Benedict climbed the stairs, the path dark enough to reach the second floor of Agni's pyramid. Every two steps Benedict took, a torch was lit.
"Why do I feel such a strong aura of darkness and death on this floor," Benedict muttered as his hair stood on end.
As far as the eye could see, only a dark hallway was illuminated by one torch in front of Benedict. Every time a torch in front was lit, a torch was extinguished.
There was the sound of a woman laughing loudly. It added to Benedict's sense of dread.
But Benedict's determination did not stop him from leaving the secret portal. To maintain the vigilance of the awakening drive skill, Benedict is not disabled.
The view through the Super Glasses was still dark. As Benedict reached the second floor of the Agni pyramid, the atmosphere grew darker and colder, as if in a freezing hell.
To balance the temperature in his body, Benedict channelled the energy of The Veil of Fire's power up to Scarlet's power level.