
[Denali’s POV]

I watch Rosco’s expression as it changes from angry to downright enraged, and I can’t help but wonder what exactly Nadia had to say. Knowing her, she was clearly up to no good, but what could she say to make him look like that? I was both curious and hesitant.

“And if I say no?” He asks, then waits for a reply from the other end. “Fine. Send me the place.”

Finished speaking, he hangs up the phone and then looks at me with an unreadable expression before pulling me against him. Just from our bodies touching, I can feel everything he is, from angry to apprehensive, but the single emotion that sticks out the most is determination.

“What did she want?” I ask quietly, my curiosity winning out over my hesitance. “And how did she manage to break free of prison?”

“I don’t know,” he huffs, rubbing a hand across his face. “But she wants me to meet up with her.”