Silent Farewell [3]

"To Carl."

That first sentence alone was so painful that Carl felt like he was about to burst into tears.

Carl, who treasured the numerous letters exchanged with Lilly, could sense the fear in his mother's handwriting.

"Spring has come again to Himmeln.

The weather has gotten warmer, so I went out for a walk this morning for the first time in a while, and there were already pretty flowers in bloom in the garden.

As I looked at the spring flowers in bloom, I thought of the dried flowers that Carl had given me as a gift.

Master Carl told me to go and look at the flowers until they bloomed so I wouldn't get bored, but the spring flowers were so pretty and lovely that I couldn't turn away from them, so I went back to my room and looked at them even more."

The writing, which clearly showed an effort to write as usual, was filled with, as always, concern and love for Carl.