New Students

[Elise’s POV]

I wait as the girl Forrest is trying to get to stop clinging to him stares at me with eyes that hold the promise of violence. From the look on her face, it was clear she thought that she could easily kick my ass, but if she tried anything, she had another thing coming.

“Repeat that,” she finally says. “Because I don’t think I heard correctly.”

“But you did.” I counter, snaking my arms around Forrest’s neck and sliding my hands into his hair. “So if you could stop bothering him, that would be great.”

Tearing my gaze from hers, I meet Forrest’s deep blue gaze and feel a wave of shock rush through me. Was this bastard really getting turned on by something this simple?

Frowning, I examine his features until I realize his cheeks are slightly flushed and the tips of his ears are pink.

Smirking, I suddenly want to pick on him due to his being openly embarrassed over a woman touching him, but I’m stopped by a hand touching my shoulder.