Chapter 4(Second Part)

Usually in the evening, at nightfall, the masters are accompanied by their hooker roses, the guards provide surveillance and some women go outside to share their anger.

However this night, the routine is left out except for the raging crowd that makes itself very well heard outside.

Several different voices resound in the places and demand the same thing, a firmer and stricter judgment.

These people form a large circle of people motivated by rage, the largest party of them holds stones in their hands while some hold flame spears in their hands.

-<< Do not tire us! Judgment, judgment, judgment! >> very strongly claims these many people dressed in white with clothes in a hippie theme.

Suddenly the comments are replaced by a private and secret hymn made in perfect synchronization by all present.

The reason for this change of mood comes from the appearance of a young woman of seventeen years, she may look harmless, but is she really?

-<< Respect for our ancestors, let’s go back to the three-way hymn, let’s let the others vent if they want. >> serenely declares a large brunette with piercing eyes, she quickly waltzes her long hair back and puts herself in position.

From the outset, a strong atmosphere was born in the middle of the big field, most of them let off steam by shouting their sorrows on the teenager, they blame her for the misfortune of their lost loved ones without bothering to pick up each stone thrown to throw it as hard as possible to the ground several times, missing to touch it with.

The teenager in question is reduced to silence and to the title that is being criticized today when he was forced to take it. She feels ashamed to hear different voices echo in her head.

She maintains all the blame slammed at her, "You are not up to your masters, you have no right to cross our eyes! " or "Keep your mouth shut if you do not want to feed our rage that will fall even more on you, insolent, ungrateful!" and also, "Ill-mannered Rose, learn respect and not pollute our field of vision with your cursed face! " as well as "Fifteen years and already troublemaker to steal a man from his wife, dirty concubine".

"Silence! Let my rose celebrate her majority." says Justin soberly, he insists on keeping quiet enough and smiles at the teenager in his company. Eighteen years old tonight at midnight, let’s enjoy the party! " he said tenderly.

Justin ignores the beings against his custom of roses and prefers to make Elodie dance by his side while Lenore stands on a throne wisely and fixes the void.

"Look how beautiful my bride is. This day is splendid! As soon as the sun rises, we will marry." He says while passing his hands along the new woman’s pelvis. Of course, I would release you at that time, I want to be faithful to my future wife," the latter announces proudly.

Elodie grabs her lips and cries silently, letting herself be guided in the dance. "I hate this outfit, dressed like a dancer." She closes her eyes for a moment. "As much as I wear a lot of fabrics there right away, I will never forget that I was allowed to undress one day without my consent." She thinks with a broken heart.

Feeling a strong sorrow, she sobs feebly, without disobeying Justin.

Lenore remains neutral and sits on her throne like a doll, she shares no interest in all the charming decoration installed for her, nor the delighted hunters and dancers and even less the many women debouts in the distance, singing their hymn. Catherine Sagieste is the most popular of these rebellious women and is above all Justin’s first and only wife.

Catherine stands out from the crowd and claps her hands while waltzing the bottom of her dress from front to back.

" Dans chaque ruine, une concubine y est. Ces drôlesses, à leurs vus les hommes vaillants, jadis respectueux, s'en lèchent les babines. Feinte ! "

She sings very loud. at her involvement, everyone respects her enough to join her or just to shut up and listen to her.

" Elles se mêlent des couples parfaits, ces pimbêches séparent Roméo et Juliette avant que la mort le fasse et en rient droit dans nos faces, minables pouffiasses. Feinte !"

Catherine resumes while dangerously approaching the star of the evening.

" Drôlesses, vulgaires et déplaisantes, ces diablesses sont sans retenue et font honte à tout être au féminin. Feinte ! Ces concubines renommées roses, elles causent des drames en grosses doses et ne pensent guère aux femmes de leurs boss. Feinte !"

The rest of the huntswomen sing in their hearts as Catherine steps forward to one of the guards.

"Insoutenable et regrettable cette injustice provoquée par des dociles aux langages invectives, elles ne se tâtent pas pour semer la pagaille. Feinte ! "

They continue in perfect synchronization. Without warning, Catherine takes the gun of one of the guards and points it in the direction of Lenore.

" Ses roses ? Non ! racoleuses. Elles causent des drames en grosses doses et ne pensent guère aux femmes de leur boss. "

The hymn ends, the hunters are silent and at the same time, a silence settles again, out of respect for their hymn.

"Nos vemos." mumbles Catherine.

Satisfied with her scene, Catherine gets excited and shoots at the hiding place.

Justin is the first to recognize both the sound of voice and the shot, he repels elodie and rushes in the direction of Lenore, she who as usual remains motionless and prays for a death easier than her life.

"Non ! " screams Justin during his race so hastily that he loses balance and falls to the ground.

Lenore remains neutral...