-<< Don't say too much to Leroy. >> Absalom recommends to her out loud to be sure that she hears him despite the distance that is becoming more and more between them. His wife is speechless for a few seconds and cries while trying to assimilate what he is saying to her.
-<< Leroy, what does he have to do in this story? >> Luxana questions dryly, without hesitating to hold on to one of the branches of the tree she passes by. Once the wind no longer takes her away from her husband, she asks him to stay close to her, "Absalom, don't leave me! >>
-<< You will understand when you wake up. >> Absalom shouts to her as he is quickly taken away from her. Luxana lets out a powerful cry of pain at the sight of her husband leaving her again, then she begins to cry with her head bowed down.