
After some time, Cecilia and Caroline were thrown towards me, their bodies looking battered. Even so, they were still able to get up. These people are influential.

"You're pretty relaxed, aren't you?" said Elvis, who appeared behind me while swinging his sword, which I blocked with Olivia's sword.

"I'm about to finish healing her. Can you wait first?"

"What do you think we are? Finish him, Dola."


Dola prepares to land her sword, and I hold her back with Valentina's sword; what troublesome people. I use a little of my magical energy until both of them are thrown away.

"Caroline, Cecilia, are you okay?"

"We're fine, Zack, but they're solid... their bodies aren't normal."

"I can feel that too," I reply to Cecilia.

If Satan was behind all this, it was only natural. He was a genius of the Alchemy technique that making such a formula was as easy as turning a palm.

"Please take care of Madison, and I will finish this quickly."