The Poison Meant To Kill

Less than three weeks after the central army was dispatched to suppress the rebellion, word reached Himmeln that everything had calmed down. All the strategies had worked out well, supplies were smooth, and battles were won one after another.

The casualties of the central army were fewer than fifty, making it clear that it was a significant victory. The hidden purpose was to eradicate heresy, conceal it, and create a foundation for political cooperation with the Church of Duren. It was a flawless operation, and naturally, Himmeln was in a celebratory mood.

"In the end, that's all the common people can do."

"How on earth did they take over Palton Territory?"

"Shh, don't even pay attention."

The imperial majesty stood tall again.

The nobles were busy keeping quiet, knowing that Emperor Azgoth was withholding the facts behind the rebellion.

"It was going to end up like this. What kind of rebellion was that… ."