defense.

Ion: That means Kaizer & Zenith won't hit. Even with a link attack.

Hou Ren: I'm not alone. Double Cast. Gar-Cmon. From the Dropzone. Trickcat "Asher" & Blackout Bird to the center.

Garcat & Garbird arrive in the center in their Hero World & Dungeon World forms.

Both: Surprise.

Ion: Whoa. Garcat & Garbird also joined. And thanks to the set spell, Hou is also allowed to have two monsters in the center. 

Takokichi: Dragon World. Legend World. Dungeon World. Magic World. Hero World. 5 Worlds In Total. Incredible, Chu.

Daryl: Oh My...

Masato: It's like a rainbow of colours.

Hou Ren: Unity is what makes us Strong. That's what the Draknights are mainly about. We're not just a team of vigilantes. We're family. Aren't we, Guys?

Garga & Gar Trio: YES. 

All of the Knight's Aura glows. They're all in different colours.

Shiloh & Ranma: (Amazed) Woah.

Rouga: So this is....your power. But it still won't break through my defense.

Hou Ren: I discard Fortune Dragon, Daisetzukai from my hand. Increase all of my cards power by 10000. And since my buddy is on the field, I can attack even if there's a monster in my center.

Rouga: WHAT?

Hou Ren: And Finally I cast, Sunlight Beam. I get to attack again and increase power & critical.

Rouga: That's Too Much....

Ion: Woah....That's overwhelming power...

Hou Ren: Knights, It's time to unify our powers as one. We're going to finish this in one blow.

Garga & Gar Trio: YES SIR.

Everyone attacks Rouga.

Hou Ren: Fare thee well....ROUGA ARAGAMI.

Rouga witness this in surprise and finally, the attack lands and somehow Rouga is in joy as he being delivered the final blow.

Rouga: (Thought while smiling) Even though I lost.....This felt enjoyable. (Thought)

Rouga's Flag was destroyed.

Ion: HE DID IT. Game End. Winner, Teng Hou Ren.

Hou Ren, Garga & Gar Trio cheered bright as the crowd cheered loud. Hou Ren's friends cheered loud too and Shiloh & Kyoya clap their hands for that wonderful display of unity. 

Kyoya: (Thought) I knew making you the new flag's owner was the right choice. Well Done, Hou Ren. (Looks at Rouga) And to you, old friend. You've grown stronger again. Well played, both of you.(Thought)

Both Rouga and Hou Ren shake hands while feeling impressed with one another.

Rouga: I never thought I say this but.....Good Luck On Your Next Match.

Hou Ren: Yeah.....Still what do you want to do now?

Rouga: Continuing our work of course. Don't forget, we still have a job to do.

Hou Ren: (Turns serious) Right.

Cerberus: Gargantua Dragon.....Now that you are victorious, you better represent the both of us in your next match.

Garga: Indeed, Hou Ren and I will carry your hearts with us as we battle.

The four of them then set off on in different directions. Unbeknownst to them, J Genesis And Kyoya are watching them from afar.

Kyoya: That was magnificent. It turned out better than expected. (Turned to J Genesis) You're up next.

J Genesis: Yes.....Ranma Kakogawa. User of Lost World huh? This shouldn't be a waste of time. (Thought while having doubts) Just like that plan of yours....(Thought)

Meanwhile Ranma and Destroyer are staring at their next matchup on a giant screen.

Ranma: Hou. You may be strong. But I won't lose. Wait for me. My Friend

Anime Ending: B.O.F.


Ranma: Ranma here. It's my turn to fight next. And I'm up against the former head of the Gaen Financial Group. Next time, "Mirror Dimension Vs Lost Dimension". Join us for a Buddyfight.

Story End.