Easily, he begins a confident approach towards the exit and takes care to avoid the glances of his sister and to appear as confident and natural as possible, in order not to create any suspicion concerning him, on the contrary rather to indifference.
-<< So like that, sir wants to insinuate indifference regarding this subject eh. He who suddenly gives in to my party in an indirect and cowardly manner...believe me, it's not going to happen like that. There is no way you two will be separated just as there is no way you two will be tied together unprepared. >> she expresses to her own conscience while chewing the candy in her mouth. Immediately, she turns towards her interlocutor and stamps her foot on the ground to challenge him. << Well, I thought it was Lovely's job to marry him. >> Aelan voluntarily reminds him without letting go of his prey.