New Bodies

I started lifting the crab that I had finished boiling and separating the shell and meat into different containers. I'll make the stew as soup instead.

Olivia had finished chopping the vegetables and started to move on to the frying pan, I gave her the stewed meat, and she started cooking with the sauce Valentina had made; we had to make 100 servings at first.

I turned my eyes towards our opponent, who had just finished coating the chicken with the sauce he had made with his partner. When he was done, he would bake it with a layer of leaves I had never seen before, similar to bananas but twice the size.

One of the spectators shouted, "Isn't that a magic leaf? They make the food smell better, and the grill will cook evenly."

"It's not strange that royal cuisine is always delicious."

I thought I had just learnt something new.