(The crowd have gathered for the coronation of the new King of the East Kingdom, King Shelby. He has a brown bowl cut hair with freckles on his face. He has rabbit teeth at the front of his mouth and he’s a skinny guy. He’s on his carriage about to be crowned the new King of the East Kingdom. Beside him is his loving wife Fiona who won the beauty competition of Ms. East. She’s dressed in a princess dress that’s pink in color that shows off her cleavage. And a corset tightened around her waist. She’s wearing high heeled shoes made of glass.)


Ah, today is the day that I’m going to be crowned King. My father would be very happy to see me that I’ve succeeded him and not to mention that I have a beautiful wife beside me. Ms. East.


I’m glad that I married you Shelby my love. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have won, the beauty contest.