
Two weeks after Kayden's death, everyone had returned to their peaceful lives, whether demon or human continent. Both had begun to rebuild their destroyed homes.

After a long war against the Titans, it's finally over, although Evelyn's whereabouts are still unknown to us. I'm sure she's planning something and trying to mess with this world.

Moreover, she must have also joined Satan when in the void, I didn't find her at all. In other words, she had left long ago before Elise went there.

One war is over, and another is waiting; I muttered as I walked forward and stood beside Jessica, silently watching this lakeside scenery. My country is in the lake's centre, making it look beautiful in the late afternoon.

Jessica untied her hair, making her ponytail flow beautifully. Rather than stay with her race, she chose to stay here.

I started the conversation, "Kayden left me a message for you."

Her gaze was sad, but she already knew what it was.

"He doesn't love me, does he?"