Her Decision

[Denali’s POV]

I stare in disbelief while Rosco steadily holds his gaze on me. His eyes are full of so much honesty and earnestness that it makes my heart squeeze and my stomach do a little flip.

No, I whisper inwardly as I feel myself beginning to cave. If you do this, you’re just going to end up broken, like all the other times you tried to trust someone.

Right. This was just a passing fancy for him. Soon, the new moon ball would roll around, and there was a chance he would find his mate. If that happened, I would be free from this marriage, and I could have the freedom I wanted.

What Rosco and I had now was enough. I had someone on my side against my family, and I was more than grateful. I didn’t need to be more greedy. Doing that wasn’t fair to me or Rosco.

“Sorry,” I say quietly. “I can’t do that.”