(A funeral is being held as the coffin that Luo Sheng is in gets buried. Luo Feng, Skye, and the students of the dojo are all present. Skye holds the portrait of Luo Sheng as everyone present drops flowers on the coffin. Rain pours down as they bury the coffin. Later on, Skye visits the grave of Luo Sheng.)
You really are an idiot, Sheng. We promised each other that we would become the world’s best swordsmen. But you had to try your luck by wielding the dragon Blade. Even though, you knew that the sword had rejected you. Master Feng had decided to lock up the Dragon Blade… since it has become a cursed sword. He had made sure that no one will be able to wield that sword again…
(She sobs. Then she wipes away her tears.)
But I assure you Sheng. I’ll inherit your dreams and your will in becoming the World’s best Swordsman. And in order to do that, I’ll take down Jack Alderman and seize his title.