Leroy spends the rest of the evening reflecting in his veranda. He ignores Aelan who brings Lenore with her.
"She had a lot of fun, I think. " she said, standing beside him. "Thank you little brother. The whole pack needed a childish night like this. I feel young again, like I had... like I was 12 again. Said she before running away from him.
"twelve years .... She will run after Andrew again. "Deduct him by getting up from the chair.
Once out of the veranda, he enters his living room and freezes to see Lenore asleep on his chair.
"Yes, it is true, until tomorrow." he remembers going towards her, "... I believe that this veil must prevent her from breathing properly."
He carries it in his arms like a baby and removes the veil.
"I really hope she’s asleep, not dead." In fact, she really has a beautiful face, she has potential." He slides his hand to his right cheek.