I love you

Lucia POV

What?"she exclaimed

"let me explain"

Allison pov

What could lucia be saying vampires dont get pregnant! "i thought to myself

" but u are not only a vampire but also a human and humans do get pregnant"she said

I slumped on the chair trying to process what she just said

"but why does it hurt?" i asked

"that's is a question only u can answer?" she said

"how can i answer this"

"whos the person u say u love"she asked and then i knew i was died if i tell her she will tell dad

"promise me u wont tell dad" i said

"i promise

" jackson" i whispered and she heard it

"what!, jackson the alpha prince the one whose father your father hates so much he's the reason u dont want to marry roshan the reason u fight with ur father" she yelled and that made me flinched

"please stop, i love him he loves me"i said

"love see where love has gotten u, u dont know the implication of this pregnancy u dont know do u child" she yelled the more
