Why Is It You

[Denali’s POV]

I’m not sure how much time passes while I’m being held captive; a day, maybe two, could even be three. The only sense of time I had was from the meals that were delivered—well, if you could call it a meal. Stale bread and moldy cheese with water. Just enough to keep those being held alive, but not enough for them to be strong enough to fight back.

During my time, I got to know my neighbor. Her name was Maria, and her son was Tristan. They had been captured and brought here a year prior. So far, no one has managed to buy them, but that could change in a few days when the next auctions happen.

Before coming to this place, Maria was able to see, but when she decided to be defiant against the ring leader of this whole thing, he ruined her eyes, taking her sight in the process.