Going Back

Carl never had time to be alone, so he never got to talk to Camilla.

"See you next time!"

Vire really stayed by Carl's side until the very end, trying to protect him from the evil forces.

The reason she left waving her hand and saying goodbye was that Sam Bison, who had been occupied by the Central Army, had reached a distance where he could be seen with the naked eye.

From then on, Carl had even less free time.

It was impossible for him to spend time alone after joining the central army. There were always people around him, all paying excessive attention to his every word and action.

Eventually, Carl decided to return to Himmeln and make some time for himself.

He thought that if he managed it well, he might be able to carve out some moments of solitude. If that didn't work, he would only have time to himself after setting out on another expedition to the eastern part of the empire. It was truly inconvenient to have such a position.